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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. EricJ

    EricJ Release thread

    EricJ Helicopter Pack RC103 - Added a right-side firing M230 for the MH-60/92s and a right side firing M197 for the USN 2-pylon heli. - AH-96 can now use the 20mm gun pod from the A-143 Buzzard on the outboard wing pylons - The AH-6J has been upgraded with the pylon system, and can only use an M151 Rocket Pod and 2-round Hellfires. No other weapon compatibility is planned for the future. The miniguns aren't removable and remain fixed. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-PcTWH6vwWjsQybLRf8rn8NktiaqUKy1/view?usp=sharing
  2. foreach(var Telling me how to do my job) { if(telling me how to run my mod) { return "I don't work for you, nor am I required to do as you ask. If you can't live with that get a life. I am only bound by the two EULAs and I do this on my free time and not legally required to do anything for you."; }; } EricJ Weapons Pack If you'd like to donate some money via PayPal my address is flanker56(at)hotmail(dot)com. Thanks! Video done by ToxicSludge Readme https://drive.google.com/file/d/16_dR0ZBWVwGw6JTvj3Rz-bbMYFYWoM5g/view?usp=sharing Arma3.de: http://arma3.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=948 Armaholic Link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23858 Play With Six: http://play.withsix.com/arma-3/mods/u100 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// M32 MGL (originally attempted by Slatts from his source models, etc. and configged by me): Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26659 Play With Six: http://play.withsix.com/arma-3/mods/erikj-m32 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Blue Angels Super Hornet Skin Set Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=325018155 Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27017 Arma3.de: http://arma3.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=2482 Play With Six: http://play.withsix.com/arma-3/mods/blueangels Required Addons: - John_Spartan & Saul Super Hornet: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22594 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Tactical Guides Pilot JFO-JTAC Guide Armaholic:http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27025 JFO/JTAC Cheat Sheet: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// A-164 Wipeout Skin Mod Armaholic (RC7): http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27051 Play With Six : http://play.withsix.com/arma-3/mods/ericj-wipeout Steam Workshop : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=327515225 Arma3.de: http://arma3.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=2500 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Helo Skins Steam Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=633842660 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Taliban Mini Pack: Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29542 Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=588162736&result=1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Thompson Mini-Pack Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27432 Play With Six: http://play.withsix.com/arma-3/mods/FrDIUTMcDkeLgJs6WWAtBw/Thomson-SMG Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=441223919 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RHS: AFRF Lasers Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30197 Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=600364780 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EricJ Containers Steam Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=776690780 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UH-60 Blackhawks for A3 Readme: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bzQWoPe-1pHoG5DyBhIafoIIpB1CDbAZ/view?usp=sharing Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3UmtSURTX3YtRjBxa0E/view?usp=sharing //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AH-1Z Readme: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GHjdWcs1afFixvyNaHi_X_NuscDtwMqL/view?usp=sharing Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BGm0Pi3Umtd3VfTHBHVDNZaTg/view?usp=sharing ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Server Key https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GasKI6bhFMjrHmqX5pYXLYL1z3DV1vdC/view?usp=sharing - Config edits such as adding stuff: Please do not "bushwack" (or surprise) me on this thread with a modified config without PMing me first. I know you mean well and more than likely it's a capability that I simply haven't thought of so don't take it I don't appreciate your hard work you put into the adjustment. But I have plans when I'm not posting on where my mod is going or I just don't post it because its probably something small or large, depending on