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Everything posted by kridian

  1. kridian

    blue screen crash fatal error

    Why did you stop at ArmA 1.14? Get 1.16b and see if that helps. Patch_1.16 Are you on Vista or XP?
  2. kridian

    ArmA hard-lockup when shaders set to 'high'

    Hmm, you shouldn't have to be viewdistance-crippled. Get a USB thumbdrive (4+ GB) and use it as a ReadyBoost cache. Just a thought.
  3. Psychoul, are you on Vista by chance? If so try and turn off the Vsync (in NVidia Control Panel for ArmA -- Manage 3D Settings) as was suggested earlier and turn off the Aero appearance. Use Windows Vista Basic in Appearance Settings. For what it's worth, I'm using the Vista Service Pack 2 beta (which seems to unavailable now) and haven't had that horrid problem anymore. Hopefully it'll be available soon so others can be nvlddmkm-free. Best of luck dude! p.s.: What ArmA version are you running? 1.16b?
  4. Has anyone figured out a solution to the FOV (Field of Vision) problem with 1.15b? What exactly is the problem you ask? Â Fourm member Lee_H_Oswald brought up this issue in the 1.15b Feedback thread and even said the problem could not be resolved by using the UNAFOV addon, so I just want to know if anyone has found a solution? It's driving me nuts! And don't suggest the double-tapping of the minus key on the numpad as that gives a 'fish bowl' view... not the intended fov. How do we make it like 1.14 again?
  5. Just tried it and it didn't work in ACE 1.07. :mad:
  6. April 24, 2009: "Newly adjusted default field of view" from the ReadMe text in new beta 1.16 Yeah! Thank You B.I.S.!
  7. kridian

    Texture problems..

    Alex, did you say you were on Vista? If so I would suggest getting a 4gb thumb drive and use it as a Readyboost. This may have been the thing that fixed it for me. No more texture flickering from blurry to sharp! I also downloaded ServicePack 2 for Vista. Turn Texture Detail to Default. Hope this helps.
  8. kridian

    Texture problems..

    That worked for me Yoma (I noted that in the other thread too). For the NV 8xx owners out there. Texture Detail = Default HDRPrecision = 8 (ArmA CFG) And my View Distance is up past 3K. No probs! Works great!
  9. kridian

    Pretty serious problem

    Wait wait wait. So you've updated to 1.15b right? Do the updates in order from the BIS instructions: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Update_Guide Strange I don't see the 1.15b on that page but the steps are there. Looks like 1.08 first, then 1.14 and then find the 1.15b (good for Vista) on the forums.
  10. kridian

    Texture problem - 1.14-1.15

    Ah, I've experienced this too and set my textures to High, but I'll try that HDR trick. Â Thanks. -------- UPDATE -------- Didn't work. Â It's the LOD (level of detail) switching that's really noticeable (trees flicker). Â I see there is another 'Texture Problem' thread that is the same issue. Going to try earlier drivers and see what that does. Â Also going to buy a 4GB flash/thumb drive and use it as a Vista Ready Boost performance addition and see if that helps. -------- UPDATE -------- FIXED! Texture Detail = Default (this might be the golden egg) Bought a 4gb Flash Drive (Fat32 formatted) and used it as ReadyBoost.
  11. Tried everything... even the UNAfov addon. Tried deleting the keyZoomCont[]={}; in my game Profile and then deleting the TrackIR +tZ key assignment. This is very discouraging and I'm sure Lee_H_Oswald feels the same way.
  12. Tried that. I'm running in 1920x1200 @ 16:10. The view is definitely pushed in more and I tried deleting all the Track IR settings from Zoom In/Out... yadda yadda.
  13. Thanks, I'll give it a go. -------- UPDATE -------- Failed to get it looking like 1.14. Tried resetting all controls to Default. Restarted. No joy. Tried just setting all Zoom Controls but didn't do anything. Color me stumped. Any other suggestions?
  14. kridian

    Zoom or FOV 1.15b

    Guess that trick will have to do until we get ArmA 2 eh?
  15. Well I took the 1.15 patch for a test-drive and after about 20 minutes of play, the game just shuts off. A window pops up telling me ArmA has stopped working... yadda yadda. Â This never used to happen to me before so I guess it's something in this new patch. Running Vista64(sp1). Â I'm going to try some black voodoo magic on it and see if it helps. Â -------- UPDATE -------- I shut off Vista Aero and the game's running perfect! Don't know if that did it(?) Better memory handling indeed though! Can't wait for ArmA 2!
  16. kridian

    Nvidia Driver 178.24 w/Arma 1.14

    I concur. The 180.42 driver is good.
  17. Slow-loading LODs and Textures with the -maxmem switch after about 45 minutes of gaming. Is there a solution? Using 1280. Alont, I haven't a clue as to what could be causing that bro. I would disable your Windows Firewall and any Virus software and see what that does.
  18. kridian

    The Dreaded Lock-UP

    I've spent all week trying to fix my crashing but met with no success. I thought it was a heat issue too so I used RivaTuner to turn my 8800GTX fan to 100% and put a stand up fan to my case. Didn't work. I'm using NV driver 174.74 on a Vista64 OS. I turned off SuperFetch. Did a ram check (passed). I did have success in windowed mode but like was stated earlier, the framerate is poor. I lockup when I pan to look at something, zoomed or not. Is there a solution in sight!? Grrrrrrr.
  19. And I was just kicked off a session after playing for two hours! What's up with this thing!? It is currently the major pain in the ass of this game.
  20. kridian

    BattleEye kicking many players?

    Ah, so it's the Join-In-Progress and custom client-side faces/addons etc. that's causing other clients to loose frames and consequently getting the boot. I'm sure this goes hand-in-hand with the NVidia Display Device stopped responding error as well. (TDR) Glad to read that a solution is in sight!
  21. Is anyone using a -maxmem command with Vista64? The ole ArmA stopped working bs is happening again so I'm thinking there's a memory leak going on.
  22. DirectX 10/9 End-User Runtime released for June 2008. http://www.microsoft.com/downloa....lang=en You never know, could be a fixer!
  23. Another thing to try in Vista (as noted from a Guru3D thread). In Vista's Power Options: Change it to High Performance Just one more available option to try.
  24. kridian

    1.14 Install Issue

    The install notes say you have to have 1.08 installed, but everyone updated/playing 1.12. Do you have to reinstall the game and patch-up to 1.08 before you can apply this new 1.14?
  25. Eh? That 1.12 patch should have fixed it for you. I take it you tried new drivers for your video card? I don't use the -maxmem command anymore.