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Everything posted by Imshi-Yallah

  1. Imshi-Yallah

    Project: UK Forces

    Sorry Eraser, they're talking about a former member of an elite unit who made a lasting impression on us all.
  2. Imshi-Yallah

    Project RACS

    How about an [every addon ever released] in RACs colours.
  3. Imshi-Yallah

    Project: UK Forces

    Any chance of a standalone Lilt can addon? So I can just setpos it onto the GS for old times sake?
  4. OFrP grenades won't work with this either.
  5. I have to confess I can't figure out the whole jump/keybind thing
  6. Imshi-Yallah


    I get a "Can't create surface memory error" with these chaps.
  7. Imshi-Yallah

    Project RACS

    I have a complaint about the SOCAT Puma - It is just too f@##kin mega and now I have the unrealistic aspiration of having some in real life.
  8. Imshi-Yallah

    Project RACS

    Or just tell your wife that you're having an online affair...actually maybe don't do that. Tell her you are doing something that will save orphans or puppies. Or failing that take a break.
  9. Imshi-Yallah

    Project RACS

    Maybe it would be better if P-Racs could just focus on releases for the time being. They are already giving us a lot of things we didn't have before. Public greed, and the eagerness of addonmakers to please has been the undoing of many a mod.
  10. Imshi-Yallah

    Project RACS

    it does now.... any other good ideas??? I do believe the OFP Mig-27 featured TV guided missiles or bomb cam. Good old Footmuncher with his "leg-end" witicisms. A true star.
  11. Imshi-Yallah

    Project RACS

    It's an old community joke mate.
  12. Imshi-Yallah

    Project RACS

    Does this mean that you're dropping the M4 pack? Those Paratroopers look nice, as do the tanks, although I feel the M113 variants and other AFVs will really give the landforces their unique character.
  13. Imshi-Yallah

    Project RACS

    How are those infantry units going? Any chance of a list of WIP ground units?
  14. Imshi-Yallah

    Project RACS

    Uncle Imshi loves ground units. The air units are all cool and all...but some of us here suffer from a piloting disability.
  15. Imshi-Yallah

    Project RACS

    Hi Chaps I randomly came across a few WIP shots on Armaholic of a RACs reskin of Gnat's Piper Warrior - I'm not sure if this project was ever finished but it occurs it would be a nice addition to the project as most airforces in the world operate similar (usually slightly larger but not always) aircraft for command and liaison roles between airfields. http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=news&id=91
  16. Imshi-Yallah

    ArmA Addon request thread

    Errr, Not quite old chap. The IIIH is a rather warry version, the FVT800s are not being phased out, they simply haven't bought any more infantry versions whereas later purchases have been corps specific, namely cavalry vehicles with RWS or 30mm Turrets. The Reason for the choice of the FVT800 - apart from RWS not being very widely used at the time of purchase was that a one man turret was required to allow the APCs carry a proposed ten man section. (and it was cheap and not too scary for the rape-enablers...I mean pacifists) Anyway, this isn't the topic for it. I just came here looking for a generic gun truck.
  17. Imshi-Yallah

    ArmA Addon request thread

    FFAA mod has one.... you just need to reskin it That would be a Piranha IIIC I believe the young man is looking for a IIIH model as used by Ireland. New Zealand, Switzerland and of course as the basis of the Stryker. The problem is Irish Piranha's are configured quite differently in reality and the basic infantry model uses a manual FVT 800 turret which I do not believe is in use on any other IIIHs in the world. The Blink will need to find himself an enthuasiastic modeller to start with. l
  18. Imshi-Yallah

    ArmA Addon request thread

    #Request# Generic BIS 5 tonner with an armoured plate kit fitted and two (2) HMGs or GPMGs fitted, one over the flat bed section and one over the crew cab's passenger seat. If possible cargo anims that would put the mounted troops in the back in decorative "firing positions"
  19. Imshi-Yallah

    Project RACS

    Oh the fun we will have. Shame there isn't any sort of up armoured 5tonner or Ural for you chaps to work your magic on.
  20. Imshi-Yallah

    Project RACS

    Well chaps, I am rather keen to get my hands on a list of all units that are definites - or as much as so I can start drawing up Orbats and Concepts of operations for my own purposes. One of the joys of the variety of units being projected for release will be that for narrative purposes several completely different versions of the Racs can be envisaged. - For me as an alternative opfor. Also, for mission makers for MP teams/Clans/Covensofmalehen having the option of having different types of opfor that will be set up to operate differently - so if the briefing mentions paratroopers - players can be set up to expect a low armour threat but for the Light Infantry they are facing to have sited their positions better, to have taken a more aggressive stance and perhaps to have a higher proportion of Automatic weapons, RCLs etc to make up the firepower gap or Medium infantry who have older model tanks in close support or fully mechanised units with AIFV/APCs and more modern MBTs. Quite simply this project will give a great deal of flexibility to mission makers and allow MP Co-Op groups to create their own concepts as to how the RACs would function. If I had any skills to offer this project, I would have been on board in a shot. I feel this is definitely one of the most important projects going on for ArmA at the moment. And obviously it is very late, and I'm waffling...sorry chaps.
  21. Imshi-Yallah

    Project RACS

    @Fritz - Old Skool gun ships also cost more to run were far more crew intensive and only get more costly to maintain as time goes on. Even within the PRACS team's fairly elastic ambit of whatever the player wants I think this would be pushing it a bit. The fact is running an old 12 gun cruiser would ruin most developing nations. @PRACs - seriously I think it should be considered to do up a demo mission with a fully furnished four star hotel near one of the airbases. Eagerly awaiting those ground units.
  22. Imshi-Yallah

    Project RACS

    Will RACs be doing a functional Sahrani Four Star Hotel network to support all these fast jet pilots? Looking very nice all the same, but I am firmly on team ground forces.
  23. Imshi-Yallah

    Project RACS

    I really am excited about the land forces pack. From the point of view of mission/campaign making narratives this is possibly the most interesting mod going.
  24. Imshi-Yallah

    Project RACS

    That really is rather nice. Still waiting for those ground units first. Some divs should get together and plan a Racs campaign with a strong narrative to give life to all of this stuff.