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Everything posted by kremator

  1. I'm really looking forward to this Myke! Bravo!
  2. Great one! Looking forward to trying this out.
  3. Norrin's revive is just great! Any luck with the dedimserver version mate? Also in the demo mission is it possible (once the Semper Fi trigger is passed) that the war continues and doesn't stop if you go out of the zone (you die for instance). Will be able to test further later on. Cheers mate!
  4. kremator

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    Make sure that you are running CBA as well maturin, otherwise it WON'T work !
  5. Of course I can mate .... I don't mind you PMing me a version to test on my dedi. You could even join me :)
  6. OK here is what I have found so far. The LAN/locally hosted MP seems to work fine. The dedi hosted doesn't seem to work at all. Could it be a problem with markers ?
  7. WOOT ! If you need a beta tester you know where I am :)
  8. kremator

    ARMA 2: OA Beta 72716 is up

    This is an OA patch so it should be in Expansion\beta .... that's where it put mine (after I deleted the older folder !)
  9. kremator

    ARMA 2: OA Beta 72716 is up

    DELETE the beta folder don't uninstall it !
  10. kremator

    ARMA 2: OA Beta 72716 is up

    I like that way addons are shown on the right side now in order ! Nice touch!
  11. kremator

    ARMA 2: OA Beta 72716 is up

    NICE ! Downloading and testing now.
  12. Thanks Xeno. Shame that they just can't get along :)
  13. kremator

    ArmA2 crash to desktop

    There is nothing wrong with the game. Check minimum specs and make sure all drivers are uptodate. Make sure you have the latest patch. If it doesn't work I'm afraid ITS YOUR PC at fault. Simple. The forums are here to help Darks, but watch what you slag off. There are thousands of people that run this perfectly well. Look at your system first then ask for advice on how to make it run more smoothly etc. The troubleshooting thread will help you out massively.
  14. Still finding that ACE is crashing vanilla servers. Very annoying indeed.
  15. kremator

    WarFX Particles

    Likewise sign me up as a tester mate. Only too glad to help !
  16. I'm still in testing phase. You are right that it only needs to run on the server :) If that is the case then noone needs @WICT mod then ?
  17. kremator

    Star Wars Stormtrooper

    That is such a shame mate. MASSIVE potential here!
  18. I'll have a look at the F2 files and see why it's not happy. Playing SP is fine, but I want it MP on t'internet :) EDIT: I cannot seem to get it to work on LAN either (as MP).
  19. Hmmm WICT isnt happy on a dedi server. It's not running. Doing more testing to see why! EDIT: I get Semper Fi but nothing spawns on a local server. Respawn works however :) Still no dice on my dedi.
  20. An updated Mando Heliroute would be a welcome addition to the console indeed. As and when time allows of course! Enjoy your holiday Mandoble!