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Everything posted by kremator

  1. kremator

    Dam when will DI optimize towns and cities

    When you learn to get the right company!
  2. kremator

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    I really don't care for new units or exact what camo they are wearing *YAWN*, what I do care about is improved functionality. Picture in picture, proper deformable terrain, a game master interface for on the fly battles and after battle review would do lovely TYVM. I also don't get why they can't release this content electronically (and NOT go through distributors)
  3. Found this on OFPEC .... the sample mission is VERY good. http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=34814.0 Best AC130 simulation I've seen so far.
  4. kremator

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Still having real problems with this. Flickering of the display is just too much. The demo seems to be absolutely fine however. Thoughts ?
  5. kremator

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    How about a list of ggodies from VBS2 that we could get in DLC form? That would be a good start.
  6. kremator

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    The only thing I would play for in DLC is for something that RADICALLY changes the game engine ... something LIKE proper thermal vision (that is coming with OA). Everything else can be made by the community. One thing I would pay for NOW is after-battle review !
  7. Many thanks for this..... will try it out asap !
  8. kremator

    [SP] Flashpoint: Chernarus

    A NUCLEAR suicide bunny !
  9. kremator

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Looks like it is 20Hz. Cameras tend to be 50 or 60Hz .... can that be the reason for flicker ? It's pretty bad. However there seems to be a fix on the way !
  10. kremator

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    V4Friend ... many thanks for working on this. You will make a LOT of gamers VERY VERY happy (me included !)
  11. Hi Lao Fei Mao, That does sound good, but probably outside the scope of VTS. I like the GM abilities of VTS and with this new version even more possibilities are achieveable !
  12. VERY interesting. Thanks for sharing !
  13. Thanks Mandoble! Downloaded and testing now.
  14. kremator

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Hey Lurchi, REALLY enjoying this script. Just brilliant work! I have been experimenting more with WASD keys and I have found that pressing the D key for a while makes the AC130 hit full speed. This is an impressive sight but should, in my mind be limited. The S key will increase the radius (I think) but the W key doesnt seem to reduce it. As I have said before a more important function would be HEIGHT. Sometimes the AC130 is flying in clouds and needs to be retasked to fly lower 'on the fly'. Perhaps the W and S key could be height ? I have put your scripts into Evo and am looking at implementing it into Gonza&L'Etranger's VTS. A model of a proper AC130 would just be lovely, even without working guns. Great work ... keep it up! Kremator
  15. New version is looking GOOD ! Can't wait to try it out.
  16. kremator

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    This is absolutely superb. Yes there is jittering but WOW it's very impressive. With a bit mroe work this will be a gaming standard ! BRAVO !
  17. Good to hear gonza! Looking forward to it.
  18. kremator

    Star Wars Stormtrooper

    This is amazing ! Best of luck in the exams !
  19. The script isnt initiallised properly then. If it the mission that comes with the release then there should be no problems, unless you have monkeyed around with it.
  20. kremator

    New Beta build 70184 is up!

    OK have just tested this build with Armamark2. I got a nice 5091, although I am still getting some microstuttering. If only we could load everything into memory there would be no need for hard drive access. For information I got 5245 from vanilla 1.05 but there was much more texture popping and more microstuttering.
  21. Nice work tom .... downloading now. I just LOVE using this framework for missions :)
  22. Is that for full XIG support alef ?
  23. kremator

    Evolution bug list - any help?

    Hey eggbeast. I had a problem with 0.26 where someone joined my dedi and was able to use a TOW HMMVV with zero points, even though it was rank locked. Another player (and I ) tested it and we were not able to get in as driver. I'm not sure whether this player was hacking or whether it was a bug with the slot/other code. Apart from that my dedi slows to a minimum of 33fps when a town is populated with troops, that then rises again as they die :) Good work !
  24. SUPERB ! Downloading and placing into missions RIGHT AWAY !
  25. ^^ I doubt this has nothing to do with the mission. You haven't told us if you are running any mods. If you are I suggest searching the mod information.