what it is. Posting modded configs is not good because it throws a possible wrench in my mod and therefore people think it's "approved" when it is not. PM me and I'll check it out and yay or nay it. Or simply ask me here on this topic thread and either way if you take the time to ask, more than likely I will say yes. - Texture Edits: Generally I don't mind texture edits but again if you're going to mod my mod then again, PM me to keep things nice so i know what's going on in case of any issues that may arise. - Adding it to other mods: And if you're adding it to a public release as part of another mod, again just take that time to PM me so I know what's going on. - Modpacks: You do not need to ask permission to add this to a modpack. As long as you're just adding it then there is no reason to ask. - Redistribution: So far Armaholic, PWS, and occasionally Arma3.de has the authority to redistribute my mods as they're respected, and more public and they deserve the allowance given their hard work. Other modders, or even players DO NOT have permission to re-upload without permission. So to make it clear, ASK before finding some hostile comments and I will take appropriate action to get it removed. If you really like the mod and find it within yourself to enhance your reputation then I will never permit such a thing. I'm not your Stepping Stone to better greatness. If you want to be popular get off your fat ass and get to work. Requests: - Commune with the spirits, or consult an Ouija board, which is this: http://amzn.to/1I8Ogiw - If tell you no, it means NO. - Don't ask me to redo other people's works, I don't have your permission, nor are you as a player authorized to "give permission", I will check and if you say that it's "okay" then I will delete your PM if you PM me. - I don't work for you, therefore be nice and ask, not order around. - And if for some reason I accommodate your request, then I still don't work for you. I'm being nice and taking the time to do work for you. I don't work for you and don't expect me to take it. Then your request will magically disappear and that will be that. And if you complain you should have thought about that before you decided to think I'm your bitch, go talk to a therapist if you have mental problems about this. Error Reporting: - First off most small errors I won't rush to fix an upload so bringing up a small error like "Oh the sights aren't rounded, I don't like it." Isn't going to lift my skirt. Nor are "game breaking" issues like you want an updated version and bringing up bullshit issues. - I will check, and post videos, especially if its a bullshit error like "I can't use my uniform pack because of your mod" or "I have things appearing in the air and it's breaking the game". If I can't reproduce the error given your parameters then I'll feel you're full of shit, and will be treated accordingly. I don't trust most of the community as far as I can throw a ten ton vehicle as far as this issue is concerned. - If a particular mod is truly causing CTDs, then yes I'll unfuck it. - If you post bitch complaints like "I don't like how the sights are" or "The casings are ejecting to the left" then you're just that, a bitch. And I will continue to talk to you as if you are one, because on the whole I don't care as that's just weak. Get off your fat ass and make it yourself. - If you want it done faster, do it yourself and I don't work according to anybody's timetable, other than my own. As I won't honor all requests, because there isn't anything saying I have to, so if I tell you no, either once or repeatedly then it means No, which given the level of intelligence on these forums will require me to tell you to go fuck yourself. - I'll upload fixes when I feel like it, so like the above, if I feel like uploading it now, then it's my decision, not for you to effect as I don't work for anybody on these forums. So expecting me to always upload is a far gone hope that you need to get out of your head. - I'm not saying don't report errors, is that most of the time they're bullshit errors and I will not believe you the next time. I'd highly suggest reading Peter and the Wolf as you all seem to be Peters around here. Streamlined/Custom Mod Packs: - As you know my mod has a rather large variety of weapons, but it's not always good for most people (too many weapons, not the weapons you're looking for) so here's what I usually do instead or request: - First please PM me here on the forums and all I ask is a good definitive list for what you're looking for rather than not knowing what you want. - If you're part of a clan please just one person as it keeps down the level of confusion and keeps things organized both on my end and your end. And it prevents too many people wanting an off-beat gun and so on. Its your clan and a specific weaponset is