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About GeneralCarver

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  • Interests
    drawing, military war games, reading, US, World, and military history, US politics,
  • Occupation
    Production Worker

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  • Biography
    Production Worker currently. Training in graphic design and webdesign. Mission editing since OFP

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  1. Something else I will add to this discussion for anyone who is reading this to get info on this topic... Sometimes when you order AI to move from position to position for certain buildings in ArmA 2 they will run off balconies and roofs and fall to their death. So just keep that in mind. You might want to spectate the AI's movement before your release the map to make sure you don't have a situation like that.
  2. GeneralCarver

    Do you want Laaagdoll Physics in ArmA 3?

    Great post brother. I hear you on this. I think BI is falling into the trap of putting in all the "bells and whistles" like what other game makers are doing. They should instead focus on improving game FUNCTION. I.E... deformable terrain, ability to rest weapons, dig trenches, fox holes etc. Shoot from vehicles. Increased number of animations and shooting positions etc. I would rather have those features in the game rather than some LAGdoll physics.
  3. GeneralCarver

    Shooting from Vehicles

    BI, I love you guys and your games. BUt.. would you PLEASE.. PLEASE make it in this game so we can shoot small arms from vehicles? Every position please. And make it so we can shoot rifles from the port hole gunning positions or the turn out positions of APCs. That way we can properly use APCs. Please. I'm begging you. I will buy 2 copies of your game if you do this. I promise this to you before this community and God. General
  4. GeneralCarver

    GeneralCarver Revive Script

    I'm sure it possible, Norrin does it with his revive script. At this time, I am not interested in converting the script over due to the amount of scripting/time involved.
  5. Does anyone have a script or know how to script and check when all players are incapacitated and in need healing when the BIS stock medic modules are in your mission? I would like my missions to end when this condition is meet, but I not sure how to do it dynamically in a mission where the player group composition might vary.
  6. GeneralCarver

    GeneralCarver Vehicle Flip Script

    You might be confusing my script with someone elses. I have never released this script to the public before. However, stand by, I am revising this to change the "flip vehicle" action option to not show up on your screen. I will make it low priority so it doesn't spam people's screen when they are around a disabled vehicle.
  7. GeneralCarver

    BAF Defend Shapar-1

    Cooperative Version.. Mission Description A British Recon team must defend Shapar-1 from Takistani Military assault. Mission Features: Jackel vehicle use. British theme weapons. Revive. Mission Settings: Time: Adjustable Weather: Adjustable Fog: Adjustable Draw Distance: client adjustable. Download Links (always use these links for most up to date version) COOP 05: http://www.4shared.com/file/l3r7cP7j/coop_05_baf_defend_shapur1.html COOP 10: http://www.4shared.com/file/7H2WG6xH/coop_10_baf_defend_shapur1.html COOP 20: http://www.4shared.com/file/c880g446/coop_20_baf_defend_shapur1.html COOP 30: http://www.4shared.com/file/2fR4O3zZ/coop_30_baf_defend_shapur1.html Adversarial Version.. Mission Description British recon force against Takistani Recon force. Mission Features: -Takistani BTR60, Takistani Offroad, Offroad SPG9, Offroad Dshkm, British Jackel. -Takistani theme and BAF theme weapons. Mission Settings: Time: Adjustable Weather: Adjustable Fog: Adjustable Draw Distance: 2000m Download Links: (always use these links for most up to date version) TEAM 10: http://www.4shared.com/file/NcXybxHP/team_10_baf_defend_shapur1.html TEAM 20: http://www.4shared.com/file/7U9VmgwC/team_20_baf_defend_shapur1.html TEAM 30: http://www.4shared.com/file/MOpZJmgc/team_30_baf_defend_shapur1.html TEAM 40: http://www.4shared.com/file/SWEwg1-k/team_40_baf_defend_shapur1.html
  8. GeneralCarver

