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Everything posted by Heatseeker

  1. Music during gameplay... bad bad! So, why is he ridding in the co-pilot seat of the helicopter? :D .
  2. Heatseeker

    Change watch O'clock reply to compass heading.

    You're wright, truth be told i havent touched A2 in months now but replayed OFP very recently so i ended up mixing it all up. You're post and picture just revived my memory :o . *Quietly sneaks away from thread...
  3. Heatseeker

    Change watch O'clock reply to compass heading.

    Whats the problem with the clock? When you want to command an a.i. unit to watch a direction you simply select the unit(s), hold left Alt then aim the cursor & click in the direction you want, wright? Clock positions are determined by the position of the squad leader... either you or a.i. It can get a bit confusing in the middle of a firefight when the squad leader calls targets at whatever o'clock but thats just war... i guess, and the clock indicator is there for a reason. Would you pull out a compass in the middle of a firefight to see what direction that target is irl? Maybe the training missions should cover all these things aswell...
  4. Heatseeker

    fix the 3 red lights on an xbox yourself

    Finally seems that the 'new' xbox will not RROD.. http://e3.gamespot.com/story/6266498/xbox-360-slim-cant-red-ring-by-design Because they removed the red leds, microsoft are genius :rolleyes: . Heard it chews disks though...
  5. Heatseeker

    fix the 3 red lights on an xbox yourself

    30$ to "teach" you how to hopefully fix your console... lol. Havent microsoft fixed this in the latest units?
  6. My A2 hmmwv (model with the m240 turret) turned to cardboard some 300 meters away, i've come to apretiate good looking lod's more than bolts and screws... And i wish we could adjust shadder detail (like Arma 1) because some surfaces in A2 look either too shiny or wet to me.
  7. Heatseeker

    Ghost Recon: Future Soldier trailer.

    I've been watching the E3 live stream on and off, the GS guy made a few passes by the ubisoft booth, each time i saw or heard some ubi dude gathering people and saying something like "...Ubisoft making games that dont suck!" Then i saw some GRFS gameplay... :crazy: Riiiight!
  8. Heatseeker

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Feels a bit wrong to see MW2/BC2 being played in helmand and cabul.. Anyone else?
  9. Heatseeker

    Max Payne 3 - Your Thoughts?

    Remedy developed the previous 2 games, then sold the franchise to T2, who passed development (MP3) to rockstar.. The only thing i didnt like about MP2 was that it was as sweet as it was short, but the improvements over the original were very impressive (the physics are top notch). Anyone actually believed that Rockstar would make a good PC game version and release a level editor? HA! :rolleyes: . http://www.destructoid.com/max-payne-3-troubled-rockstar-vancouver-worse-for-wear-160700.phtml Its all about the money..
  10. Heatseeker

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Nothing new?
  11. Heatseeker

    head-less men??

    Nah, thats a new one :D . The only ones i remember with missing heads in some lods were the national party guys (napa), cant remember wich specifically by i think they wear masks.
  12. Heatseeker

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    True, the buildings and some vegetation of Chernarus really chewed my frame rate but you missed the point.. Imo A2 isnt that diferent from Arma, its the same game somewhere else with some changes, aditions, improvements and many bugs too... and i dont mean that in a bad way, its just the way it is. A2 + OA + DLC ('s) + user content? Its a lot of content but i'd rather have substancial gameplay improvements instead, like a real new game. Im not dissing the idea of addon packs but im not that excited about a new soldier or tank that looks diferent but does more or less the same.
  13. Heatseeker

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    I dont know about you guys but A2 already felt like an Arma expantion and OA is like a second expantion.. so after OA i think its time for a real new game.
  14. Not worth the effort.. just think about it. It would be very hard to implement and next to useless.
  15. It was all available for free, but codemasters re-distributed all the free content with the Red Hammer campaign disk and gold edition. Hmmwv, Bradley, AH64, Kiowa, Chinook, vulcan, su-25, BMP-2, BRDM and trabant. I think these were all the free vehicles they gave us before resistance, the good old days :) .
  16. Heatseeker

    Any good old games?

    Max Payne, i just replayed the two recently and they are as good as ever :) .
  17. Heatseeker

    Red Dead Redemption

    XR2X6Wng2Tg I dont see that much of a diference, its there but its minimal, still enough for the console fanboys to fight for years to come :D . I'd sure like to play this game but after gta iv's port im skeptical to believe that a pc version (if there ever is one) would turn out any good. I read somewhere that they were going to release a free DLC with a bunch of coop missions. If only Mafia 2 had online like that...
  18. Heatseeker

    Vietcong 3

    Unfortunetly no, that crash is around since Vista came out so i doubt anyone will ever fix it, it happens everytime the radio pops up. If you switch to 3rd person before the radio calls it wont crash but thats not the solution. 1. The BIS engine is not flexible enough. 2. It wouldnt be Vietcong but Arma: Operation Vietnam :eek: .
  19. Heatseeker

    Vietcong 3

    The coop mode was rather poor as far as i remember, it was just kill all bots scatered thru out the map to win (no objectives or anything), also the maps were just too small for coop. CTF was real fun but pugs were unplayable with all the cheaters. The game doesnt work properly in windows vista and 7 so its dead for good.
  20. Heatseeker

    Question about Steam

    Source doesnt cut it anymore, its years behind the curve :confused: .
  21. Heatseeker

    Vietcong 3

    The company shut down and some of its former employees went working for 2k. There wont be a 3...
  22. Heatseeker

    Do you like the ArmA2 OA box art?

    The screaming man puts it all to waste, other than that it looks fine.
  23. Heatseeker

    Commando Remake Confirmed

    But.. if you want to remake something, why not remake something.. good? Commando is so bad its actually embarassing to be caught watching it. "Hey! Are YOU watching Commando??" "Uh.. what? Uaahh oh no i just felt asleep on the couch, oh look Commando is on the TV.." I was a kid when i watched it and face palmed all the way, it cant get any worse.
  24. Heatseeker

    Petition for ArmA2 WW2 Expansion

    Its been done to death but not on a game engine like this, i wouldnt really like an expantion because it wouldnt make sense at this point but a whole new game based on WW2 would be fun.. i find gameplay to be more interesting without modern tech and all that spechul forces crap is starting to bore me.
  25. Heatseeker

    Commando Remake Confirmed

    You sound serious about that :confused: .