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Posts posted by johnnyboy

  1. 1 hour ago, cosmic10r said:

    Hi gang, 


    Long time no see. I tried out reforger yesterday and it scratched an itch I forgot I had lol


    Hope you guys are all doing well!

    Cosmic!  Great to hear from you.  I hope life has been treating you excellently!

    • Like 2

  2. 5 hours ago, zukov said:

    i have this message in editor to try the mod, no other mods just vanilla game. the rose menu doesn't work

    This doesn't happen to me.  Is the Prairie Fire DLC owned and loaded when you get this error?  It's required.

  3. 10 hours ago, MeatAlive said:


    Good job, way to stick with it until you found something that worked for you.  I know nothing about ACE Medical, so can't help.  Glad you have something working.  Have fun!  Post a video or screenshot if its convenient (I love seeing my traps used in the wild!).

  4. 10 hours ago, MeatAlive said:

    does not seem to impact 😕 need help 

    It should be created in a flat space for one.  If that's not the problem, maybe make the rope a little shorter.  I do remember having to adjust mass to get it right.  Sorry, its been a long time since I've looked at this code or thought about this at all.

  5. On 11/27/2023 at 10:28 AM, reaper lok said:

    Am I missing a simple piece of documentation regarding these traps and their usage?

    Hey dude!  See these links for code to have just punji traps and punji mace trap.  These traps are also built into the SOG AI mod, which is not MP compliant.  Note the scripts below may need some work to make them MP compatible.


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  6. 5 hours ago, NickEast said:

    For example, The East Wind's "Common Enemy" is the earliest example of a mission in which you're not commanding a unit but SOG AI is still enabled. As a result, the AI stops performing its scripted actions and breaks the triggers that progress the mission. Supply Network is the first mission where you command a unit, but that happens later as in the beginning you're part of a different unit. Again, SOG AI breaks the scripted behavior, thinking you're the team leader. Could this be fixed? For now, it means I can't use SOG AI during these kinds of missions.

    Hi Nick, thanks for reporting this.   I can make a change to SOG AI so that if at mission start player is in a group with an AI leader, then SOG AI exits and never initializes.

    Until then, will the mission be playable if you use the Disable SOG AI action in the Action menu?


    Not sure when I can get to fixing this, as I'm traveling for the holidays and have less ARMA dev time available in the near term.

  7. 2 hours ago, Minder75 said:

    I've played SP Extraction extensively several months ago and it worked great.  Appreciate the response and anything you can do.  Going back to your change log notes on Nov 1 it seems like it may be related AI units leaving the group and rejoining.  Maybe something in the Extraction code that breaks the mod when it advances game time.     

    Thanks for the details.  You're probably right that the Extraction mission advancement breaks the new version of the mod.  There's probably a fix, I just have to find the time to study it.  


    2 hours ago, scottb613 said:

    Just one observation - I know it's based on how you changed the movement - I usually use the team markers and it was a bit of a surprise when your teammates vanish during movement. When operating with NVG's it can scare the bejesus out of you when your teammate approaches - unmarked - in the dark. Too funny.


    The use of grenades in the towns on Tanoa becomes a bit of an issue - we seem to kill more friendlies with nades than enemy. I'm not sure if there's any way to improve this - as the nade use in the field is pretty helpful.

    Thanks for the feedback.  I will likely create my own team markers feature that can be enabled via a CBA option for the first issue.  Not sure what to do about grenades.  Maybe I can sense building proximity and act accordingly.  Like you said, I like it in open terrain or jungle.  I'll put both these on my ever growing list.  Lucky for sog ai we're heading into winter (more indoor time).

    • Like 2

  8. 17 hours ago, Minder75 said:

    Having an issue with Western Sahara Extraction SP.  Previously played this with no issue, but started a new game and SOG AI is not working.  SOG AI works fine to start:  spawn group which gets added to the default starting squad and SOG AI initializes.  Can dismiss or add squad members and run SOG AI commands as usual.  SOG AI seems to stop working if I use the Squad Regroup feature at the camp fire or when progressing from one mission to the next the game advances the time.  The squad responds to very few commands - some just the visual hand signals, but no actual action or movement.  I have confirmed this with no other mods running.  Great mod and I'm hoping can still work with Extraction.

    Thanks for the report.   Sometimes if units not responding to wheel commands, if you do a vanilla regroup command (tilde 1 1) it might clear it up.  


    By Squad Regroup feature, are your referring to my "Teleport Team to Player" Action, or is that an Extraction feature?  If it's an Extraction feature, can you just not use it and progress to next mission fine without it?  You can always use my Teleport action if team scattered, plus team always teleports with you if choose to Halo to next mission.


    Are you playing Extraction in SP or MP on a LAN?


    I know I tested it in Extraction, but only played first assigned task.   There's not enough time in the day to test every vanilla, DLC, campaign and popular workshop mission after each release, so I just test all the most popular ones for about 10 minutes each .  I'll investigate this when I get a chance.

  9. SOG AI just updated:
    - Improved AI responsiveness to Move and Leapfrog commands.
    - Fixed bug where AI unit was occasionally deleted after healing another AI unit. (Oops!)
    - Now compatible with Toksa's RNG AI mod.
    - Minor performance tweaks.

    This update includes crazy change where your AI units join grpNull during moves, and rejoin player after they arrive at destination.  To prevent units from disappearing from player squad bar while moving, dummy units with same names and equipment have been created that temporarily join player while real units are moving.  This activity of leaving group and rejoining may cause other issues, so I may end up rolling this change back.



    • Like 5

  10. SOG AI updated today:
    - Added the new "Move To Object" command to numeric menu to support Voice Attack key mapping.
    - Wounded AI and his assigned medic will now remember last move command and move there after healing completed.  Previously, they were stopped and player had to order them to move again. (Reduces micro-management of AI).
    - Fixed case where team was in stealth mode, but started talking loud after crossing a river.