always needed. - More often than not I have a fairly good idea on what I have on and don't have available. If I know I can't do it, and know of a mod that will suit your needs, I will of course recommend it in lieu of any work. It's not that I don't want to do it, but if it's already done then I see no need overall to take the time to do it. But if I do have it I can get it to you. And of course I will give you a timeline roughly when it will get done. I will upload it to your representative or if needed, and so on. - I do have TS3, and my gaming site is here: http://562ndts.enjin.com/?welcome If you are registered on the Enjin forums the messaging system will work as well. Again as long as it's one person. - As far as the weapons go I will see what I can do. I have pistols to mortars and some other stuff, but be aware I use a lot of Arma 2 source files to get the weapon to you. I do have some 3D modelling skills so i can also manipulate or create things to get what you need. Again if I can't do it then I will let you know. "I don't like this" (and it's one or a few people = Not going to motivate me, but it's duly noted "I think you should do this and only this to 'enhance' the game" (Or telling me how to run my mod) = Yeah no thanks, I'm the mod author so I'll do as I see fit to satisfy as many people as possible. "I'll berate Eric about a single thing I don't like (as in one person) because persistence pays off" = Not going to happen, you can kindly pester somebody else, and continued activity when told I don't appreciate starts to turn into abject harassment. No thanks. "Mod is CTDing my Game": I'll fix it for sure, as some of you have seen. Do me a favor and describe what mods you're running, and so on, that way I can see for myself, and 9 times out of 10 it was my fault, so I'll fix and reupload. "I don't like these sights how they look"" = Duly noted, but I really don't care about that kind of opinion. While they're not very hiqh quality models got it, overall I try and to my best to get them as accurate as possible. So if you don't like a particular style, well, either request or find another mod. A lot of you players tend to think that your opinion matters and I should jump on a request like flies on shit. Fact is that if it's brought up continuously and I keep saying No, then well, I'm not interested in doing some things, I just don't have to and don't want to. Part of the mod is some personal things as well as what players are looking for. Again I can listen to your suggestion, but given that other than various donations, I do all the work so that gives me a lot of leeway in saying Yes or No to a request. I can understand if I break your heart if I do say No, but I don't get any reimbursement for my time and effort I put into my work. If you feel the need to complain about it I'll do my best to ignore it, as the main thing people seem to not understand is that I can listen to you, but I make the final decision, not you, to include it. Just thought I'd post this given I tend to see how people act. Skin Requests: - I don' t mind doing skin requests but keep it sane and of course specify what aircraft/helicopter you need. For various aircraft it can take a few days or so (depending on the detail of the base aircraft) to create a PSD template and then I'll get it to you. - At the minimum draw a "Stick plane" of what you want. Bear in mind for default aircraft there are limitations on how the aircraft was textured, so you may not always be able to get the effect you want. I will of course let you know. Issues and how to fix them: - "Infinite Ammo": Open the Steam Interface and right click and click on Properties. Click the Local tab and Verify Game Cache. Sometimes downloads glitch and causes that problem. After that the weapons should work fine. Also check your ASDG Joint Rails, ensure that you don't have another one (usually older version) running which may cause issues as well. - Game CTDs when trying to resume saved games: I've been getting a lot of complaints when my mod is used with the Arma 3 Launcher that comes with the game. I don't use this method so I don't see any issues as of yet when I get the reports. I'm not saying it's not out there, but if your game is crashing when resuming any missions, Instead of using the Launcher I go through the game itself, i.e. Configure/Expansions and Enable or Disable as needed. Restart the game and things will or should work fine as I've resumed various saved games and haven't had any CTDs or anything related. I also don't have anything to do with the Launcher so if you have issues, contact BIS if that comes up or use the method described. For PayPal donations click the linky: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=2J4LKTG8R8PQJ&lc=US¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted
  3. EricJ

