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Everything posted by ColeMinor

  1. hey guys, who's running the mod now? I actually started The Unsung like 15 years ago! It originally all started with some SEBNAM units, and some cool anim stances lol.. It was just a screenshot and a dream! lol I try to come back every few years but life has been crazy, I will be off work for a while and wanted to get back into it. Great to see the torch has been held high all these years. How do i get down again? thanks PS i'm a professional graphic designer so texture work should be super easy, and I'm a musician with a full recording studio at my house and years of sound editing experience so sound modding should be easy as well. Besides those skills I want to get into modelling (again, though I was super novice when i dabbled in it last) and make some high quality vegetation and ultimately an elaborate Vietnam island for Arma3, i've been dreaming about this for years and want to finally make it happen.
  2. hey folks, Is there a more realistic system for using artillery/mortars? I don't like the mapclick option really, I want more of a challenge when calling in death from above. ***I also want something that will work after respawn in a MP mission, modules currently do not.*** Please advise on the best system that is a bit of a challenge to execute. Back in OFP Resistance days I played with a system that you put in the map coordinates, then a 1-10 number left to right and up down (I believe it was something like that) for where in the square on the map the shells would fall. You could also choose from many types of shells and various patterns of fire, rolling barrage etc. Back then that seemed super annoying and pointlessly hard and I would have loved a map click option, now however I want it to be more challenging to call in mortars on enemies and would like a coordinate based system, or something more user input based. Please advise if you have come across this in your travels. Thanks!!
  3. i just saw this game on youtube, its working on getting funding looks like its on kickstarter. Anyways look at this video its extremely realistic when driving in the soft earth etc. BIS please look into doing this type of thing! :)
  4. ColeMinor

    2017 - Official Announcement!

    Hey guys cool looking mod, I'm not a zombie lover so much but I'm a big post apocalyptic world fan, hope this turns out. Not trolling here, this may have been mentioned already but I'm a graphic designer, and your current logo is Very much hinting at the DayZ logo, if I were you guys I would create a new more unique logo without a silhouette of a person in one of the letters. You would be much less likely to have people saying you're a copy mod if you have a more unique image/logo. Good luck with the mod!
  5. hey guys I've suspected that the updates are making scripts etc stop working lately, is that the case? Most of the features I've put into my mission don't seem to work anymore. The few that do seem to work stop working aftrr u respawn and they worked fine before, I spent a week in the beginning getting them all to work before I moved on to the finer details of mission design. Most noticably the mortar script seems to work and does everything (theres a radio dialog and count down) except cause explosions. I think I have zuffs support menu where u give tasks to teammates for cas and transport, definitely stops working after respawn. I havent been too worried about it because I'm hoping the kinks will smooth out after release. But am I right, have u been noticing issues like this, or have i just messed up my mission somehow?
  6. thanks dude, disabledAI = 1; was in there already i guess from one of the scripts i put in my mission. I'll switch it to 0 :cool:
  7. Can't find this in the search its an odd subject. In my mission for some reason, in the MP game lobby the playable units just show 'nobody', not AI with an option to turn AI off, can anyone tell me why? I'd like to leave them as AI and see if I set it up for High Command if my synced playable squads will respawn and still be synced to me. thanks
  8. can u have the marker assume the user name of the player in MP?
  9. Yea if a moderator wants to sticky this that would be cool, they can remove the "I've compiled" part in the thread name.
