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Everything posted by MonsterXXX

  1. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    Goliath, This is my testing result: 1. Medic does not healing wounded soldier. 2. After reinserted helo RTB and waiting for next call medevac action, but appear a hint: "Medevac support already action" the helo does not moving when you action call medevac manu. 3. Now, reinsert, abort reinsertion and RTB action was good working. Getting more better than before.
  2. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    When I testing in game preview the I have same issue with Vengeance, medic does not join. But when I board in helo the medic will sit in co-pilot seat. When reinsert helo just hovers then I abort reinsert helo does not RTB. Same issun happned on dedi server.
  3. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    OK. If you have CO you don't need to change any classname from usergonfig\MM\unit_array.hpp. But if you would like to change heli and unit. Yes, if you using launcher that mean you don't need to copy the text to the arma shortcut.
  4. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    Why don't you use arma luancher to start your game? It's easy and fast! http://http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=89731 Place userconfig in your main directory. It should look like this Arma2OA\Userconfig\MM. I thought you not change heli and unit classname from unit_array.hpp because it only for A2. So you have to change it. You can find OA classname as follows: http://http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73241&page=2
  5. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    I found some issue: 1. When heli landing AI medic won't recruit by player. 2. When get in heli then reinsert the AI won't get in heli. 3. When abort reinsert the heli won't RTB. Setting AI combat skill higher when closing enemy zone , in Combined Ops the heli can fire countermeasure when AA incoming.
  6. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    WOOHOO!!! You did a great job man!!! It 200% supported on dedi server. No more error message in server RPT Thank you Sir!
  7. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    Negative Sir! There is no Call in medevac action and green medevac arrival area marker on the map.
  8. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    Goliath, I was tested your beta2 but it still not working on dedi server. this is server RPT I cut and paste as follows: Error in expression < && MM_AVVIONE == 1) then{if (!alive MM_PILOT1) then{ MM_SIX = 1; publicVari> Error position: <MM_PILOT1) then{MM_SIX = 1; publicVari> Error Undefined variable in expression: mm_pilot1 File Medevac\Mia\dummy.sqf, line 9
  9. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    Vengeance, Your MM mission was loose "MM" in your trigger init line like this "null0 = this execVM "MM\starting.sqf"; MM_CALLER = [soldier1, soldier2, soldier3]". I was moved all MM folder to my own mission then it works on my dedi server. Goliath, Can you make V1.01 test mission in one folder? that I can testing on dediserver.
  10. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    There is no least MM test mission. Yes, the ton of the file really make my hair burning lol. I was drag all MM mission file to my own mission folder and replaced game logic and marker and descript.sqf file. It's now working on dedi server. After all, I repacked all file to another new folder named "MM" then tried to changing all file path but I was fail. It seem not working on dedi server.
  11. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    BTW escort is must!!:)
  12. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    The V1.01 was same issue with V1.0 just losing the Sync with the Module on dedi server. Only MM test mission works fine on dedi server. I'm looking forward goliath86 to fix this issue. goliath86, If rescue chopper blows up can you make it respawn?
  13. MonsterXXX

    ArmA2:Oa Patch 1.54 released!

    The game crashed when fired FARR by AH-64D.
  14. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    I don't know what happend? It's seem to not working on my windows dedi server. Does any guys using on A2 or OA only or it may conflicted with A2 CO?
  15. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    Here is goliath86's Medevac Module Test Mission.
  16. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    if You have userconfig folder in your ARMA2 main direct just place the MM folder to userconfig. If no, create one.
  17. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    Yes, Your Medevac test mission 100% works for dedi sever for sure!And compatible for A2+OA and CAA1 because I was changed your test mission to these map for testing. As you said you have to check the netcode in the module to find out where is the problem from. Coz I tested my own mission on game editor and game private server it works fine. When I dropped the mission to dedi sever the sync will disappeared between Medevac Module and player unit and no action "Call Medevac" on action manu. But I could see the "Medevac arrival position" on the map. I was tested over and over for multiple time and used any way I can do but that still not working. This is a best module so Good luck man wish you solve these problem! :D
  18. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    goliath86, I was tested your mission on my dedi server it's works fine because your mission with mod folder together. My mission tested in game server works fine also. But doesn't work on dedi server still. Shall I change something at init.sqf or description.ext?
  19. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    goliath86, Do you think is it incompatible for OA? Just my point of view.
  20. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    OK, There is my dedi server Mission. When you join to the mission in dedi server you will find the issue as I said. And then player unable to sync with Medevac Module in dedi server but in game editor it works fine.
  21. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    BUG? When I placed gamelogic and medevac module and sync with player. I used blurfor unit but they appered CDF Mi-17 without pilot in the game.
  22. MonsterXXX

    ARMA 2: OA Beta 72716 is up

    I have Arma2 CO can I using this patch?
  23. I have a simple methot to run beta server with Tophe's server tool. 1. Find your beta folder you will see Arma2OA.exe and Arma2OAserver.exe and Expansion/Dta folder. Then make a bakeup file to other folder(you can create a new one) copy inside the beta folders Arma2OA.exe and Arma2OAserver.exe and Dta folder to other folder you created. 2. Then copy Arma2OA.exe and Arma2OAserver.exe and paste to your Arma2 main floder it will be covered main folders Arma2OA.exe and Arma2OAserver.exe. 3. Copy file from beta Expansion\Dta you will see bin.pbo and bin.pbo.bisign to Arma2OA main Expansion\Dta floder. 4. Run with Tophe's server tool in server file line press Browse choose Arma2OAserver.exe from Arma2 main folder. In mod command line put Expansion;CA then you server good to go. Sorry for my bad english, hope your guys know what I said. PS: I using beta patch 72291 because beta 72418 always crashed the game and server.
  24. MonsterXXX

    Medevac Module

    Q1: I was tested on my own dedi server but pop hint "ERROR: There must be at least one unit synchronized with Medevac Module". I was synchronized with all unit and tested in game edit. Q2: When player canceled the reinsert zone with pilot RTB waiting for next reinsert action but pilot do nothing. Q3: When pilot drop player to reinsert zone then player waiting for next medevac. When player pop red smoke to LZ the pilot won't landing.