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Iroquois Pliskin

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Everything posted by Iroquois Pliskin

  1. Iroquois Pliskin

    Controls Scheme & User Interface Feedback

    :) That's because you're using an inferior activation method, there's a reason I had listed three possible ones involving the mouse. :) ZOkBtVELu7c Glorious PC Master Race. And would you rather construct a convoluted radial with everything included at the expense of new players, who won't be able to intuitively tell an elbow from their backbone, figuratively speaking? :) Micromanaging retarded AI? I beg to differ. :) We can certainly imagine an expanded design of the proposed octagonal radial, yours containing not 8, but 12 partitions, but you're at once insisting on sub-menus on the same radial with 12 more on top of the first "level". Can't accept it till I see it in action. :) Oh, in the context of micromanaging AI that doesn't seem to know when it's under fire - sure, I do tell them to go prone and cry for daddy, though should that be normal? Do you want to incorporate all of the commands currently found in ArmA II onto the MOST EPIC radial menu? :) Please, at the very least, do list all of the commands that you wish to include. It becomes an RTS if your own character movement, or concentration is completely diverted away from the threat at hand, either by breaking eye contact, or not being able to fire your weapon with Left Mouse button, seeing as it is the activation of choice for you. See Rainbow Six Raven Shield AI left-click activation radial command menu. :( Truth is revealed in conflict, truth will be reveal at release of ArmA III. :) By the way, Pliskin has you in his trap! Now, the dedicated weapons keys have full authority and subordination of the AI command menu and can safely relocate to the number row keys.
  2. In Warfare BE engineers repair, medics heal and can setup MASH respawn tents on site, special forces can pick locks in vehicles. That's about it to my recollection. :)
  3. No. Get a Quad SLI. Seriously, people have been running ArmA II at 1080p maxed out without AA back in 2009 on HD4890s, myself included. If you're going multiscreen or 1440p+ resolution, then I'd advise for HD 7970 GHz edition. Review the benchmarks, www.bit-tech.net/hardware/2012/06/22/amd-radeon-7970-3gb-ghz-edition-review/3 The GTX 680 has a memory bandwidth bottleneck at higher resolutions with AA enabled. :) In terms of in-game settings, the usual: AA fine-tuned to your specific circumstances, V-Sync off, everything else is preferential and can be V. High.
  4. Iroquois Pliskin

    Postcards From A Furious China, or A new Star of David found in China

    WAT indeed. :) WW II is the context: To which the honourable Gnat replied, And the reasoning behind it' date=' Now, concerning East/South China sea knot - there's a lot of potential for destruction with today's technology and population imbalances, though that great body of water does serve as a deterrent to prolonged armed conflict between nations, whose Navies are not yet ready for the task. Quite a scary thought actually, the concept of total warfare at sea in this day and age - what do you think would be used against carrier strike groups and various conglomerations of vessels: single Tomahawks, other cruise missiles? No - tactical nukes. :(
  5. Four modes to open a toilet door? I'd like to see some example of implementation in other FPS titles, if you will. :)
  6. Iroquois Pliskin

    Day Z Announced as standalone title.

    I have always found it interesting, that the weapon Reload function is both on the action scroll list and the "R" key - I wonder how easy it is to mod vanilla ArmA II to a similar weapons scheme. The only issue BIS had (have?) is the 0-9 AI command interface, which as we've all seen is utterly useless in DayZ, PvP, Solo missions, online Co-op, missions where AI is team leader. :)
  7. Iroquois Pliskin

    Day Z Announced as standalone title.

    :) I'm sure they'll figure it out how to port a solution from the ArmA III experience. They had better do the same for dedicated weapon/equipment keys, provided they're in ArmA III in the first place. : D
  8. Iroquois Pliskin

    Day Z Announced as standalone title.

    Haven't seen a confirmation of that, other than the wish expressed by the developer.
  9. The modes listed are AI alert states, so which of the options, Do you get when you personally go to the bathroom? :D No, I will tell you to play an RPG. This idea appeared out of nowhere, literally, and it will be put back where it came from.
  10. Iroquois Pliskin

    Day Z Announced as standalone title.

    Ragdolls and proper physics. :) Missing from the entire RV range, except for you-know-what & ArmA III.
  11. Iroquois Pliskin

    Postcards From A Furious China, or A new Star of David found in China

    There were no nuclear weapons then' date=' conventional confrontation was inevitable. There are no great divides on the continent of Eurasia, especially the Western part, thus again - inevitable due to outdated views & irrational hate of Man at that time. A world war readjusted priorities and normal civilised functions could be again resumed. All due to our efforts, you can thank us later, when the rest of the planet becomes civilised, including Middle & Far East.
  12. Iroquois Pliskin

    Controls Scheme & User Interface Feedback

    Exactly what I thought, though any radial menu will have a remappable hotkey, I'd want it on the middle mouse button personally. You're saying that the examples, which we have provided with MadDogX are not enough for CQB/immediate area command? Be reasonable. Provide clear layouts of what you intend on having on your Grandiose sub-rose, sub-section menu(s). I have asked this of you ten pages ago, you wavered, now there's no excuse. :) Bullshit like "stand up, crouch, prone" all can be operated via "Stay/Keep low" with "Return to formation" copying the stance on the TL. N-S-W-E-SW-SE-NW-NE watch directions would have to go as well - nobody uses those broken commands. I don't care, I'm looking out for the new guy on the block. BIS will decide what's viable. :) You're aiming for RTS, ArmA is an FPS, thank you very much.
  13. Upgrade to i5-750, if you don't want to get a new mobo and RAM. Edit: Just checked the price - new SKUs at the same price as Ivy Bridge i5-3570K. Meh. Has always been the case with fall (orange) trees for me. :(
  14. Iroquois Pliskin