    GeneralCarver Revive Script

    Updated -Friday, December 17, 2010 Updated to v5!
  9. Description: This script adds the ability for medics to deploy a medical field tent at their location. This is done via the action menu. The medic can then un-deploy the tent and re-deploy where needed. Compatibility: ArmA 2, ArmA 2: OA, ArmA 2: Combined Ops (includes the BAF, and PMC expansion content) Use: 100% Open source. Use or edit as desired. Installation: 1. Copy over the "Scripts" directory to your mission. 2. Copy the contents of the mission's init.sqf over to your mission's init.sqf. (use the format provided to ensure Join in progress compatability if your mission needs it) Download Link: http://www.4shared.com/file/U0tiOerd/GC_Med_Tent.html (always use this link for most recent release of script)
  10. Compatibility: ArmA 2 v1.07 and beyond. Description: Yet another abomination for ArmA 2! This script allows players to have a parameter in their mission which can be set during the role selection and adjust the A.I. skill level for friend and enemy A.I. in the mission. Use: 100% Open source. Use and modify as desired, but either way.. go make good missions! Installation: Instructions included in download in Read Me. Download Link: http://www.4shared.com/file/5SAe7gaO/gc_ai_skill_script.html (always use this link for most up to date version)
  11. Description: This script causes the AI or players in the back of an aircraft to eject one at a time in order with a slight delay. The pilot is ignored. Compatibility: ArmA, ArmA 2 series, any version. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE WITH ACE2 MOD! How to use... Launch the script with the following line of code. The code needs to be executed server side and at the moment you want to units to eject out of plane. The plane could be piloted by a human player or A.I. The pilot in the script is ignored. gc_crew_parajump_manager_script = [vehiclename, jump delay] execVM "gc_crew_parajump_manager.sqf"; array elements description... vehiclename - name of vehicle which units will be ejecting out of. jump delay - pause between crew jumping out. (recommend 0.75 on dedicated server) Use: 100% Open source. Use and modify as you like! Go make great missions! Download Link: http://www.4shared.com/file/5zD_f9Uk/gc_crew_parajump_manager.html (always use this link for most up to date version)
  12. GeneralCarver's Vehicle Flip Script Date: 12/5/10 Version: 1 Compatability: ArmA2 and ArmA 2: OA Description: This script will give the player an action to turn a flipped car or bike or ATV right side up. Video Demo: Installation: 1. Copy over the "scripts" directory into your missions's directory. 2. Copy the contents of the init.sqf into your mission's init.sqf 3. Play and enjoy! Use: 100% open source. Use and edit as you like. Download Link: http://www.4shared.com/file/FnP0dAmA/gc_veh_flip.html (always use this link for most up to date version)
  13. No way man. You want a Xeno "magical pocket" your on your own. I like having the limitation. Carry a backpack if u need more ammo. Feel free to edit the script if you like and add that feature for yourself.
  14. GeneralCarver

    PMC Zargabad Safari

    COOP 05 Zargabad Safari Description: A PMC unit is tasked with eliminating the Takistani Militia activity in the ruins of former Zargabad City. Features: Adjustable Time, weather and AI skill Respawn/Revive Join in Progress Compatibility ArmA 2: Combined Operations Special Features: Destroyed Zargabad City PMC iphone GPS Skin PMC Vehicles available for use. PMC theme small arms. Settings: View Distance: 300m-600m Weather: Sandstorm Time: Adjustable Scripts Used: GeneralCarver Deploy-able Medic Tent GeneralCarver Spare Vest Pouch GeneralCarver Spare Vest Pouch 2 GeneralCarver Second Primary Weapon GeneralCarver Heading Script GeneralCarver Paraflare GeneralCarver Revive GeneralCarver Vehicle Flip Script GeneralCarver Vehicle Ammo Crate GeneralCarver Settings Script Modules: Weather Ambient Combat Module Sepia Ambient Animals Garbage Collector Addons: None. Download Link: http://www.4shared.com/file/UrqA4SPh/coop_05_pmc_zargabad_safari.html **Stay tuned to this thread, larger player count versions and alternate game type versions will be posted in replies below in the near future.
  15. YOUR ARE MOST WELCOME SIR! It was my HONOR to please you! lol. Now make some great missions and invite me to play sometime!