    @scottb613 New "Move To Object command" is now option M on the numeric menu.  Note that when using this option on the numeric menu with Voice Attack you will not see the arrows indicating positions the AI units will move to.  Without that visual confirmation, you may send them perpendicular to the object instead of parallel. This usually happens if you are looking at very end of object.  With a little practice that occurring should be reduced (look 1/2 meter in from end of log, wall, etc.).  Also, your screen center/cursor may not be on a valid move object.  If that is the case you will get an audio cue where player says "Move There" but the AI says "Negative" or "No can do", plus a system chat message saying move to object not found.

    • Like 3

  11. SOG AI just updated:
    - Added Move Parallel To object command. 
    - Now supports DUWS missions. (Requested by Space Hulk Hogan) 
    - Now supports Insurgency Vietnam missions. (Requested by Centurion)  
    - AI may place Claymores, Tripmines, and other proximity mines when breaking contact (instead of just breaching charge)


    @scottb613 I just realized I need to add a separate Move to Object command on the Numeric menu so the new feature is accessible to Voice Attack.  Should get it done in the next day or so.

    • Like 4

  12. This is not solved.  See 3rd post below.  Giving a destination with Z value of 1000 seemed to reduce likelihood AI enters a building, but does not totally prevent it.

    Is there a way to instruct AI to NOT enter a building. I'm building a feature where player squad leader looks at point on the side of an object (building, wall, fence, log, etc.), and positions are calculated in a line parallel to the exterior object surface for AI to move to (see pic below).


    The problem is if those move positions are near a building that has navmesh positions, the AI will often choose to enter the building foolishly, instead of moving to calculated position outside of building.   Is there a way to prevent the unit's pathfinding from going in the building, when his doMove tells him to move to a position just outside the building?





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  13. Great feedback.  The stance issue was limited options on command wheel.  This could be addressed by adding more options to T numeric menu though.  The stance wheel commands could also be changed to work on selected units, so that's a good idea.

    • Like 2

  14. That sounds awesome.  You truly are maximizing your SP experience with these combos.


    Regarding broaching a hill, I'm mulling about a command to have team broach hill in line formation (or closer to one another in line formation) where they will stop just side of the hill. This requires me to some how sense terrain hill crests (gradient changes) near player, so potential command can be activate when player looks at that hill crest.  Since the hill crest may not be a straight line, each unit may have to move a bit forward or back to be in correct pre-crest position.


    How useful does that sound to you?  I don't want to burn too much time on this idea unless I thinks its real useful.


    Seems like it would be good for preparing an ambush, and also good for your squad prior to your "Scout With Me" scenario.

  15. 2 hours ago, scottb613 said:

    is there any way to improve ensuring the squad formation line is perpendicular to the lubber line of the player (direction player is facing) at the time the move order is issued?

    I'll take a look at it.  I think right now on Leapfrog, the team's dir and formation orientation is driven by direction the team has to travel to reach first calculated bounding position.   This can result in first bound of each team having a formation orientation dir different than players, but second bound should be oriented as you expect, as he is now moving in direct line to to next bound position.  In Follow mode, it's just like vanilla, and team should orient to player's direction (vanilla AI is in control of movement and formation in Follow mode).


    2 hours ago, scottb613 said:

    Using vanilla commands that work well to supplement SOG_AI - again - they seem to play very nicely together.

    One caution here, is I've observed that if I use a vanilla move command on a unit, he goes where told, and then sometimes no longer responds to SOG move, leapfrog and regroup commands.  And the way to clear that condition is use a vanilla Return To Formation regroup command on the unit.  After that he resumes responding to SOG AI commands.  I don't know if this happens every time, but it has happened multiple times for me.

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  16. 3 minutes ago, scottb613 said:

    Just an FYI - I did test SOG_AI with CWR3 - and it doesn't seem to work very well - even after ordering silence - my troops repeatedly fired first and didn't seem to use nades in the bounding attack - and they kept referring to the OPFOR as "Civilians". Just a point of interest - no action required.

    The way SOG Stealth works is that team holds fire until they perceive enemy knows about them.  They do not need enemy to fire on them.  So your team may fire first.  I built SOG AI with SOG Prairie Fire focus in mind, where you have a small team sneaking around where they are vastly outnumbered by enemy. I needed the team to react violently upon discovery to increase chance of survival and breaking contact. (I actually pitched the mod to Savage Game Design prior to publishing, but they weren't interested).  So its possible your troops firing is them sensing enemy knows about them and is about to fire.


    It's also possible that CWR3 has scripts running affecting enemy and player squad AI.


    The "OPFOR as "Civilians"" is weird, and I would guess also a CWR3 thing.  Perhaps their code starts with Civilian base units that they then gear up as soldiers.


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  17. 2 hours ago, scottb613 said:

    One thing I did notice - is I don't see and can't use the "Tailgunner - plant a mine" via the "T" menu. I see it in your screenshot - but - not in my sim. The other two new options are present and work. 

    Thanks for the feedback.  Regarding Tailgunner option, it only appears when on a PF map, as some folks noted it didn't fit in other eras. Maybe I need to detect Unsung as well?  Or do you like it anytime, so maybe I should add a CBA option to always enable it?


    The code:

    // Only vietnam era missions should have tailgunner place mine option
    if (toLower worldName in ["vn_the_bra","cam_lao_nam","vn_khe_sanh"]) then
    	sogCommandMenu pushBackUnique 	["Tailgunner place mine", 		[20], "", -5, [["expression", "[20] call jboy_ExecSogCommMenuAction;"]], "1", "IsLeader", ""];


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