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Everything posted by Przemek_kondor

  1. Przemek_kondor

    Development Blog & Reveals

  2. Yes, I made mistake (I accelerated day instead of night). So does it work or not? If not: -rememeber to use -showScriptErrors (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters#Developer_Options) parameters to see errors on screen -use logs: hint or http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/diag_log to debug
  3. IIR "sleep" doesn't work in triggers so using execVM is required. But maybe this trick would work in trigger: temp = [] spawn {while {true} do {if ((daytime > 6) and (daytime < 18)) then { skipTime 1; }; sleep (5 * 60); };};
  4. while {true} do { if ((daytime > 6) and (daytime < 18)) then { skipTime 1; }; sleep (5 * 60); };
  5. No, checkbox does not have "setter": https://dev-heaven.net/issues/12869
  6. Przemek_kondor

    Development Blog & Reveals

    This size you can get just by clicking on the image :rolleyes: or use browser's "show image" option
  7. Przemek_kondor

    Community Nutritional Information

    Anyone else?
  8. Przemek_kondor

    Will arma 3 have a demo and when will it be released

    IMO opinion demo should come with at least one good (showing game's potential) MP mission (kind of current Warfare or coop with many tasks), not bunch of DM / TDM we got last time (which are totaly different to what you get with full version) Btw: For some (including me) demo (whatever form) is really important. It's not only ~40E for DVD. New arma always means new computer what takes another 500E (MoBo, CPU, RAM, PSU, GPU)
  9. Przemek_kondor

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    Seasons: affecting terrain (snow, grass, velocity of vehicles / running people), plants (leafs, colors of leafs / grass), clothes of civilians, dust / mud / snow on vehicles, ice on ponds.
  10. Haha, now 'code' which is quoted is gray on gray
  11. Another one: in dark theme 'code' divs have white text on white background read this in dark theme btw: where is the preview button?
  12. My small complains / things I would like to change: Bohemia Interactive Dark: -icons are too bright and difference between new posts icon and normal icon is too small comparing to their brightness in surrounding dark areas -quoted text (in post) and styles / languages list boxes are too bright General: -forum icons and topic icons have completely inconsistent styles -2nd line under the topic name in topic list ("Started by username") is not important and could be smaller Search Results topic list: -in search results topic list the titles are cut (should be at least ellided) -if you add titles to column instead to each cell (Replies / Views, Last post, Forum) - we get more topics on page and content will more clear (less redundant repetitive text)
  13. Przemek_kondor

    Development Blog & Reveals

    The screen with jets shows low res ground texture - I hope it's WIP or DoF effect or something. I do not want Charnorus sat texture mistake once again.
  14. Isn't there something like cache used internally by graphic card? Games don't have access to it directly, but whenever resource (mostly textures) is freed, it's not really errased from memory but kept to be loaded faster next time.
  15. Przemek_kondor

    ArmA 3 Scripting

    I think Java was chosen because of BIS developers preference not some big kick ass advantages over others languages. btw: I see everybody put here their own lost wishes. Mine was: JavaScript - very expressive and not verbose.
  16. Przemek_kondor

    ArmA 3 Scripting

    I understand "better" means "I prefer"? Otherwise what makes C# much better than Java especially when we're talking about scenarios coding? Most probably there will be linux version of dedicated server - are there mature .NET or whatever is needed to interpret C# on linux?
  17. Przemek_kondor

    ArmA 3 Scripting

    Is it going to be another Java vs C# "discussion"?
  18. Przemek_kondor

    Automatic Updates

    And what is better in being official? I don't see any advantages over applications we already have
  19. Przemek_kondor

    Automatic Updates

    IMO it could be integrated with "Expansions" item (http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o55/HawkHurst/arma2oa.jpg). So not only game updater but also addons updater (it such will be implemented). You could manually request "Check for updates" or the game would check it in background when idle (some checkbox disabling automatic checking would be nice too).
  20. Przemek_kondor

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    To me it looks like the real time cube map applies only to closest car and reflects only buildings. Cube maps are generated by changing rendering target, not by using additional shaders.
  21. Przemek_kondor

    VOTE - "Most Anticipated Game 2012"

    Why Arma3 is at the end of the list which looks like sorted alphabetically?
  22. Przemek_kondor

    Realtime immersive - Militar simulator cryengine

    What physics you meant? Or what visuals? - I've seen ~300-500m view distance with small repetitive textures on buildings and ground on 20FPS.
  23. Przemek_kondor

    Merry Christmas Bohemia

    (Looking at your avatar) You wish to yourself?
  24. Przemek_kondor

    Merry Christmas Bohemia

    Has the Christmas been moved this year?