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Everything posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. JuggernautOfWar

    GTX 295 on Q6600 performance

    Maybe try getting a GTX285 next time. Two GPUs in one causes nothing but problems. Get the new GTX 285 Classified Edition and quad SLI it. There's some performance for ya.
  2. +1 for Deadfast. Thanks man, extremely awesome information.
  3. It's similar to the Ambient Civilian or Warfare module if you're familiar with that at all. Note that I don't have too much experience with modules.
  4. Nope, although this would be very nice. The game loads/unloads mods when it launches, no other time.
  5. JuggernautOfWar

    Memory Question

    *sigh* Seems like most games are 32-bit only.
  6. JuggernautOfWar

    Aircraft Throttle

    Oh I see, so now you have complete variable control. I'd still like a system similar to OFP where even if you were using a keyboard you could manually adjust throttle and have it stick there.
  7. You asked this in two different forums. Please keep topic posts to one forum only. Thanks.
  8. Why don't game developers develop games in a x64 environment? Couldn't you emulate the original x64 to x86 and then support both IE using memory and CPUs to their full extent.
  9. I don't think so, only for the starting character.
  10. JuggernautOfWar

    Aircraft Throttle

    So basically it's either full speed ahead warp 10 or full stop? Essentially the same thing but you don't have to hold down Q and Z then eh?
  11. You have to sync the modules to your starting character.
  12. This happens in dogfights too, which is unacceptable. Dogfights can easily escalate to >500 too, so there is no way around this.
  13. JuggernautOfWar

    Why dont you use the ingame voice chat ?

    I don't use it for the sole reason it's sooo quiet. I refuse to turn up the "radio" slider in "audio options" for the extremely annoying talking in the game. I don't want anybody screaming in my ear "three, TARGET, thatAPCat... TWO O'CLOCK".
  14. JuggernautOfWar


    It's coming out for Xbox360 in the future. The Playstation 3 is not getting a port however.
  15. JuggernautOfWar

    Smoke Grenades

    Yeah I just tried it once I figured out the way to get betas working is different from ArmA 1 and they are working.
  16. JuggernautOfWar

    Smoke Grenades

    Okay, so just to clarify; I need to run a shortcut that says -mod=beta right? Just like any other mod? **EDIT** I just realized there is one other step too, you have to run a shortcut from the .exe in the beta directory. I assumed it would be the same as ArmA 1 where you just run the beta folder like any other mod. My bad.
  17. JuggernautOfWar

    Smoke Grenades

    If you'd read the posts you'd know it's NOT fixed in the beta patches.
  18. JuggernautOfWar

    Broken Sound

    Happens to me if I'm barraging stuff with FFARs.
  19. JuggernautOfWar

    Smoke Grenades

    I'm not running anything SLX here. I'm using the beta shortcut, yes. **EDIT** I tried using them again and one out of four smoke grenades stuck to the ground and worked like in 1.02.
  20. JuggernautOfWar

    Smoke Grenades

    lol are you serious? That's funny as hell.
  21. JuggernautOfWar


    Are there keys for this so I can play in MP with them?
  22. JuggernautOfWar


    Alright, looks like the community has made this addon into much more in just a little bit. OP, mind re-releasing the addon with the community-made improvements?
  23. JuggernautOfWar

    GTR R34 addon released

    Thank you, kind sir.
  24. JuggernautOfWar

    ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

    ...and Company of Heroes - Tales of Valor, but that sucked. This is not anything new.
  25. JuggernautOfWar

    Anyone using Shoot voice recognition software?

    To do what? How could voice recognition work in a FPS?