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Everything posted by NeoArmageddon

  1. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    The config from the enemy units. Escape is mostly using the vanilla loadouts from mods and vanilla and is only removing objects (for example the map). When you want to add other unit classes, you have to edit unitclasses.sqf. If you want other loadouts, the best way is to create a config addon which adds those loadouts to the units.
  2. Why? You can just click the error message away and play australia.
  3. Or (more likely) a thirdparty terrain is tinkering with the CAWorld class (or similar). Run CUP Terrains without any other terrain mods and readd them bit by bit to find the one with faulty config. TerrainSynth config parameter was not in A1. CUP Terrains fixes this for most terrains but some A1 terrains may alter the config and removing the fix by itself.
  4. Google Drive on website is updated. Other mirrors and torrents aswell as the terrain updates will follow Soon™
  5. GD should be updated soon™.
  6. What you describe sounds like a hardware failure that only comes into play, when a program taps more RAM than usual (64bit + Terrains). You can test this with Memtest.exe or something like this. You could also try running A3 64bit with -maxmem=2047 (or lower). Just an idea
  7. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    Okay, sounded like it with "Continue" and "Crash to desktop". The other points are still valid. And make sure your server config doesn't have autoinit value. Australia is a very error prone map (like most "life"-terrains). There is a lot of model and config stuff going on that may break server/clients when combined with other mods or units. I am pretty sure that your CTD is not because of the mission itself but because of the terrain and maybe an interaction with the units in the mission.
  8. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    @darkfurby1 is right. The wall of the shack is to thin to have random placed units inside without the possibility of some to spawn outside. Actually they don't spawn outside, they spawn on the inside and another unit is pushing them through the wall. The shack template will most likely be removed and/or replaced completly.
  9. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    Heyho. That sounds like you are hosting the mission in your client. As the download page states, client hosting is not supported. You can start a dedicated server on your computer in the background with "-server" commandline. The falling in the sea is the result of some player not having the australia terrain or having a different/corrupted version. This is not a problem with the mission itself.
  10. Select objects, hit Ctrl+C, tab out of Arma and into an texteditor of your choice, hit Ctrl + V. When you paste it in a fn_something it is even the type of function you want. All objects are relative to the mouse position when you hit Ctrl+C.
  11. MapBuilder can import stuff placed in Editor and export them as sqf scripts (that recreate the composition on original or another spot when called).
  12. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    That is intentional but was broken due to a bug. The alarm goes off, when the AI becomes aware of a player having a weapon (not the other way around).
  13. NeoArmageddon

    Virtual Reality ARMA - Oculus/HTC Vive

    No... "video signal" is not possible from a modding standpoint. For testing I used either VorpX or Reshade with stereo shader, but both look crappy in the headset when full body tracking is in. In the vidoe above I didn't even had a signal in the headset and just played with the controllers. Real stereo rendering from the engine is the only mandatory tech vor VR that does not work for A3 as of now.
  14. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    Devbuild 139 fixed a logic bug and tweaked some values. Especially "Cadet" and "Easy" are easier now (Easy comparable to before the AI patch) and "Normal" should be as it was meant to be back in early A3. Please note that the AI in the last year was dumber as intended as BI broke AI a few patches back. Now it is more like it was meant to be.
  15. NeoArmageddon

    Virtual Reality ARMA - Oculus/HTC Vive

    Like this? But this is almost everything that is possible. A3 wasn't built for VR and without a native connection between OpenVR and the RV engines graphics layer, there is not a feasible solouting for A3 VR.
  16. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    Good find. I will think of a way to fix this without touching all markers.
  17. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    Caching will most likely interfere with Escape as it uses it's own caching system. Even if it works, you will most likely not gain any performance from it. You can't really edit a sqm in texteditor, you need to open the mission in the ingame editor and place planes by hand.
  18. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    The boats are hand placed in the editor, so you will find them in the mission.sqm. Just search for the classnames. For example: class Item49 { dataType="Object"; class PositionInfo { position[]={11600.451,1.2970161,2515.7061}; angles[]={0,5.5055714,0}; }; side="Empty"; class Attributes { presence=0.2; }; id=168; type="C_Boat_Civil_01_F"; atlOffset=2.3900001; [...] presence is the probability for spawning. The question is not "how?" but "why?". Hehe. Anyway: Good job. We don't ask for donation because we love Arma, we love playing Escape together and we love sharing this expierence and all improvements we made with you guys. But if you really insist on buying us a coffee (or a tea for Scruffy to be precise), you can write me a PM.
  19. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    Doubt it, there is nothing special about Escape AI. It is basically just normal ArmA3 AI with waypoints as they were placed in editor. The while dynamic of the AI is just because of the scripts that place and move those waypoints.
  20. Adanteh wrote some awesome new UI tech for the next MapBuilder update (WIP):
  21. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    That answer still doesn't help me in trying to figure out what your problem is. You sould state: What is EXACTLY the problem? Does the mission not show up on your server? Does it show up but does not start? Does it start but is unplayable due to an error? What steps did you tried already? Have you read the readme and description? Have you ever installed another mission on your server that works? Are you familiar with the differences of addons pbos and mission pbos? Have you checked your arma error log (called RPT) for error and warning messages?
  22. With CUP Core you mean CUP Terrains Core? Than no, you definitly don't need it for the Hueys. The problem must be something else. The error sounds like a probem or missing dependency with NAM/Unsung
  23. Sorry for that, but it is outdated aonce 0.9 anyway. I will update the docs as soon as I have some free time and wrapped up the UI overhaul. If you need help, feel free to ask here.
  24. NeoArmageddon

    co10 Escape

    What is the problem?
  25. Experimental build with an attempt to fix the Pitch/Bank export to TB: http://anzp.de/upload/MapBuilder_0_9_2_dev.7z I need some feedback if this worked and, if not, how the objects end in TB. Unfortunatly I don't have a test terrain in TB to test it right now. Pitch is Shift+Ctrl+Left mouse and Bank is Ctrl+Alt+Left mouse. Kudos to zgmrvn for his find of the TB value range of pitch/bank.