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Everything posted by kremator

  1. If you check my previous post in this thread there is NOW ingame chat !
  2. I think those running W7 are having problems too.
  3. We need Victor Farbau's scripts for the rearm !! Where are you Victor ?
  4. kremator

    Seize zones Kamenyy (SP)

    Excellent ... trying it out NOW !!
  5. kremator

    Hybrid Commanding System

    Right ... a mini breakthru ... but requires more scripts. I have it running atm. Using TeamStatusDialog by Dr Eyeball, I can move people to and from any team I like :) It's not as glamorous as the one you are doing Mr Centipede so keep at it ! EDIT: On using it more I find it clunky ... what is needed is to be able to DRAG&DROP between teams using that TeamStatusDialog. THAT would answer all our prayers !
  6. Any chance of porting this over to Arma2 please Mandoble ? Would be superb!
  7. kremator

    Hybrid Commanding System

    So is the difficulty getting the program to report which group soldiers are in ? Isn't there an AssignAs command ? or JoinAs ? Will look into it ... but I'm no programmer. We need more community help here I think.
  8. kremator


    What gets me is that the BIS response was put in the TROUBLESHOOTING forum. Not general forum. BTW A little birdy told me that they were reverting to 1.01 patch as the AI was too good now :)
  9. Been playing around with this more .... the problem with it that when typing in Xfire your keyboard (for commands) is still active. Its similar to the problem with A2 ingame chat where you turn on NV by pressing n, but this is activated when you type anything in chat with an n ! @CrazyAce What OS you running ? If it is XP32 as I am running then there are no problems with screenshots, videos or broadcasting !
  10. If you copy&paste what I had directly into your xfire_games.ini over the original [5856_2] then changed the I NPUT to INPUT it should work. For info I am running XP32, so if there is something different about W7 or Vista (apart from where xfire_games.ini is kept) then I don't know.
  11. kremator

    Proper Rank Structure for US Enlisted

    @Rothy..... please show us how you changed the pictures. Cheers
  12. kremator

    Tank commander separate view

    Ty for the fix kju. Works perfectly.
  13. kremator

    bloody squad!!

    Press and hold space then point to somewhere in front of you. They will come.
  14. Put it into a mod folder/addons ... discussed elsewhere and it works
  15. Soz Placebo ..... just wanted those struggling to get the goodies quickly.
  16. kremator


    Shame on you ... thats for 1.01 !
  17. [5856_2] LongName=ARMA 2 ShortName=arma2 LauncherDirKey=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Main LauncherExe=arma2.exe DetectExe=arma2.exe LauncherNetworkArgs=-connect=%UA_GAME_HOST_NAME% %UA_GAME_HOST_PORT% Launch= %UA_LAUNCHER_EXE_PATH% %UA_LAUNCHER_EXTRA_ARGS% %UA_LAUNCHER_NETWORK_ARGS% InGameRenderer=D3D9 InGameFlags=USE_PRESENT|ENABLE_MOUSE|USE_WINDOWS_INPUT Should look like this. Now you have a FULLY WORKING XFIRE INGAME ! GRRRRRR this site is putting a space inbetween IN and PUT ..... should read INPUT on last line. Thanks for MulleDK19 for this ... had to reformat it because this site doesn't like certain formatting. As per MulleDK's post replace [5856_2] with this ... [5856_2] LongName=ARMA 2 ShortName=arma2 LauncherDirKey=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Main LauncherExe=arma2.exe DetectExe=arma2.exe LauncherNetworkArgs=-connect=%UA_GAME_HOST_NAME% %UA_GAME_HOST_PORT% Launch= %UA_LAUNCHER_EXE_PATH% %UA_LAUNCHER_EXTRA_ARGS% %UA_LAUNCHER_NETWORK_ARGS% InGameRenderer=D3D9 InGameFlags=USE_PRESENT|ENABLE_MOUSE|USE_WINDOWS_INPUT Finally remove the space from between IN and PUT to read INPUT and you have a FULLY WORKING XFIRE ! Enjoy. EDIT I have found that you have full mouse control in the A2 menu but need to use the tab key to navigate the xfire menus when playing ingame
  18. Interestingly mine occurs the FIRST time I go to the MP screen. I then have to press ESC to go back to main menu. If I then go to MP screen the receiving bug has gone and doesn't reappear. EDIT: 4870 512Mb card
  19. I'm sure there was a post that said that in one of the earlier patches the LOD was better. I think a config error must have slipped through during a patch. It will be fixed I'm sure in time. While it is a little disturbing it's not game breaking.
  20. kremator

    Hybrid Commanding System

    Ah yes 5 including white (my old brain IS getting old :) ) You could use White (Main) ad HQ Company, and the other colours for the platoons. How about this .... you request air support in HC mode and it pops onto your command bar. As soon as CAS is sorted you release it again and off it pops! Oh I have been looking at using these scripts in MP. So far so good, but I don't know how JIP would handle it.
  21. kremator

    Hybrid Commanding System

    I think we are limited to 6 colours is it ? If a colour is a 'squad' then it could be as big as you want. You could do battalion (or even army!) level this way (although your PC may suffer!) Thanks for working on this mate ! I think this will be THE standard for all missions in the future. HC is so useful. If you need any help with testing you have my email :)
  22. kremator

    Hybrid Commanding System

    Correct. Your 12 man team would be F1, the 4 man team (that you made green) is F2 etc etc. I think that I would CREATE my fireteams at the start of any mission depending on what was needed (sniper/scout team or MG team) then split them into these corresponding sections. Following on from that (long term) we could 'absorb' any troops/vehicles onto that team OR even lose them ala 'TEAM STATUS' in Domination. Possible all of this ?
  23. kremator

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    Jesus ... you wasted your first post on THAT ? I want sharks with lasers on their heads !
  24. and you can't teach an old dog new tricks .... you just have to shoot it ! Remap your ventrillo to Alt-F4
  25. As promised .... here you go! http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6009 Kremator