  10. I'm open to input on organizing these topics, if you see something improperly categorized please let me know. (TUTORIALS & RESOURCES) Arma3 Modding Updates http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Modding_Updates Arma 3 Editing http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Arma_3:_Editing Arma 3 Scripting http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Topics Arma 3 Command List http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Arma_3:_New_Scripting_Commands_List Arma 3 Functions http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Arma_3:_Functions Arma 3 Classnames http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147694-ArmA3-Classnames-no-discussions (more) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147502-SIX-Config-Browser-Editing-resource-ARMA-3-Alpha-available Kylania site http://www.kylania.com/ex/ FOCK Introduction to scripting http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154047-Arma-3-Scripting-Tutorial-For-Noobs&highlight=introduction+scripting Tutorials on building simple missions http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148594-ArmA-3-Editor-Tutorials-Building-Simple-Missions (MISSION INFRASTRUCTURE) (Nuts & Bolts) Description.ext http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/description.ext#loadScreen Init http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Init.sqs Mission Overview http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mission_Overview Triggers http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Triggers Waypoints http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/waypoints Respawn http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawn Making MP Missions http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?162242-Multiplayer-How-to-create-a-JIP-proof-coop-mission How to activate a trigger with players only http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?162198-Multiplayer-How-to-activate-a-trigger-with-players-only Modules http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Arma_3:_Editor_Modules Briefing and task notifications explained in this thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151534-Task-Completion-Animations UAV briefing http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19289 Tasks http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Tasks BIS task create functions http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?159875-Task-completion-works-abuot-50-of-the-time&highlight=BIS_fnc_taskCreate Endmission only on certain task http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?161477-How-do-I-only-have-triggers-on-certain-missions Debriefing http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Debriefing Mission Presentation http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?153358-Mission-Presentation (Enemies spawning, patrolling etc.) Enemy Occupation System (EOS) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?153100-Enemy-occupation-system-(eos) Firefight improvement/AI call in arty/Suppressing fire etc. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22101 Urban patrol script http://kronzky.info/ups/index.htm Upsmon http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147808-UPSMON-for-arma3 (Logistics, Support, Abilities, Object Placement & Misc.) Virtual Ammobox System (VAS) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149077-Virtual-Ammobox-System-(VAS)&highlight=VAS Synchronize objects add – sync modules etc. to player https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/synchronizeObjectsAdd Jump - allows player to jump over small/midsized objects http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?160133-Realistic-Jumping-Script&highlight=realistic+jump BTC Revive http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148085-BTC-Revive UAV in backpack http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?162038-Checking-UAV-Backpack IED http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148033-How-do-I-make-this-IED-work-in-Arma-3 Helicopters can lift and transport items and vehicles http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20534 Vehicle respawn http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20766 Mortar script http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20570 AI recruit - recruit squad members http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19042 Chopper support request from other players, CAS and Transport http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20504 Chopper transport – call AI for a lift somewhere http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20016 Assigning markers to all units http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?161898-Script-or-System-to-Create-Assign-random-color-Markers-to-all-nearby-Units&highlight=animation+list Markers follow friendlies http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?161916-Side-marker-visibility MP Markers on friendlies http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151294-MP-map-friendly-player-markers&highlight=marker+follow+player Leaving zone warning http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2320 Stat saving http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?158318-Addon-Free-Stat-Save-System-Script Group management – lets you join and leave squads http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20488 Zuff’s support menu – make sure it works after respawn http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154245-Support-Menu-Script&highlight=add+action+task Vehicle lock http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?143400-Help-Problems-with-unlocking-vehicle-in-script&highlight=unlocking+vehicle+with+script (solved) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?99921-Script-to-lock-unlock-vehicle&highlight=unlocking+vehicle+with+script Lock/Unlock doors on buildings http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?162243-Lock-unlock-doors-on-a-builing Triggers on Destroyed Buildings http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154806-Triggers-on-Destroyed-Buildings-Arma-3-Editor-Tutorial&highlight=building+simples Getpos/Setpos explained in this thread (for placing objects on top of each other, units on rooftops etc.) http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=14254 Disable AI http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/disableAI Enable AI http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableAI Setunitpos http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setunitpos FYI - These last 3 commands I use like this: (I don’t really understand the dialog stuff yet but I know its important!) Dialogs http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?144954-Dialog-Tutorial-For-Noobs-By-A-Noob&highlight=noob Conversation http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?91875-New-conversation-system-how-to /topic http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/kbAddTopic if you don’t want convo http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/kbWasSaid clear radio messages (when sidechat etc. on screen too long) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/clearRadio dialog system http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?112012-Using-Dialogue-System-Between-Player-and-AI (tutorials in first post) GUI dialogs http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?144954-Dialog-Tutorial-For-Noobs-By-A-Noob/page2 uses a gui http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12131 LIFE mission (very complex game mode example) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?161758-%C2%ABREAL-LIFE%C2%BB-Project-Announcement-MP (ICING & FINISHING TOUCHES) Animations http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?161851-help-with-using-animations Animations List http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149694-Arma-3-animation-list&highlight=animation+list Amin viewer http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148621-Animation-list-A3-available&highlight=animation+list User made signs in game http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?161979-Making-user-made-images-for-in-game-signs& Display image on screen http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?139954-Image-Intro&highlight=show+image+screen UAV intro http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?161932-Establishing-Shot&
  11. ColeMinor

    Thanks Kylania!

    here here!! I second this notion! lol Kylania is my arma idol!
  12. hey guys, I've been searching all afternoon and I've figured out some stuff, from what i gather if you play the sound from a trigger/effects/voice, and link that trigger to a unit he will move his lips while it plays. But how can i set up sounds to play that show up in the voice drop down field? I mustn't be searching the right terms, I haven't had any luck solving this yet. I was able to get the names (haven't made the actual sound files yet) to show up in the music tracks drop down list but not voice. Any help is appreciated, Thanks!
