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Everything posted by RUKH

  1. I have also got my confirmation from amazon.de :D I'll be busy setting up VAC until I get my mittens on the goods.
  2. A new first... I've been stacking up on medical supplies and have started running under fire to check out fallen ai squad members and pull them to safety, I have never done that in a game before. Today I ran "half way across Afghanistan" for my convoy to get hold of epinephrine to take care of my RO who got hit during our pullout. Ps. he's OK. Just a quick Q though...has the walking/aiming been "nerfed" a bit, it does not feel excessive but more than before.
  3. Last night I had my new TOP ArmA/OFP moment being surrounded smack dab in Afghan Village after my Coop buddy left me without overwatch, ACE+VopSound is my new smack...and my gf hates you for it! This mod is quite the rejuvenation that ArmA really needed. Thanks for the huge effort guys! The @ACE in my shortcut is here to stay! Btw, is the ai getting the same thorough work over as well? They seem to be the only weak link when used in conjunction this stellar mod. I've been eyeing GL3 but hesitate because of the xeh conflict. Edit: Has anyone tried the two mods together? Ps. Anyone else getting "melting faces" on the ai?
  4. RUKH


    rg7621, are there any updates on the eye/camera viewfix? My hipshooting is really aching for it
  5. RUKH

    Floating Zone

    I use maximum float and press Alt for precision shooting, works fine exept you can do 360 sweeps in "Alt mode".
  6. RUKH

    The Unsung Vietnam war MOD

    I keep checking this forum way to much for updates on The Unsung....my girlfrind might think I have an affair. ...and "soon" she might just be proven right....when I start shouting "10$ beaucoup!! 5$ each.." in my sleep.
  7. RUKH

    The Unsung Vietnam war MOD

    Right...new vegetation, sorry . But you will do better viewblocks then vanilla ArmA right?
  8. RUKH

    The Unsung Vietnam war MOD

    At close range there must be some insane musketesque dispersion for it to even matter Maybe the new Rommel ai suppression script (no more ai cheats) and the vegetationfix could leave the rifles as is.
  9. Sorry for my script noobness...but does this work in Warfare "out of the box" or do I have to scriptjiggi something?
  10. RUKH

    The Unsung Vietnam war MOD

    Awesome work! If there is one era that needs some serious hardworking modders....it's this one. Is there a possiblity for NVA trackers with K9's? Seem to remember them beeing deployed against the SOG teams. (Is it even possible to leave tracks in ArmA?) Sandy's, O-2's, Swedish K's, and all the Stoner variations? Ok...I could go on all day, I trust you'll make a great mod, good luck!
  11. RUKH

    Your Feedback on Queen's Gambit

    I have not recived mine yet I ordered the 24th damn it! Anyone aware of any shipping problems to Sweden?
  12. RUKH

    Chammys Sound Mod

    Can anyone else hear the faint "Oh sh1t" (or something along those lines) while firing the M16A4? I love this mod! But i find myself lipsyncing that line every time i squeese the trigger
  13. I just bought a SATA DVD drive (ASUS DRW-1814BLT) and it won't read my ArmA dvd. No firmware updates available and setting it to region 2 does nothing. Anyone have this drive, and how did it work for you?
  14. RUKH

    Patch 1.05 Error(s)

    Alot of people (me included) have tried several clean installs and still no luck. There is some other factor since a new XP install fixed it for me last time. And that is not acceptable to force upon your customers IMHO. My last succesfull patch was on a new XP and a totally unaltered German 1.00, but my still clean 1.02 would not accept 1.05.
  15. RUKH

    German DVD version

    I think you might be right, my first (and last) succesfull attempt at the 1.02 patch was probably after my windows crashed and had to be re-installed. And now i have the same problems with 1.05. BIS will have to provide some sort of means to fix this. I have cleaned with regedit from all things Bohemia and ArmA several times and still no luck.
  16. I tried the ignore, problem is that I don't think it really patches correctly as the M16a2 texture is still bugged. And as someone that has done 8 new installs.....the "english patch" is NOT the problem for all of us. There is something messing with the patching program or something to do with the copyprotection.
  17. Mine changes pbo every install (which is about 5-6 times now) I had this problem before and all that got it working was a random f*cking install.....no fix, no nothing. This crap has to be resolved. I've stuck with Bohemia through thick and thin but this is the second patch hassle in a row!!!
  18. Affraid I did dl the Intl. patch and have done 2 re-installs....still no go. The last time Air.pbo was the culprit so there is no apparent pattern.
  19. I got the same damn problem on a clean install....same as i had with 1.02.
  20. RUKH

    1.05 Slight Delay - Read News

    First time I'm happy to be at home sick from work! Bring it on!!! Off topic: Some asshat screwed up my cpu order so I won't get it today.....I'm a sad panda.
  21. RUKH

    Reloading while walking

    Funny thing is...this has never bothered me. I can't think of a time where a slow "reloadwalk" would have saved my life, on the other hand I have learned to keep count and take cover whenever the need arise to change mags. I even do this in Red Orchestra. This has probably saved my pixelated life alot more than being able to move around while reloading. 1: Don't get caught with you pants down! 2: Don't walk around trying to zip 'em up!
  22. RUKH

    How to disable "HDR"?

    It's an added tactical (dis)advantage and I like it! Try to plan your action to include the sun in your back......or attack at night
  23. RUKH

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    I don't think that after 5 rounds "go wild" fix is any good. It's not very realistic having more recoil just because you have depressed the trigger for more than a second. Maybe barrel heat could be added somehow to stem the 200rnd bursters. And the recoil is not the issue when itcomes to the SAW, it is very heavy and fires a pretty mild round for it's weight. Instead emphasis should be set on making it more cumbersome to swing around. Let's not make the MG's into the Red Orchestra way of +5 rnds burst = AA-gun, no nerfing please!
  24. RUKH

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    Awesome, much more realistic IMO. Nice work!