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Everything posted by kremator

  1. Isn't noubernou working on something to do with pointing toward enemies? Using this addon with it will be great.
  2. What a fantastic idea and implementation. Bravo !
  3. kremator

    Evolution for Duala

    Downloaded ... testing now. Cheers mate ! Going to concentrate on side missions :)
  4. kremator

    WarFX Particles

    Interestingly with SLX / GL4 and ACE2 when a soldier is being dragged they are kicking up dust like a huge vertical fart. Not a big problem but perhaps something to look into.
  5. kremator

    WarFX Particles

    WOOHOO .... thanks mate .... downloading now.
  6. kremator

    Ambient Combat Module

    Anyone able to upload their favourite ACM (ACM and SOM) mission for us all to play. HC ability would be nice too. Hoping you are all able to help. Cheers
  7. kremator

    Evolution for Duala

    Cool ! Thanks for working on this mate ..... we do appreciate it !
  8. Mandoble should be releasing his Mando Bombs console very soon so that will help with some of your requests mrcash. WOOHOO !
  9. I'm doing testing for it !!!! You guys will be VERY pleased ! There is only one little bit that needs attention and Mandoble know about it. Cheers Kremator
  10. It looks identical to the Arma1 version where, as Coyle has rightly said, you can give access to any, all or a selection of goodies (including their number!) Looks like Mandoble has done a great job on this already, and HOPEFULLY should be ready for release soon. My all time favourite would be sitting above the battle in my UAV helping my squadmates with realtime info (and the occassional tomahawk or bombrun !) SEX-ONNA-STICK !
  11. kremator

    crosshair gone

    then go into userconfig folder ... then into ACE folder ... in there is a file called ace_clientside_config.hpp .... edit that one and go to where it says #define ACE_NOCROSS and put // at the start of it (so it looks like //#define ACE_NOCROSS) and you will have your crosshairs back. You will need to do this EVERY time you update ACE2
  12. So we could get this to remember the number of kills we have had on a particular mission (eg Evolution) even IF the server has to restart. LOVELY !
  13. WOOT ! My beloved air support console is back ! Can't wait !
  14. kremator

    Evolution for Duala

    Good work mate .... keep going !
  15. Mandoble will the Mando Bomb console still function as you had it in Arma1?
  16. It is potentially THE most exciting thing to hit Arma2. We COULD now have characters that improve as they train, gain awards etc by playing over hours. Superb ...... the sky is the limit.
  17. This is excellent news ..... thanks Nutty !
  18. Mandoble ..... you have made my day !! THANKS ! Kremator
  19. Excellent work guys. Keep it up !
  20. Perhaps you aren't noticing that you are blinking! Just kidding I have never come across a teleporting missile either.
  21. kremator

    Evo FARP Ammo refil

    Wrong WRONG W R O N G ...... choose the right thread !
  22. kremator

    Weapons dispersion.

    Excellent news Mysteryman !
  23. kremator

    WarFX Particles

    Sick him, moderators!