  13. so Kylania, I've checked thru a few threads on this once I came across "dialog" as a search term, seems super complex to me right now, i'll probably try to tackle it with my bro who has some programming experience. In the meantime can I just get some advice on getting a custom sound in the game and playing it from a unit that moves his lips? That's got to be super simple compared to the convo system. Do the ogg files need to be wavs first at a certain setting? I used an mp3, converted to ogg but I cant get it to show up in game. I make my own music etc. so i'd like to get some in game (which I did back in ofp:r days), I also have a professional recording studio at home I could use for voice acting but I cant get rolling on this. Any input would be great thanks man! I'm mostly coming up with info for arma2 and back.
  14. Thanks man, it seem pretty complicated for me at this point but I'll see if i can implement that. Can we just get him to speak from his mouth and move his lips tho and not use the radio? is there a cfgVoice class? How would i set up this type of thing for voice: class CfgSounds { // List of sounds (.ogg files without the .ogg extension) sounds[] = {blue10}; // Definition for each sound class blue10 { name = "blue10"; sound[] = {\sound\blue10_strike_prime.ogg, db + 10, 1.0}; titles[] = {0, $STR_BLUE10_SUBTITLE}; }; };
  15. Is it just me or is the smoke in arma3 only for signaling and not for putting down a smoke screen you would use to advance/retreat etc.? Is there a way to create a smoke grenade that actually makes a smoke screen like they used to?
  16. hey dudes, I cant find anything up to date on this, everything I could find is seemingly out of date and doesnt work in Arma3. I need to start a marker empty, which seems to work with this: "mortar_battery_Name" SetMarkerType "Empty" Then I need to make it an 'objective' or 'destroy' later but I cant get that part to work, even with arma2 marker type class names.. seems odd. Any input is appreciated. Thanks. ---------- Post added at 18:55 ---------- Previous post was at 18:48 ---------- nevermind sorry i finally found one that works: "mortar_battery_Name" SetMarkerType "hd_objective"
  17. hmm that is noticeably better than what I experienced though, it must be my settings being set so low. My current computer is getting a bit older now, that must be it.
  18. I may be mistaken but I threw like 12 smoke grenades once (I had that massive backpack on) and I think it barely did anything. I'm pretty sure in arma2 you could make a huge smoke screen.. these ones just had a tiny smoke trail coming off like a little fire or something. I guess I should double check tonight, I'm at work right now.
  19. Hey guys, Can anyone tell me how to script a car window breaking on a civilian vehicle? I came across some commands one time in a thread about something else a couple guys were discussing it, it showed each window had a specific name etc. Any info would be appreciated. thanks
  20. Hey guys I tried to find this via search but it wasn't very helpful this time. I do think I need to put all this in a script and run it on a loop but i'll give you the whole story incase you have better ideas. Basically the EOS thread has a lot of things going on and my posts don't seem to be getting answered on this so I thought I'd change my approach. I don't want to totally flood that thread and my problem is pretty elaborate so I figured I'd lay it all out here and maybe someone can help me sort this out. I am using EOS, I was at first putting triggers over the EOS zones set to when there are no opfor left the trigger should play this script: ["TaskSucceeded", ["Front Line Secured"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;task1 setTaskState "Succeeded";;;task2 = player createSimpleTask ["taskName2"]; task2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Take LZ Connor","LZ Connor",""]; task2 setTaskState "assigned"; task2 setsimpletaskdestination [2965, 1860]; player setCurrentTask task2;task3 = player createSimpleTask ["taskName3"]; task3 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Take Agios Ionnis","Agios Ionnis",""]; task3 setTaskState "assigned"; task3 setsimpletaskdestination [3073, 2139]; What I found was the trigger would sometimes go off (notifying you that task1 is complete, and assigning the next 2 tasks while making task2 your current task) and the EOS zone would still be red, or the EOS zone would go green and the trigger would not go off.. I'm not sure the proper terminology to explain everything but basically I want that script above to run when the zone turns green. So I next tried to use script to say: when the marker turns green then run this script. if (getMarkerColor "FrontLine" == "ColorGreen") then { Hint "Front Line Secured. Proceed to next objective.";["TaskSucceeded", ["Front Line Secured"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;task1 setTaskState "Succeeded";;;task2 = player createSimpleTask ["taskName2"]; task2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Take LZ Connor","LZ Connor",""]; task2 setTaskState "assigned"; task2 setsimpletaskdestination [2965, 1860]; player setCurrentTask task2;task3 = player createSimpleTask ["taskName3"]; task3 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Take Agios Ionnis","Agios Ionnis",""]; task3 setTaskState "assigned"; task3 setsimpletaskdestination [3073, 2139];}; I put this all in a trigger that was set to 0 size, anybody not present run this script. So, the thing is it DOES work at the beginning of the mission. For example if I set the EOS to have no enemies, and place myself inside the EOS zone it will immediately change to green after it realizes I'm the only unit in the zone, this will run the script saying task complete and here's your next task. BUT, if I wait a few seconds at the beginning of the mission before I move into that zone it will turn green but it wont run the script... which tells me those triggers only work at the beginning of the mission, even if set to repeatedly. This tells me I need to put all that into a script file which I run via some exec command on a loop, but I don't know how to do that. Can anyone help me out on this? I've been at this for days now. thanks!