    EricJ Release thread

    Future Plans: As I wait for the Stable version of the game to update, I came up with a plan for the AH-6J. Given that back then they had Hellfires on the bird I'm looking to make the system a pylon system. Personally, I think I can get away with a normal rocket pod, and not have to make every tube for it. I asked around and one person on Discord replied, but none of the experts, so when I can pack the files and not cause a crash due to formatting I'll look into it. If I can do it then I'll go with that, but not looking to make the pylons universal (unless there's a desire to) so it uses BIS weapons. I want to actually limit the weaponry for once, and that's the best way to do it, once I get the rockets configged and model setup so it can work with the game. I'm looking to limit it to Hellfires and rockets. While the MELB featured removable miniguns, I see no reason to do that either, so it'll be just Hellfires and the rocket pods. The minis will stay there as they are now, and be done with it. I'm not looking to expand it and not looking to make an M version, because you can't beat the MELB anyway, so there's that. Other plans isn't really much, given that there's not much to do as of yet. I am thinking of allowing the gun pod from the BIS Buzzard on the AH-96, but that's again on hold until things are good with the Tools (I use the Dev version) and the new patched Stable game. I only do it this way because the Dev Tools work fine and I like the latest updates. I keep the Stable version of the game in case I actually go on a server and play. Otherwise, I'd use the Dev version of the game, and have one, but I prefer Stable. Anyway, that's my musings for now. Of course anything I may have missed let me know and I'll see if I can't do it.
  4. EricJ

    EricJ WIP Thread

    Future Plans: As I wait for the Stable version of the game to update, I came up with a plan for the AH-6J. Given that back then they had Hellfires on the bird I'm looking to make the system a pylon system. Personally, I think I can get away with a normal rocket pod, and not have to make every tube for it. I asked around and one person on Discord replied, but none of the experts, so when I can pack the files and not cause a crash due to formatting I'll look into it. If I can do it then I'll go with that, but not looking to make the pylons universal (unless there's a desire to) so it uses BIS weapons. I want to actually limit the weaponry for once, and that's the best way to do it, once I get the rockets configged and model setup so it can work with the game. I'm looking to limit it to Hellfires and rockets. While the MELB featured removable miniguns, I see no reason to do that either, so it'll be just Hellfires and the rocket pods. The minis will stay there as they are now, and be done with it. I'm not looking to expand it and not looking to make an M version, because you can't beat the MELB anyway, so there's that. Other plans isn't really much, given that there's not much to do as of yet. I am thinking of allowing the gun pod from the BIS Buzzard on the AH-96, but that's again on hold until things are good with the Tools (I use the Dev version) and the new patched Stable game. I only do it this way because the Dev Tools work fine and I like the latest updates. I keep the Stable version of the game in case I actually go on a server and play. Otherwise, I'd use the Dev version of the game, and have one, but I prefer Stable. Anyway, that's my musings for now. Of course anything I may have missed let me know and I'll see if I can't do it.
  5. I figured that I was stretching the Release Thread too much with my WIP stuff so I decided to create the WIP thread for my work. Right now it's just me working on a requested from Steam a SAM Container. I've got the model somewhat finalized and I'll post pics in a few.
  6. EricJ

    EricJ Release thread

    Update: Currently have the guns available for use on both sides, both the USN and DAPs, after some double-checking and so on to make sure that they had them. Anyway they're modeled and configged, and ready until the next patch comes, which seems imminent, just don't know how long it'll be ready, as I can't verify the stuff until the game is updated so I can take a peek. I use the Dev version of the tools, so any major update and I have to wait until they update the stable game ( don't do dev as I like to go on servers every once in a while) so I can release the next update, as right now I have an older build so I can play missions with my helos without crashing. And if I release it now I'll get 33,000+ people screaming at me, so I'll hold off until things are updated for the Helicopter Pack, as well as any other mods requiring my attention.
  7. EricJ

    EricJ Release thread

    It's actually not a good idea to add the Hatchet mod pylons. I could delve into the code and stuff, but it seems that the game likes custom stuff.. That and I don't know where to set them, but it would come up with a "No config.bin/This magazine doesn't exist" and so on, and while I can get away with not depending on the USAF Mod and ACE3, I want to keep the dependency list down as much as possible. I like the Hatchet mod myself (even though I don't fly it a lot), and I can look into the right-side gun thing As for sound I use BIS sounds, so it is what it is. I mean yes it loud (I heard a 25mm Bushmaster while in a Bradley one time quite clearly), but I don't have a better sound, so blame BIS for having low volume for it.
  8. EricJ

