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Everything posted by Defunkt

  1. Not in ArmA but other games like Half-Life, Call of Duty and I'm sure many others allow clients to auto-download (or opt out at any time) required content. Given how modded and moddable ArmA is it seems nuts that there isn't an equivalent facility.
  2. Defunkt

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I wonder if leaning has been deemed impractical for consoles but they don't want the product differentiated in that fashion across platforms at release. I think I read that the animations do exist and for that reason I anticipate a mod might add it for PC.
  3. Defunkt

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Richie your choice of subject matter on both forums seems a bit inflammatory, you want to discuss the things ArmA does better on the DR forums and vice-versa here. It's a fine line between devil's advocate and troll.
  4. Defunkt

    Star Wars Stormtrooper

    Not to mention getting people thinking about what they might add in support like the TIE fighter above.
  5. Mission scripts are better than an addon when it comes to just rocking on up to a server and playing. If the flares people get to use in MP missions operate as closely as possible to the ones they might seek out or already have for SP or private MP games you have achieved a de-facto standard. ---------- Post added at 12:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 AM ---------- I should add by way of explanation, I've never played BF2 but I suspect I'm of that type, I don't care for playing with or against AI; I want human adversaries. I have between now and the release of the Linux binaries to find/create enough missions to run a public P-v-P server, said server is a marginal proposition at best and I won't be requiring players to arrive with add-ons installed, just turn up and play. As such the only CM system which I'll be including will be one that can be downloaded with the mission, I just think it would be as well if it worked as similarly as possible to the best addon solution.
  6. Let me suggest it would be well worth making a Lite-version for mission inclusion with as much commonality as possible (i.e. User Action 20) but using the BIS FX.
  7. Defunkt

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    Judging by the Operation Arrowhead thread I would suggest adding an under-5 bracket.
  8. Putting your pagefile on a RAM disk is daft, just specify no pagefile and cut out the middleware.
  9. Defunkt

    Peripheral vision hints

    Haven't tried it but THIS mod apparently removes them.
  10. I took this to mean the property appears to have no effect on trees et. al., certainly didn't seem to have for me. EDIT: Hmmm... but that might just be because they're set to 100 rather than 1000 as is for vehicles and statics.
  11. Defunkt

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I agree, I'm looking forward to OFP.DR (to me it appears in some respects to complement ArmA rather than compete with it) and I'm looking forward to playing it with some slightly less-hardcore friends but I would never post on the CM forums. The average mentality seems about 10 years younger there and IMO most of what is said here is far better reasoned.
  12. If you don't mind me suggesting something cosmetic I think the TV system would benefit from some post-processing desat/grain and/or a surround/bezel to make it more camera than crosshair if you know what I mean. But functionally brilliant! People are hanging out for more completely modelled air-power in ArmA 2.
  13. Oh my God! Can you please just go on whining about your $50 for a few more posts, it makes such good reading. So what? Once this comes out neither you nor anybody else will want to use US Marine or Russian units and all the mods that are released will only work if you have the Afghan Steppes map installed? Unbelievable, GTFO.
  14. All development is good development. Will be buying for sure.
  15. Defunkt

    Such a low quality game

    But those are not at all representative, I know maybe 30 people with this game and NONE of them have reported similar issues in conversation with me. ---------- Post added at 06:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:52 PM ---------- Actually I tell a lie, one of the people I know had the Receiving... bug now fixed and another couldn't get his SLI going... also now fixed.
  16. Finally something worth polling on - and yet it's not!
  17. Defunkt

    How do you do the quick side-step?

    I think you'll find it's actually Evasive Forward (don't ask me why it's sideways).
  18. Agreed, vanishing aircraft is the most obvious failing where draw distance is concerned.
  19. I could care less about SP campaigns but I would pay for this type of improvement.
  20. Wow, that's massive, especially as the next thing I want to work on is a fixed-wing air-combat mission, well done!
  21. Defunkt

    Please, Start Fresh.

    +1 For me ArmA2 is an outright triumph and easily twice the value of any comparable title. Of course it has weak points, every game is developed within limitations, but if it were truly perfect the armchair 'experts' wouldn't have anything to huff and puff about, or perhaps they would still?