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Everything posted by Murphe

  1. Just got mine through the post, installing now. Well thats my plans for today out the window. The manual is so much bigger than Arma too. So far so good. :bounce3: Good old gameplay.co.uk.
  2. The problem is my internet connection speed hasn't increased at the same rate. :( By the time I finish downloading it my copy of Arma 2 will have arrived and be installed. :confused: And how times have changed, OFP + Red Hammer + Resitance combined to a total of 1.1 Gb.
  3. Murphe

    Demo release

    Monday or Tuesday is the release date for the demo as per http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=70317&page=478
  4. That was excellent, great shot. I know what you mean, those stunning moments have been few and far between. I can only remember 2 from OFP:R in MP. One was very similar to richiespeedisback, but with me in an M2 MG shooting at a Mi17 and as everyone else scattered I just froze as it crashed and stopped right in front of me. :cool: The other was one of my very first PvP kills in OFP. I was on the slope west of the bridge in Nogova and UAZ with 2 guys in it was driving over the bridge. I quickly got off one round and it nailed the passenger right in the face from 300-400m. Unfortunatly I can't think of a single one in Arma. Hopefully Arma 2 will serve up some more memorable moments.
  5. Murphe

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    What I read as stated by on of their mods was that the only difference between easy and hard mode is amount of HUD showing. Everything else is the same. But I haven't read them in a while so maybe this has been shown to be untrue.
  6. That was really good, very well made. Incidently, here is another video of what I believe is the same glitch: :D
  7. Murphe

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    More ingame footage from E3. Same mission as in the last video but with one of the developers (not sure) talking you through it. Part 1: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-09-operation-flashpoint/50855 Part 2: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-09-operation-flashpoint/50857 With the last video I thought this game might be alright after a bit more development but after this, not so much. The AI doesn't look so good (but work in progress I suppose), damage system seems to be much more forgiving than previously stated (although I read that it is on easy mode, but shot in the head and he's fine, come on). This along with strategically placed exploding red barrels, healing at checkpoints and the enemy keeping your ammo type in their weapons crates doesn't make it seem very, realistic. :(
  8. Murphe

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Some new screenshots of DR from E3: http://www.flickr.com/photos/29306805@N08/ There just seems to something dull about them, maybe it's just the grain effect they insist on adding.
  9. Murphe

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    Thanks for the heads up, I was assuming they would bring my delivery date forward automatically, but I guess not. It's just a pity I'm away all that weekend so it'll have to wait till Monday.
  10. Congratulations to all involved. Can't wait to relive the glory days :) I've been egerly awaiting this for a long time so thank you very much.