    Postcards From A Furious China, or A new Star of David found in China

    History of World War II proves otherwise, or you'd rather everyone stayed at their posts in a cold war without a confrontation? Same borders, same feelings, same irrational hate, same lowly concepts of Man, same divisions by race - all pre-1939 thinking. It had to happen.
  15. XBOX 720 and PC being linked via Windows 8 with entertainment content being provided via XBOXLive should cut into Valve's Steam profits, noe? :( I konfused. :( ---------- Post added at 13:29 ---------- Previous post was at 13:27 ---------- Awaiting patiently. Regards, On second thought, Do not want.
  16. Iroquois Pliskin

    Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion

    http://physxinfo.com/wiki/PhysX_SDK_3.x PhysX can do "SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) or simple (without interparticles collisions) simulation", meaning only the wind, rotor downwash (however it is simulated) and, as you've said, buildings would affect the dynamics of the smoke. Shouldn't exert a too heavy toll on performance. ; )
  17. Iroquois Pliskin

    Controls Scheme & User Interface Feedback

    Just to be clear: operation is via LMB, and not by a single hotkey as in Crysis? Subsection subroses compromise the fluidity of gameplay, as seen in the Crysis 1 footage. :( Well, there are lot of useless commands in those trees, you could trim them down to 6-7 subsections, each with 3-4 commands. There has to be one, single radial with all of the relevant CQB commands for new players in mind. Advanced features like subroses with formations, alert states could be toggle-able in options. :) Umad.
  18. http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/2012/06/22/amd-radeon-7970-3gb-ghz-edition-review/3 Take from it what you will. :) Cost not an issue, eh? I'd replace the waterblock with a good air cooler, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835608018 Performance and construction is similar to the previous king of aircooling - Thermalright Silver Arrow, which had been discontinued sadly. :( Review, The heatsink shouldn't be a problem, seeing that you have,
  19. Iroquois Pliskin

    ArmA2 / OA (low) performance issues

    You're indeed correct, http://ark.intel.com/products/53426/Intel-Core-i3-2120-Processor-(3M-Cache-3_30-GHz) Solution has been found privately for rlziggy. I wouldn't count even on Ivy Bridge CPUs with 4Ks. Haswell should remedy that if 3x performance specs for the iGPU are to be believed. :)
  20. Any kind of AA in ArmA results in some form of FPS loss near foliage in my experience, on top of that, as was mentioned in the previous thread, your CPU is the bottleneck. Do some testing in MP without AI under your command.
  21. Iroquois Pliskin

    Postcards From A Furious China, or A new Star of David found in China

    Japan, U.S. joint drill to defend remote islands opens to media http://english.kyodonews.jp/news/2012/09/183810.html Information war FTW.
  22. Iroquois Pliskin

    Cannot fire on some servers

    On top of this, you should beware the anti-satchel kick protection at base. :icon_mrgreen:
  23. Iroquois Pliskin

    Postcards From A Furious China, or A new Star of David found in China

    In this case, you won't find three strangers standing together on the street without government sanction. Do you want to also hold Germans responsible for the actions of their forefathers? These uninhabited rocks appear to hold a lot of irrational value to the Chinese, though the history of these islands is in favour of the Japanese post-WW II. A claim is not enforcement. P.S. What of Taiwan? :D ---------- Post added at 05:10 ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 ----------
  24. There we go, MS: “Xbox is becoming THE Microsoft brand for entertainment†http://beefjack.com/news/ms-xbox-is-becoming-the-microsoft-brand-for-entertainment/ Derp interface? Looks like a proto-Windows 8 alright. ; ) ---------- Post added at 04:21 ---------- Previous post was at 03:28 ---------- The following is an old article, but still: http://blogs.technet.com/b/microsoft_blog/archive/2012/05/29/xbox-beyond-the-box.aspx Ho-Ho-Ho. Windows 8 comes out, XBOX 720 comes out with Windows 8, Steam banned from being installed on XBOX 720. Profit. Or not. Either way there will be some cunning restrictions or policy regarding Steam. ---------- Post added at 04:37 ---------- Previous post was at 04:21 ---------- P.S. NodUnit, here's a decent Project C.A.R.S. thread with screenshots, http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1671323&highlight=project Glorious PC Master Race.
  25. Iroquois Pliskin

    Postcards From A Furious China, or A new Star of David found in China

    On the contrary: nothing' date=' except for the export of the manufacturing base to the third world, in conjunction with zero interest policy by CBs in developed countries, is to blame for the global depression, thus destabilisation, thus whatever comes next. :) Same as it always was, see Great Depression of 1920s-1940s - only alleviated by the what came next. Like a world war between overpopulated nations. Destruction of excesses of the past is good destruction, the world may be reforged stronger after the conflict(s).