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mr burns

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Everything posted by mr burns

  1. Well you´ve named the relevant part yourself: "many years ago most scripters and modders were very open and helpful and shared 'their stuff' with the community". Times have changed since that dayz uproar when people started shitting on the whole concept of sharing and helping and then replaced it with the sole wish for profit. And once there´s money involved, all friendship ends. Also, congratz to everyone now included in the mod hall of fame, you might not even know about it as no-ones ever asked for your permission: http://www.pcgamer.com/the-mod-responsible-for-playerunknowns-battlegrounds-has-been-inducted-into-the-mod-hall-of-fame/
  2. mr burns

    Re-uploading mods on the workshop

    This one: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=876991445 Also thx for making the crawler! I noticed it requires some sort of login as of today, is that going to stay?
  3. mr burns

    Re-uploading mods on the workshop

    Trying to de-language-barrier my question: I truly hope the numbers are not right according solely in context to the reuploading of my exact files. (Royale witch Cheese Mod on it´s own might achieve 40k easily, that does´nt say the script properly counted for the redistribution of my actual addon/ip/etc.) As a german saying goes: Hope dies last, but it definately dies edit: Also i´ve read 400k for 40k ... so much about my booze-o-meter for today
  4. mr burns

    Re-uploading mods on the workshop

    Hey, little bored here. I´m wondering just how accurate is this Workshop Crawler thingie? :) Because, it´d be really astounding seeing numbers like 40k subscribers for a mod you yourself only see 400 for - i mean, it´s not like i was chasing DL´s anymore, but wtf man? Purposely reuploaded from a "respected" source no less ... i really do hope that script is as buggy as ArmA1 was on release! Also: Anyone ever seen that DCMA complaint table steam offers you? BI wanting to rub THAT off on the creator (even 2 years after the problem popped up) does´nt create a tingling sensation in my groin region.
  5. mr burns

    Free Games

    Saints Row 2 on Steam - "Free for a limited time" \o/
  6. mr burns

    Farewell guys

    Being asked what language i´d like to be able to talk my reply was "the language of women!" - few minutes later a gurl comes along saying "good luck I am a girl and I don´t understand it either". True story :D
  7. mr burns

    Free Games

    http://steamcommunity.com/app/219640 http://store.steampowered.com/news/28406/ Free for a day, hit install* and keep it forever \o/ *no need to download, just register to your account.
  8. As in previous versions for OFP, ArmA1, ArmA2 & ArmA2 OA, this little addon says stfu to all radio chatter. MRB ArmA3 VoiceStop | Downloads | Armed-Assault.de MRB ArmA3 VoiceStop on Steam Workshop
  9. mr burns

    MRB Voice Stop

    Luckily a new exe cannot break addons. Scripts are another case, since all scripting commands are stored in the .exe, technically BI could remove some and break stuff that relied on it. But addons only rely on configs and those are stored in the .pbo´s - nothings changed here with 64 bit. Only if Bohemia decide on adding new voice lines, or rewriting their whole soundconfig agaiiiin, that would force an update of the addon.
  10. mr burns

    MRB Voice Stop

    Nice idea! I´ll see into this asap (someone´s rough estimate for me getting it done was 8 hrs, so i´m almost motivated to prove him wrong) edit: Now available on workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=876991445 As for modulary muted sides, this still cannot be done in the simple way this addon works (replacement). It´d require a scripting effort, and I don´t speak magic :-/ This is a simple config replacement, I don´t remember running into any server dependency issues with these kind of addons in the past, i think it´s safe to say that clientside only should suffice :)
  11. My sincere condolences to his family and friends. Normally i could´nt care less, but for a guy like him, i really hope god exists so he has someone to chat with about terraincrafting!
  12. mr burns

    Your favourite war movie

    White Tiger, not recommended for the movie itself, but those T-34 and SU-152 engine recordings should give anyone a tank-boner!
  13. This addon was created out of boredom and may serve as a complementary to BWMod 1.6 ISAF units. Server key and bisign included. Known Issues: G36a - apparently a G36a does not exist (thx to KingHomer for advice!) - but this addon follows BI´s naming convention ISAF - apparently you are not allowed to use this addon in Takistan!!! (thx to TeRp for advice!) - Download Updated 06/20/10 -
  14. mr burns

    What games are you playing at?

    -Mechwarrior Online -ArmA2 / OFP -World of Tanks runner ups: -Dirt 3 -Sniper Elite 3 -Breach & Clear -Payday 2 -Mech Commander Gold -Terra Nova Strike Force Centauri
  15. mr burns

    Steamgame giveaways on Steamgifts.com

    There´s nothing like winning Metal Gear Solid 5 - Ground Zeroes and realizing your PC can´t run it - (/゚Д゚)/
  16. mr burns

    Free Games

    Helped myself to Jazzpunk. Thank you good Sir :)
  17. mr burns

    Prague for arma fans

    The kiosk in front of IDEA HQ on Naskove 3 (or was it 13?) has cheap & good beer! I hope you speak a little bit of czech though, as we´ve made the observation that pretty much nobody speaks engrish (above kiosk owners english was pretty good!). When we visited Praha to get ArmA1 early there were Skoda´s EVERYWHERE - the exact same type as we know from OFP no less.
  18. mr burns

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I found out that flying in a AFM enabled heli with a Zeus remote controlled unit gives you the standard flight model (although all gauges from AFM are there). Never tried if taxiing was still possible in this state, but it´s a lead :)
  19. mr burns

    ARMA - Too realistic, again!...

    hahaha, makes it all the funnier when it is your own screenshot that´s being mistaken for "whatever they smoked"! BW MOD badge should´ve given it away, but maybe they misinterpreted it to ministry of defense who knows lol :D
  20. mr burns

    Flying Saucer (Reichsflugscheibe)

    Having a perfectly well working account and not seeing it being posted yet, i srsly cannot resist any longer!!1
  21. Account transition worked smoother than expected. Waited a few days with 1st login, no hiccups now other than pw reset, Ad Block (Firefox) turned off for login, and reupload Avatar. Also todays forum is much less painful to look at than yesterdays.
  22. Kingdom Come : Deliverance is said to have everything - but we´ve yet to see (have´nt heard anything about them lately). Wasteland 2 goes as far as stating "chance two players have the same experience: ZERO" in their steam trailer. Being on my 1st playthrough, cannot approve or deny that - but i already faced a couple of decisions where i´m quite unsure about their outcome. Fallout 1 & 2, the classic RPG´s. Fallout 3 and New Vegas, both great open world games. New Vegas offers more meaningful choices imho. Skyrim, same as New Vegas, great game overall. Maybe too few consequences in your actions, for all three of those. And then there´s Morrowind. No hand holding, no level-scaling enemies, no real questlog (which is hardcore, i admit). Even choices like "do i go left or right" could matter in this jewel of a game :)
  23. Here´s 2 error msgs i found whilst going from north to south following roadways: - Sadly don´t have to say much more about the island other than: it made me start up arma3 for once, which is weird :D