    EricJ Release thread

    Right now, I'm wondering about doing a specific rocket pod for the bird on the Kiowa front. I more or less figured out how to it (I think) from the Hatchet GitHub download that they had. I have to actually model each rocket it looks like, or I can see if I can use a tube and call it a day, and find some textures and the like, or ask somebody to make a rocket pod for the bird, though the Shrieker 7x HE seems to be enough, even it if it's a bit too bright in color for my taste anyway. Another thing is that I hope to recolor it to more suitable look, given that the current scheme is off on the color. ADuke said he'd do a PSD for me, so I can sample the color from a few photos I have (which in my experience isn't something I particularly like to do) and get the color right for the helo. Other projects include the gun pod. There was a mention of the GAU-19, but from what little I remember it was trialed, and not used, mainly sticking with (If I remember correctly) the M3P, or whatever it was called. So that's on the backburner for now as well as new AO maps for the helo by ADuke, so I'm kinda on hold for it. I'm also not going to give it too many weapons, because well, it didn't have much of a selection if I recall and from what I saw in photos and from my tour in Afghanistan. So there's that. I'm waiting for feedback on the latest upload of the EricJ Helicopter Pack because it's like "What's next for it?".
  9. EricJ

    EricJ Release thread

    EricJ Helicopter Pack RC102 -Removed the "MH-60S (M197/pylon)" due to the pylon system and gun pods. The M197 is now a gun pod, so now I can remove that helo from the list. The MH-60S 2-pylon has the new M197 gun pod. - Removed the M230 armed helos (MH-60/92), and now the M230 is a pod for the appropriate pylon. While I'm sure the 160th has a dual-configured gun pod, I chose to stick with the pylon that had the gun before, to keep with appearances, and allow a wider variety of options for configurations and the like. Simply select the weapon in the Pylon Settings field of the aircraft. - The MQ-17 now has small 1000-round miniguns added to it's list of weapons it can employ. - Increased Armor for the MH-80. - Created an MQ-17 in SOAR camo. It has some enhancements such as a datalink system. - MQ-17s now have a shadow LOD. - Adjusted the MH-80 datalink system - MH-67 now has limited datalink capability. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-M_sUyyaoZAQuFSisMtj3Rrut_cCtuHT/view?usp=sharing
  10. EricJ

    EricJ Release thread

    Well it's been a busy afternoon for me. I finally got the M197 and M230 armed helos gone away now permanently. I managed to figure out how to do a "gun pod" for the USN M197 and M230 armed helos. I managed to remove four models, config entries, and model.cfg entries today. That means you don't need to have a specific gun armed helo in order to do things. The good thing is that the co-pilot can now fire the gun, so if you don't have a pilot you can fire it. Note that the 240 and M134 guns are still slaved to the pilot, so you have something to work with. Other than that I'm sure I'll find something else to do with the Helicopter Pack. I may work on the Kiowa for a bit, but for now I'll deploy the update for the EricJ Helicopter tomorrow, just don't want to ruin missions that use my helos and cause issues with groups that depend on my mod. I don't think most people use my mod play on Sunday, and may move it to Monday, which was my original plan. The weapons are selectable in the appropriate slots where the gun used to be prior to the change, so there's no confusion. I'm not sure if the US Army has dual M230s, but I stuck with one gun on that specific pylon just to keep it somewhat real and should be accurate somewhat. This also helped me understand what to do with the Kiowa, as I had to eventually do the .50 cal machine gun that is mounted on the left side. Given how the model works and with the Helicopter Pack, I should be able to model everything at least reasonably. Again if anybody is interested in helping with the Kiowa let me know and we can see what we can do, but looks like modeling and whatnot.
  11. EricJ

