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Everything posted by Killerwatt

  1. Killerwatt


    I Agree.
  2. Very true, but the speculation was fun:D WOlle, can you raise the question of the pig carcasses with the devs? Call me anal but it does seem a bit of an immersion killer.
  3. @ FRED DM But they wouldnt be on their own, they would be part of a U.S. led coalition as it says in the original anouncement.
  4. That was my initial concern. I would hate to see OA getting all the wrong sort of publicity over a simple error that can be easilly rectified at this early stage of production. A few lambs and calfs hanging there instead would fit just nicely. I guess the presence of the BMP would lend strength to the possibility of the Czech Republic being reperesented when you take into account the presence of that and the Czech helo. I'll still cross my fingers for some UK forces though.:D
  5. Killerwatt

    Thank you, B.I.S.; Sign if you agree.

    Signed with bells on
  6. I'm getting a bit tired of all the bitching about whether or not BIS should release an addon to ArmAII and the way they choose to implement it. The point is its down to them to decide and its down to us to buy or not to buy. We still have free choice after all. Personally I am looking forward to obtaining Operation Arrowhead on the day of release. Now Here are my questions. I am also wondering what nationality the non_US force will be. Can anyone identify what vehicle was in the UN colours? That might give us a bit of a clue as to what countries are represented. One other small point I want to ask about is this. Considering that this new Theatre of operations is placed in the middle east (Where there is a predominantly Muslim population), how likely is it that there would be butchered pigs hanging on the butchers stall as in the screenshot? I was under the impression Muslims dont eat pork?
  7. I would imagine it is intended to avoid crashes when detecting more than 8 cores.
  8. Killerwatt

    Unboxing Arma 2

    Hi Rhammstein and welcome to the wonderfull world of ArmA. This link is what you need to hit the ground running. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=81123
  9. There's a difference between employment and hobby, but it wouldnt be the first time I have donated to a modders site. Sometimes I wonder why the modders even bother when I see all the "I want it yesterday and it better be for free and perfectly bug free!" type posts.
  10. @Gunnorz. Havent you ever heard of the concept of a fair days pay for a fair days work?
  11. Killerwatt

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    Im 58 and will be 59 in december. Even the name Killerwatt comes from an old C64 game.
  12. Killerwatt

    Bayonet/knife poll

    "They dont like it up 'em. You know, Captain Manwairing Sir!"
  13. Killerwatt

    I just wanna be ME!!

    @SuicidalManiac Best never try a Tomb-raider game then.
  14. Killerwatt

    Controls messed up after medic heals me

    sounds like while remapping your keys you have mapped both the heal function and a reverse axis function (if there is one) to the same key.
  15. Killerwatt

    CD Key from Manual Book

    What did it get glued to? The key is on the outside back cover. I think the key should be somewhere in the registry.
  16. Is it possible to get the ambient life and ambient civilians modules working in the added ArmA maps? Ive tried adding them but they dont seem to work for me on Sarahni etc.
  17. I too use ultimate defrag and was suffering slight pauses after patching from 1.02 to 1.03 running ultimate defrag seems to have cured these stutters. Or maybe it was the server that was stuttering?
  18. Have you tried a defrag after patching? Use a good defragger, not the windows default. use something like Ultimate defrag.
  19. Is there a way to transfer the Single player Benchmark mission from the demo version to the retail version? It would be handy for checking performance after each patch.
  20. I would hate to be your wife if you dont!
  21. Well i just followed Kylania's Slideshow to the letter, and it works perfectly. even better than the method I had previously used. Thanks Kylania.
  22. This got lost in another thread so I'm posting it here again. Well, Here is my set up for what its worth. My ArmA2 installation is on my "D" drive so your drive letter may well be different. I have two additional folders in my Arma2 directory, one is called "caa1" and the other is called "oac" the caa1 folder contains three folders, one called "addons", one called "docs", and one called "keys". These folders contain the files from the caa1 download site after they have been unzipped. The "oac" folder contains a folder called "coa_core" this folder conatins two folders called "addons" and "keys" respectively. The "addons" folder contains the two "oac" files from the caa1 download site and the "keys" folder contains the oac_core_2009_07_07.bikey file from the same place. Again these files were uzipped before they were placed into the folders. Please note that all these folder names are without the " in the name. Finally the shortcut was created and the following path was inserted into the target line in properties. Hope this helps someone. "D:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -mod=caa1;oac\oac_core; __________________
  23. No. If BIS did this they would alienate their offline userbase at a stroke.
  24. Killerwatt

    Clunky Controls?? Try using VAC

    I also have VAC and a profile would be most welcome.
  25. Killerwatt

    Hookers in ArmA II?!

    Has anyone else noticed that the hookers have been renamed to woman?