  21. Hey guys, Here is what I'm using to set off tasks when zones are cleared, this isnt the most efficient script yet but it works for now. For EOS Zones: Trigger) Condition: getMarkerColor "Camp Rogain" == "ColorGreen" On Act: Hint "Camp Rogain Secured. Proceed to next objective.";["TaskSucceeded", ["Camp Rogain Secured"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;task6 setTaskState "Succeeded"; task7 = player createSimpleTask ["taskName7"]; task7 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Take Agia Marina","Agia Marina",""]; task7 setTaskState "assigned"; task7 setsimpletaskdestination [2984, 6027]; player setCurrentTask task7; in description.ext of your mission: (this runs the task notifications) class CfgNotifications { class TaskSucceeded { title = "TASK COMPLETED"; iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\taskicondone_ca.paa"; description = "%1"; color[]={0,255,0,1}; }; class TaskFailed { title = "TASK FAILED"; iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\taskiconfailed_ca.paa"; description = "%1"; color[]={255,0,0,1}; }; class TaskCanceled { title = "TASK CANCELED"; iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\taskiconcanceled_ca.paa"; description = "%1"; color[]={255,0,0,1}; }; class TaskAssigned { title = "TASK ASSIGNED"; iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\Mapcontrol\taskIcon_ca.paa"; description = "%1"; }; class TaskCreated { title = "TASK CREATED"; iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\taskiconcreated_ca.paa"; description = "%1"; }; }; For a trigger that ends the mission when all zones are completed: Trigger) Condition: (getMarkerColor "frontline" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "airfield" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "AgiosIoannis" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "LZConnor" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "airfield" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "CampRogain" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "Mike-26" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "CampMaxwell" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "airbase" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "AgiaMarina" == "ColorGreen") On Act: endMission "END1"
  22. lol! functions you say? I'll look into them! :)
  23. Thanks dudes that was it! I appreciate the help. For EOS Zones: Trigger) Condition: getMarkerColor "Camp Rogain" == "ColorGreen" On Act: Hint "Camp Rogain Secured. Proceed to next objective.";["TaskSucceeded", ["Camp Rogain Secured"]] call bis_fnc_showNotification;task6 setTaskState "Succeeded"; task7 = player createSimpleTask ["taskName7"]; task7 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Take Agia Marina","Agia Marina",""]; task7 setTaskState "assigned"; task7 setsimpletaskdestination [2984, 6027]; player setCurrentTask task7; in description.ext of your mission: (runs task notifications) class CfgNotifications { class TaskSucceeded { title = "TASK COMPLETED"; iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\taskicondone_ca.paa"; description = "%1"; color[]={0,255,0,1}; }; class TaskFailed { title = "TASK FAILED"; iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\taskiconfailed_ca.paa"; description = "%1"; color[]={255,0,0,1}; }; class TaskCanceled { title = "TASK CANCELED"; iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\taskiconcanceled_ca.paa"; description = "%1"; color[]={255,0,0,1}; }; class TaskAssigned { title = "TASK ASSIGNED"; iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\Mapcontrol\taskIcon_ca.paa"; description = "%1"; }; class TaskCreated { title = "TASK CREATED"; iconPicture = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl\taskiconcreated_ca.paa"; description = "%1"; }; }; For a trigger that ends the mission when all zones are completed: Condition: (getMarkerColor "frontline" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "airfield" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "AgiosIoannis" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "LZConnor" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "airfield" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "CampRogain" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "Mike-26" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "CampMaxwell" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "airbase" == "ColorGreen") && (getMarkerColor "AgiaMarina" == "ColorGreen") On Act: endMission "END1"
  24. The markers are all red at start. I have tested the script with colorRed and it works, it also works (when set to colorGreen) if I set eos to spawn no enemies and place myself inside a zone at mission start, zone turns green automatically and sets off the trigger. I'm thinking now it might work if I use the condition field as mentioned above. I actually learned a lot from that link, I thought I knew all about triggers but most of my experience is from ofpresisance era (I totally missed arma and only dabbled in arma2 a bit, I was busy with life atm) where there wasn't much documentation and you just kinda figured things out by trial and error. edit - Thanks for the link cuel, I'm going to read up on scripting basics there and maybe I wont have to ask so many dumb questions! :)