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Everything posted by kremator

  1. kremator

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Is there a way to have the birds split out in a modular addon?
  2. kremator

    SLX Mod WIP

    The leader is running forward when out in the open. I put 2 opposing teams on the airfield at Utes and watched as they ran towards eachother. I tried with Cents Stick2gether but stopped using it as it was having a negative affect on the AI, so I no longer use it with SLX. I have noticed healers becoming jerky in their movements even though all other troops around them are moving smoothly. PS your poor laptop ! Looking forward to the next version when oyu get the files off it !
  3. kremator

    Cluster Bomb by DoktaJimmy

    Good so far. I have found that my A10 drops the cluster bombs at strange angles (ie off to the side). You may need to look into flight characteristics of the bombs !
  4. kremator

    SLX Mod WIP

    There is constant shouting by commanders for their troops to engage the enemy. Its a little off-putting. The commanders are still running ahead quite a bit instead of sending number 2 etc to go ahead. This mod is still absolutely superb!
  5. This is great however, I've been trying to remove all the LODs except the most detailed one. Used the ResLODRemover.exe on de-pbo'd plants2_Tree p3d files only to find that I'm getting errors when I put the file back up to pbo. Even though the file is there I'm getting t_betula2s.p3d not found. Is the problem that I haven't used the mipmap remover as well ? Any help? Or even better anyone been able to convert all these trees etc to only having the most detailed LOD ?
  6. I must admit that having these betas is just brilliant. It keeps the fanboi's like me really happy to see progress is being made on an almost daily basis. Keep up the good work BIS! You have my full support.
  7. kremator

    Night lighting effects

    Superb Sakura Chan ! Looking forward to both.
  8. kremator

    1.03 - Won't Launch

    Have you got 8GB RAM ? If so use -winxp on the end of commandline.
  9. kremator


    Should always be quoting the SECOND run values and not the first run.
  10. The main BIS site is absolutely fine..... don't look for mirrors, look for a new ISP if you are having problems. I'm getting the patches at consistent 20mb download from the BIS site !
  11. kremator

    Night lighting effects

    Brighter streetlights look much better IMO.
  12. You are running the Arma1 version in Arma2 ... check that you get the correct file.
  13. kremator

    next patch? performance?

    WTG ... nicely wasted first post sage0030 !
  14. kremator

    Donation to the community

    Thanks for being so community-minded halleyelec! Hurrah !
  15. Cool mate. Don't worry about the PM ..... perhaps post a screenie here for the rest to drool over ! Good work BTW !
  16. I have been testing this early beta for Mandoble and I can say that it is REALLY shining ! Mucho respect for what he is giving us here. You guys will just be amazed when you see what it does for Arma2 missiles !
  17. Any more MFDs Raptor ? First one was great !
  18. I'm still keen to see how having only the most detailed LOD affects performance, both for trees/veg and buildings.
  19. kremator

    no cross hair

    You have probably downloaded SLX_Mod ..... go into the folder then into Addons within it and remove the one that says No_Crosshair. Done
  20. year1970, That would be the ideal situation but I'm not sure how hard coded it is.
  21. kremator

    No options

    Double click the first option to expand the list.
  22. kremator

    question about mods and multiplayer

    Completely wrong thread. Please move to MULTIPLAYER thread.
  23. Place a unit, start the game then press ESC. The last item in that menu is REALTIME EDITOR. Done. Assuming you have put the @RTEditor in your commandline !
  24. Thanks kju. Just interested to see if the same thing works as in OFP.