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Posts posted by mcnools

  1. On 6/1/2019 at 9:34 AM, eggbeast said:

    dangerous game that! glad you're enjoying it

    Dangerous indeed, had a 50/50 success-rate on disabling the traps last mission, (well, both were disabled I suppose, just that one was disabled with a defusal kit and the other by a brave soldiers body, oh well, we managed to patch him up).

    Just wanted to say we're all loving the mod, this is the first time we've been playing it properly and we're having a blast, love all the little details and functions such as setting huts on fire, punji traps, music in vehicles etc. Good times. Good job!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2

  2. Had an amazing time playing with this mod with my group these past couple of weeks, just one quick question: is there any way to disarm/disable the punji traps etc.? I've tried adding trap kits, defusal kits and toolkits to the units but noone seems to be able to disarm the tripwire punji traps.


    Edit: nevermind, apparently it WAS possible to defuse it using the ace-menu if I just crawl very close to it and look at the center of it.

  3. Nice updates recently! Currently making a campaign for my group using this mod and I have a quick question: is there a way to disable the randomization of textures on the PBR's (or even better force which one of the textures it uses), in this campaign we are supposed to use the same boat several missions in a row and it would be nice for immersion if it looked the same and didn't change colour etc. 🙂

  4. EDIT: After some more searching I found this topic that explains the issue better:

    Is there any chance that this mod will be updated to fix this?



    Me and my group has been using these faces for a while, but recently we've started encountering this weird and slightly random error, sometimes you can see parts of the face in first person (posting images), it seems to happen to most vanilla units but dissapears when using some RHS-units. Has anyone had the same problem or does anyone have any idea wth could be going on here? haha.

    Also, when this error occurs you can't see the shadow of the face on the ground either.

    EDIT: Maybe it's related to this little bit in the december patch notes (official):

    "Tweaked: Deleted the head shadow from Character / Uniform models. Added shadow LODs to proxy head models themselves."




  5. 8 hours ago, Dedmen said:

    I guess that yeah. Could you please upload your RPT file somewhere?



    Unfortunately I'm not the server admin so I don't have access to them right now, we have narrowed it down to it happening with missing textures at least, if there's no workaround I'll guess we'll have to live with not playing using certain mods that cause missing texture errors. 🙂

  6. Hello, my group and me has always had a problem where sometimes when loading the mission we would just get stuck on a screen showing the map of tanoa (regardless what map we use), we've finally tracked it down and figured out it happens when there's a "missing texture"-error on the map (could be caused by other error messages too but this is the most common), now, we can of course usually just fix this by finding the object etc. with a missing texture and remove it but sometimes those errors can be more illusive, and on some custom terrains and mods there can be such errors that we can't really do anything about.


    Now my question is really just if there's a good workaround for the dedicated server, maybe forcing it to ignore these errors somehow? These missions always start when one of us hosts locally so it's only a problem with the dedicated server. As a missing texture isn't really game-breaking for us it would be nice to just ignore it and move on.


    Any ideas?

  7. 4 hours ago, Spatsiba said:
    HIV addEventHandler ["Hit", 
                         	{execVM "hivHit.sqf"}


    Where should I put this part? When I put it in the init.sqf I get this error message:




    Also, if I try to just execute the script with a radio trigger I get this:




    so I suppose it doesn't really work either way :(




    pierremgi's script made him fall down and sqiqqle around right away when I put it into the init.sqf, unfortunately it's not ace-compatible so we can't drag him around etc. in that position.

  8. Hello, I'm working on a little mission for my group where we are supposed to bring in a very hostile enemy leader, I don't want him to be the kind of guy that surrenders so the idea is to force us to shoot him and then stabilize him and bring him back to our base alive for more medical attention.  Now to my problem: Is there any way to enable "prevent instant death" and the whole unconsiousness etc. for a specific opfor non-player unit?

    to be more specific, right now ace medical is just enabled for players and I'd prefer to keep it that way except for that one unit.


    One piece of advice I got was to make a script that activates when the unit is hit while having "this setdamage false" in the units init so it doesn't die, and then when it gets hit use the "ace_medical_fnc_setUnconscious" function to make him unconsious, but unfortunately I have no idea how to do this. Any advice?



    Edit:  Cyrus over at the ace public slack helped me out a bit, this code in init.sqf or initserver.sqf if dedicated seems to do the trick (if the unit is named bob):



    dontdieEH = bob addEventHandler ["Hit", {

       params ["_unit"];

       [_unit, true, 900,true] call ace_medical_fnc_setUnconscious;

       _unit allowDamage true;



  9. Sorry for bumping my own thread here, my undercover mission was postponed a bit but is now underway again, I just figured another thing I would like to add apart from the other side turning hostile if your'e too close.

    Is there any way to program a condition so that if any blufor player kills an AI from say opfor or independent, that entire side turns hostile towards blufor? we're using alive etc. and the plan is to have opfor and independent fight each other a bit while we move in slightly covertly in the chaos trying to keep out of it. That means I can't program it so the trigger will activate when any unit from opfor/ind dies, it needs to happen if WE kill them so that we can't just stand around picking them off from afar.