    EricJ WIP Thread

    Well it's been a busy afternoon for me. I finally got the M197 and M230 armed helos gone away now permanently. I managed to figure out how to do a "gun pod" for the USN M197 and M230 armed helos. I managed to remove four models, config entries, and model.cfg entries today. That means you don't need to have a specific gun armed helo in order to do things. The good thing is that the co-pilot can now fire the gun, so if you don't have a pilot you can fire it. Note that the 240 and M134 guns are still slaved to the pilot, so you have something to work with. Other than that I'm sure I'll find something else to do with the Helicopter Pack. I may work on the Kiowa for a bit, but for now I'll deploy the update for the EricJ Helicopter tomorrow, just don't want to ruin missions that use my helos and cause issues with groups that depend on my mod. I don't think most people use my mod play on Sunday, and may move it to Monday, which was my original plan. The weapons are selectable in the appropriate slots where the gun used to be prior to the change, so there's no confusion. I'm not sure if the US Army has dual M230s, but I stuck with one gun on that specific pylon just to keep it somewhat real and should be accurate somewhat. This also helped me understand what to do with the Kiowa, as I had to eventually do the .50 cal machine gun that is mounted on the left side. Given how the model works and with the Helicopter Pack, I should be able to model everything at least reasonably. Again if anybody is interested in helping with the Kiowa let me know and we can see what we can do, but looks like modeling and whatnot.
  12. EricJ

    EricJ Release thread

    EricJ Helicopter Pack RC101 - Brought back the two Armed MH-60S's. Apparently, I was overwhelmed at the time and made a decision that didn't need to be made. They follow the same style as the DAPs, only a pilot, and co-pilot gunner. Otherwise, all is the same and so on. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-AeulgrHedrb8AVTCfYxzPMaw74enUo4/view?usp=sharing
  13. EricJ

    EricJ Release thread

    EricJ Helicopter Pack RC100 - Adjusted the requested USN skin assignment so that it can be used with the SOAR DAPs, for a "faux armed MH-60S" - AH-96s now have wingtip mounted AIM-9Xs https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-6FxEK0VPK9ey_Gc-ejjcfN8n4RUu831/view?usp=sharing
  14. EricJ

    EricJ Release thread

    AH-1Z RC16 - Added AIM-9Xs to the wingtips of the helo.
  15. EricJ

    EricJ WIP Thread

    For the AH-1Z I spent some hours working on wingtip pylons for some AIM-9Xs and no worky. Either it would work, and not disappear when I fire, to not show up on the pylon, despite it being loaded. No help from the Pylons either, as they're more "universal", and can't make a fake pylon to make it work, as it wouldn't load on two pylons, though I got the system working. I think the new pylon system took over the embedded work that was on there, so no seemingly way to do it. I'll keep the files handy, but I think that a version (or the base version) with some sort of AAM is out of the question for now.
  16. EricJ

    EricJ Mission Thread

    It's becoming a necessity to not always post updates to my missions, as well I am trying to attract more visibility of course, but overall the stats don't change on who uses it. I also make frequent updates and it gets a bit tiresome for every incremental update to the missions, though I like how they are performing at least on my end. Oh well, no worries, I have people playing. I just made this mission, akin to the original "Pilot CH-67" mission that RobJ did. This is my take on it, an MP version of the same mission more or less. It shouldn't require more than the Helicopter DLC, but the Jets DLC may be needed if you want to operate the ship weapons in the bay south of the main Altis Airfield. It does have a Zeus slot at least, so there can be some fun with that if needed. Pilot CH-67 (Coop 5) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3338310978
  17. Totally forgot about this section, I have some missions available at my user page: Mission and addons link (Steam): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198016000690/myworkshopfiles/ Discord: https://discord.gg/afmPJCBRbh As soon as I develop more missions, I'll post here, but this is my Workshop page and highlights some missions I created, and if I do more missions, I'll post them here.
  18. EricJ

