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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. dslyecxi

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    An updated ST ACRE Volume can be found here. It simply removes the check for Jaylib, which ACRE2 does not use, and is otherwise functionally identical.
  2. I didn't leave it out - I understand how recoil is an influence, so there's nothing to ask about there. What I don't understand is what inertia has to do with weapon resting/bracing or bipods, which is what I asked about.
  3. Please clarify how you see weapon resting and bipods as being relevant to the situations where inertia typically becomes a factor. It's clear that you want to see those features, but I don't understand the logic you're using to try to cite the inertia changes as some justification for them.
  4. I'll update the stamina bar in the coming days to have a proper solution to the SP loading issue. edit: Or perhaps right now! Go ahead and test the latest release at http://dev.withsix.com/projects/shacktac/files to let me know if that fixes the SP issue of loading a saved game.
  5. dslyecxi

    Advanced Helicopter FDM Feedback

    Some thoughts on the current dev flight model, including comparisons with TKOH and DCS, complete with a list of suggested improvements to help pull everything together.
  6. dslyecxi

    ShackTac Stamina Bar

    In the interests of making it easier for us to maintain, this and all future ST interface mods will be maintained here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148344-ShackTac-User-Interface-(STHUD-STGI-and-more) Thanks for understanding!
  7. I've created a simple and subtle stamina bar mod for Arma 3, inspired by the recent bootcamp changes to stamina and weapon sway. You can read more about it on my page here (as well as download it), and I've also created a simple video demonstration and talkover of it, which you can watch below. This mod shares the same public server key as STHUD, so if you're able to use STHUD on a server, this too should work.
  8. See the root post for a change in how ST mods will be distributed. This thread now acts as the primary thread for all user-interface-related ST mods, and I've just introduced the new ShackTac Name Tags and an updated STHUD usermenu, map autobrightness, and ST Interact as part of the new STUI compilation.
  9. dslyecxi

    ShackTac Stamina Bar

    As far as any issues with switching units, Zeus, or SP in general - those aren't aspects that I've had to deal with in the design of this, so there's not much likelihood that I'll be sitting down to investigate them. If someone knows the issue and would like to give me an idea of what the root cause is, I'd of course appreciate it, but otherwise I won't have time to take a look into those aspects.
  10. Having TOW and Stinger options would certainly be welcome. Hellfires are nice, but the manual guidance of a TOW tends to be more interesting from a gameplay standpoint. Stingers would allow for a nice, basic AA capability which could be quite a bit of fun as well. Good luck on the mod - it'll be interesting to see the different takes on the AH-6 in Arma 3, as there are apparently at least three different groups working on such a project currently.
  11. dslyecxi

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Random person claims to be part of my community after talking about how he's part of a community that uses visual effects mods, something that ShackTac has never done. You're dealing with 4chan, if you hadn't put it together yet.
  12. ST mods by necessity are created to work for our community. We listen to what others have to say about it, but the priority of work has to go towards our own community. We'll make a change to allow for the STGI aspect to be toggled off, and perhaps be based on the server settings, but there's no promise when that will happen, as we're busy with a lot of things currently. Hope you understand.
  13. dslyecxi

    TMR Modular Realism

    Nope, this is normal A3.
  14. dslyecxi

    Tao Folding Map

    Awesome, thanks!
  15. dslyecxi

    Tao Folding Map

    That's a real shame to hear. I was looking into this again recently, and if there was a paper version of it, I'd be pretty interested in trying it out again and potentially adopting it for my group. However, the tablet interface, and the "futuristic" nature of that, just doesn't do it for me and it's not what I want to be popping up on our screens when we're playing scenarios based in the 1970-2010 range, which is where our passions lie.
  16. What version of A2 are you using? It was developed on beta 1.62.102678.
  17. Shame on you for condemning someone because the massive filesize mod they've done requires actual hosting money to put up for everyone to grab.
  18. If you don't want "magic floating hexagons" :rolleyes: you can just not include the addon that adds them.
  19. The scripting commands relating to detecting color assignments do not transmit over MP. STHUD does this as part of the mod. If someone doesn't have STHUD, it won't be able to transmit, thus, you won't receive it, thus... no colors.
  20. As far as I know, adding this mod with everything else turned off will simply introduce what the video/site mentions. Should just turn the hexagons on for people within your group.
  21. As of March 2014, STHUD is now accompanied by the ShackTac Group Indicators mod, which changes the behavior of the group hexagons to be less intrusive and more interesting from a gameplay standpoint. A video of STGI follows, and you can also read more about it on my site, here. The new STHUD/STGI download also includes fixes to the savegame issue, as well as truncating overly long names on STHUD.
  22. dslyecxi

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    This is a lovely example of the kind of passive-aggressive, facts-be-damned nonsense that so frequently populates this particular thread.
  23. There are a few instances in the code where an allowDammage is set on the player to avoid strange behavior in Arma. In the most recent (ACE, and unreleased) version, a simple [] spawn {sleep 2; player allowDammage true}; is done after every instance of this as a failsafe. That would sort it out - but as I'm no longer maintaining this as a public mod currently, or supporting the vanilla version, I'm afraid you'll have to make the changes yourself.
  24. dslyecxi

    VBS2/3 Discussion thread - the one and only

    I can't take you seriously when all you're doing is repeating marketing talk - you're no better than ProGamer in that respect. Have you actually had MP experiences that took advantage of any of the things you cite? Honestly? The smugness of your prior bit: and the false nature of that claim, makes you a pot-stirrer. Your glittering words work great on ProGamer types - people who have no actual VBS experience and just gobble up every piece of PR with gusto - but they don't have the same impact on people like Nou or myself, who have actual no-kidding experience with VBS and have a far more grounded understanding of what it is and where it succeeds. You're just repeating marketing talk, and you're trying to put VBS out as some sort of 'better-than-Arma' product - it's just not true. It's for a different market, it works great for that, but I would personally never choose VBSx over Armax for gaming. The most I want from the VBS<--->Arma relationship is to see some minor features and scripting commands carried across - and that's all it is to me, just some minor features that would be nice to see in Arma. Trying to pass VBS off as some 'perfected' Arma is misleading and dishonest.