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Everything posted by kremator

  1. kremator


    AI commander functional ?
  2. kremator

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    However, if I jump into a vehicle taken over by AI, I want them to disembark - so that my squad can get in :) @dlegion those mines are for OPFOR birds !
  3. kremator

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Take your time mate. A fully featured version is better than a rushed one. Will Dissension be available then too? I just keep checking the github.
  4. kremator

    Wavy Gunsight

    Can I have what you are smoking cos it is some GOOD SHIT TM
  5. kremator

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    The mortar team WILL get entered into the Darwin Awards however.
  6. kremator

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    It is the May Bank holiday in the UK ... my body is ready for VCOM_AI mod version :) Oh and Dissension too :)
  7. kremator

    A Mod to manage the AI Squad...

    Use C2 ... all you will need. Search on the forums here. There is also a reddit sub forum for the latest betas.
  8. Had a good play with this over the weekend and I love it! Some of the camera angles are a little janky (the overhead one when on foot is a little high) but in the main I’m really impressed. One thing that I couldn’t sort (and yes it is because I didn’t read the manual!) was jumping out of indicam view without respawning the camera person. Having a functional action cam has been a wish of mine for AGES. Good job @woofer808 !
  9. kremator

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    @genesis92 is working on a new version of VCOM for when Dissension is complete. We'll have to be patient.
  10. kremator

    [MP] co40 Domination!

    Hehe have done. In fact I bring 3 in a group of 16 :)
  11. kremator

    [MP] co40 Domination!

    Ahhh .. that's what went wrong ... my poor medic snuffed it early on !
  12. kremator

    [MP] co40 Domination!

    Now that I have AI in my team, is it possible to get THEM to revive me ? Not quite understanding how I can get that to work.
  13. kremator

    [MP] co40 Domination!

    I found out that I have Autoinit on on the server which meant that I couldnt change the AI ... all sorted now.
  14. kremator

    Blastcore Tracers A3

    Default version seems to have ace_ballistics requirement on it :(
  15. kremator

    [MP] co40 Domination!

    @xeno welcome back mate. We have missed you. One of my most fave missions ... putting it onto my dedi now ! EDIT: are there AI recruitable in the MP missions ?
  16. Right, fired the dedi up. Tried the latest version first 1..23.2 but this failed getSideUnit.sqf missing Then tried the 1.22.4 version but i spawn on the island and it doesnt start. You stay on the island. EDIT: I then copied the contents of your script version of 1.23.2 into the mission and it got me onto the island at least this time, but still mission didnt fire, and I stayed on the island.
  17. I would be more than interested to try on my dedi. Link a download and let's try.
  18. kremator

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    Anyone got any good missions to use with HETMAN? I'm always looking on good ones.
  19. kremator

    Virtual Reality ARMA - Oculus/HTC Vive

    ^^ This is called Rift .... it ALREADY has a perfect nose gap for looking at the keyboard !
  20. kremator

    Max Zombies

    ^^ a quality person then !! If banned from Steam, then how can you play Arma3 that NEEDS steam ? ARRRRrrrrrrrrr !
  21. There is already an invisible landing pad created, however code checks that the place is suitable.