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Everything posted by Muecke

  1. Muecke

    Bunch of patches

    same here :(
  2. Muecke

    CRcti Proman

    Hi mazza, to 1. I know that this is a problem....but I´am not sure if changing the slot will solve it.I know many player who love the botttom slot.... to 2. In Proman we wont use this cause it would break the gameplay cause as a Medic you can heal yourself allways and as engineer you can rep your vehicle allways. The point in crCTI is to organize a support not to be one. In Proman you can buy an engineer at the barracks.My Tip is to buy a tank empty and to get a medic + engineer into it as crew... Plus you can use a bandage to heal yourself once per spawn. to 3. I thought it allready has this. But maybe you are right and we forgot to take this script into the lates versions... (need to check) to 4. Its just one file and a small error but as far as i know KB wants to rewrite this complete new.
  3. Sorry iam a nonexpert too. I just thought that the Claymore is vs Tanks. I just found that the Mines in vanilla A2OA are not effectiv enough....
  4. Muecke

    CRcti Proman

    The Proman is quite the same as this one here cause its based on it. But iam glad you like it....
  5. Hi folks, Squeeze from OGN clan just instruct me to post his MP mission in BIS forum ! Its the CRCTI Warfare MP mission!!! Yes its the famous CTI modus made by Cleanrock ported from OFP->ArmA1->ArmA2.... This mission is still in work but its very good playble now. I dont want to explain the hole mission just in short words: -West vs East vs Resisitance- To win you have to conquer the Island means capture all towns (townwin), or find enemybase and destroy it (destruction) !!! Here some screenshot that i made for you: Download Mission: >>>click<<< 19.07.2009 Screens in big: http://angryinsects.ucoz.de/_fr/0/8765586.jpg http://angryinsects.ucoz.de/_fr/0/4733230.jpg http://angryinsects.ucoz.de/_fr/0/1525744.jpg http://angryinsects.ucoz.de/_fr/0/9116429.jpg http://angryinsects.ucoz.de/_fr/0/0234327.jpg http://angryinsects.ucoz.de/_fr/0/7570425.jpg
  6. Muecke

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    I dont think so! Where did you found that ? As fas as I know there are only Artyguns like the M119 & D30 plus the MLRS or B21 Grad as vehicles to use as artillerie.... The M1A2 was used as Arty back in the days in OFP but thats another story ;)
  7. Hey TRexian, i´ve tryed it out in editor. I´ve placed all of them but they all were armed even if i set them to disarmed. If a disarm one shouldn´t I be able to take them and shouldn´t they get off out of the ground ? The Claymore should have more damage imo as i can drive over it with a M1A1 and still can keep on driving with a litle damage on my tracks. lookin further to any update...
  8. Any new status so far ? :rolleyes:
  9. Hey madbull,one question ?! Is it possible for you to make a version like this. -if get hurt under 80% = no unconscius -if get hurt 80 - 99 % = unconscius and revive possible -if get hurt 100% = dead no revive possible This would be awesome and it would fit perfect into our mission. Cause if you shot a player and hey lays down unconscius you cant kill him to dead.Maybe its easy for you to make....:confused: Muecke
  10. Yes we tested it on server online in MP mission, but only the APmines cause we need them more. Issue is if i place the mine its not there its more somewhere around me. My buddy cant disarm it or even pick it up.thats the only thing we had problem with.
  11. THX for this great addon its freak´n awesome. We had it in our mission for test and it was very effective.We are searching for something like this vs infantry.Also good mines vs tanks are needed as the vanilla ones aren´t that effective. iam looking forward to your next release and hoping for MP tweaks.... :bounce3:
  12. Muecke

    CRcti Proman

    Armaholic mirror: - CRcti Proman (@) v23-09-2010 thx to "Big"
  13. Muecke

    CRcti Proman

    Ok buddys, we have got something for you !:rolleyes: First post is updated :bounce3:
  14. Muecke

    Battle for Ovaron

    Nope ! Just without addons wich needs to be started with modfolders... R3F is inside the mission i guess.
  15. Muecke

    Battle for Ovaron

    Yep this is a nice idea !I see you are an old CTI Fan. Any plans about your mission without addons ? Greetz Muecke
  16. Muecke

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    got to http://www.angryinsects.com and download the latest addonpack.In the forum you will find allways the latest mission. If you dont want to use a addonversion you can download a addonsfree crCTI from Kastenbier. here you go http://www.vsbw.de/~arma/
  17. Muecke

    ArmA 2 Game Launcher

    Thanks for this great launcher! I would like to be able to change the row of the mods to be started. Like mod3 -> mod6 -> mod1 Is this possible ?
  18. Muecke

    CRCTI Warfare ( cti ) MP

    oh comeon :confused: this it what it makes fun to not get gear for free....
  19. Is there someone who knows to work on configs ? I need help on this disablestartengineonturretmovementfortanks_gameplay_c_proper. I need this only work on wheeled vehicles not on tracked.is it possible for someone to change it ? Help would be very nice...
  20. Muecke

    SLX Mod WIP

    Wich of the files do i need for this ?
  21. Muecke

    SLX Mod WIP

    what file is it ?
  22. Maybe someone out there knows ?
  23. If you use Stingerlauncher (infantry) vs Aircraft you have both huds start beeping. If you listen to OA Hud and fire, the rocket wont hit but the Mandobeep will get your rocket into target. The OA beep makes you gonna fire when you dont know that you have Mando. And to me Mandohud here only starts when i go on Map for a sec and switch back into game. Maybe you have a idea for this Mandoble...?
  24. Muecke

    Isla Duala

    I get allways a error something like "cfgbin default Models not found". I have dl the complete new version and deleted the old one. anyone else is getting this ? btw i like the units ;)