    EricJ Release thread

    EricJ Helicopter Pack RC99 - Pilot controls the miniguns rather than the Co-Pilot for the MH-60/92 DAPs. - Fixed muzzle flash issues on the miniguns for the DAPs (MH-60/92). It should be noted that due to issues I had to remove the muzzle flash for the cannons, feeling that the miniguns were more important. In the future when I make the gun a gun pod to reduce helo numbers, I'll figure out some way to make the muzzle flash work on that stuff in the future. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-1qraNJFbS2FJIN8oFouB3HrdHMri4Pp/view?usp=sharing
  19. EricJ

    EricJ Release thread

    EricJ Helicopter Pack RC98 - Changed material for the SOAR MH-60/92s, to reflect a better armor capability - Added more shadow LODs for the containers - Removed the two USN helos, the MH-60S M197/Pylon and the MH-60S 2-pylon birds. It's too much work for one person to convert the birds to suit the playstyle required for those helos. That and I don't think many people play it anyway. Sorry for any inconvenience. I will keep the transport birds available though. - Tweaked the MH-60/92 DAPs. I think I figured out what the issue was, given that the manned turrets were causing the issue with the pylon weapons. The game doesn't like anything more than a Co-Pilot/Pilot setup, so that was causing the issue with the pylon weapons on the DAPs. Lesson learned and so on. For now since they should be working, the DAP birds will remain as essentially attack helicopters and so on, so they should work with the custom weapons.
  20. EricJ

    EricJ Release thread

    AH-1Z RC15 - Incorporated Hellfires into the pylon selection and are fully functional. - Retextured the Hellfire skin
  21. Okay I've narrowed the cycling issue to how many gunners there are and not a fault of Addon Builder. I guess I need to change things up then as the game is confused by multiple positions, on my DAP helo. I have Pilot, Co-Pilot, and Left and Right minigun positions, all crewable. For some reason it's putting the missiles on a gun station, and which is useless. I may have to just do some creative editing and unman those points. So it's not Addon Builder, it's just the game and how it works. Sorry about this.
  22. For the pylon system for helicopters/planes. I got the weapon to load on the pylon, but it won't allow me to select the weapon system in the appropriate slot. I used BIS's configs, and still no worky. Again it loads fine, no other errors, but it won't let me select the weapon when I'm in the Co-Pilot's slot. Other weapons work fine, but my weapons won't work. Not sure what to do and asked help on Discord, and they don't know either.
  23. Okay I've narrowed the cycling issue to how many gunners there are and not a fault of Addon Builder. I guess I need to change things up then as the game is confused by multiple positions, on my DAP helo. I have Pilot, Co-Pilot, and Left and Right minigun positions, all crewable. For some reason it's putting the missiles on a gun station, and which is useless. I may have to just do some creative editing and unman those points. So it's not Addon Builder, it's just the game and how it works. Sorry about this.
  24. Hi, I've been trying to pack a few addons using a custom pylon system, that I lifted off of other configs, and then off of the BIS configs on the subject. Right now it's no worky. BIS pylon weapons load fine and cycle so that's not the issue, but I think Addon Builder isn't recognizing my own stuff, and not making it active. I just added a custom pylon system to my addon, and after ensuring it was right (and it caught some errors), it won't show up as listed for the pylon. I've noticed this with another addon, where it loads the pylon but no cycling, therefore I can't use my own custom pylon weapons (missiles in this case), and posted an entry in the Feedback Tracker, but kinda bringing it up as think the dev version (as well as stable, I dd try that, and no luck) needs to be looked at when packing stuff for pylon work. I know it's not me, the configs line up, but for some reason the game won't recognize things, and I think it's an Addon Builder issue.
  25. EricJ

    EricJ Release thread

    ADuke Kiowa Warrior Alpha AC8 - Tweaked Fire Geometry - Added 2x AGM-114K missile racks for the helo.