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Everything posted by dslyecxi

  1. Yes, it's client-side only. As long as you have CBA and this, it should work in any combination of mods etc that you can come up with.
  2. Should work just fine for any side - it's loyalty-indifferent. ;)
  3. dslyecxi

    Project Reality Development

    Great post, and I love that quote. (emphasis added)
  4. dslyecxi


    Sweet, great news. :)
  5. dslyecxi

    Project Reality Development

    Cool, hope this pans out well. :)
  6. dslyecxi

    Why remove deletecollection

    Check out "disableGeo" for VBS2. It allows you to selectively toggle off the different geometries of objects. Would be nice to see it in A2 for various reasons.
  7. dslyecxi

    Team Speak 3 Released

    Seems like the channel commander concept has been completely dropped in this version. It'll be interesting to see if anyone can come up with a viable way to do similarly structured comms in TS3. At present, I'm turning an eye towards Mumble to see if that might offer a better solution. Not at all impressed with TS3 currently - perhaps I've missed something, but it sure seems to have taken away options and replaced them with features that won't accomplish the same functionality.
  8. dslyecxi

    Layers in the mission editor:

    If the 3D editor of ArmA2 had been a port of the VBS2 one, the feature would exist... :( (aka: VBS2 has this. Oh, and yes, it's helpful.)
  9. dslyecxi

    How many Clans will be using ACE 2

    Been running it since WGL in OFP, don't plan to stop now.
  10. dslyecxi

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    There is a school of thought re: tactical training that believes that all reloads should involve the charging handle being pulled and released. This is typically due to the "better safe than sorry" mindset, and also relates to the fact that pulling the charging handle results in a higher bolt velocity than simply pressing the bolt catch, which (particularly with a dirty weapon) makes it more likely to fully chamber the round. The fact that the shooter in DR keeps his firing hand on the rifle and charges with his support hand is actually fairly good. I wouldn't knock them for that. The animation is a bit off, but I can understand why they'd do that - namely, to be able to show the player what's happening with his rifle, versus just have him hear a mechanical noise and suddenly be reloaded.
  11. Whoops, sorry - overlooked this. My settings are the same as they were in ArmA1 - I fly with mouse/keyboard, use F and V to thrust up/down, X and C to do rudder input, ctrl F/V to do flaps, ctrl G for gear... aaand.. Z for zoom. That's about it.
  12. Neither TG or Shack Tactical require you to "salute" anyone under any circumstances. As far as time commitment goes, TG is very friendly in that regard - basically, they ask nothing of you aside from that you read their SOPs and become familiar with their rules, and then play whenever you want for however long you want with no other requirements (apart from not being a douchebag).
  13. dslyecxi

    Are servers running VON now?

    The problem with VON is that having it on doesn't always manifest problems in obvious ways. It is definitely bugged (to the extent that CTDs or hard reboots are likely with it), but it isn't always obvious that VON itself is the cause of the issues. I've done testing with my own group, as well as recommended and seen the results of testing with two other groups, and the consensus from all was that VON causes issues, no doubt about it. I have confidence that BIS will get it sorted, though. Hopefully it can be a focus for 1.04. The sooner it's addressed, the better the overall MP environment will become because of it.
  14. dslyecxi

    Thank you, B.I.S.; Sign if you agree.

    Of course. Love this stuff. /signed
  15. For a better look at the FLIR, try this:
  16. Fullres gallery of screens + vehicle images. Not sure if this has all been posted already - putting it here to be safe. Note that these are watermark-free and fullres - simply right click on each to 'view full image' and they're suitable for framing etc. ;) http://dslyecxi.com/screens/ArmA2/Arrowhead/ Enjoy.
  17. The level of naivety in this statement is absolutely staggering. :eek:
  18. Definitely looking forward to this. Makes me eager to see what the new engine functionality/features might be... :)
  19. dslyecxi

    Very annoying bug with 1.03

    Check task manager to see if there are two TrackIR5.exe's running. Could easily cause this problem. Simplest solution is to go in and kill both processes and then start TIR5 again. Problem should go away after that, if that's what's causing it.
  20. dslyecxi

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    What makes you think that? Where do you think that eBay seller got his TIR products from?
  21. dslyecxi

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    IIRC you simply rebind it in ArmA2 itself.
  22. dslyecxi

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    You need to increase the 'curve' of the X-axis in the software. Basically need to make it do more of a response quicker, so that you don't have to lean much to activate it.
  23. dslyecxi

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Something is seriously wrong with your setup if it's "bouncing all over the place". For vehicles, an hour or two. For infantry, it'll take significantly longer to get used to it if you're having trouble to begin with. Perhaps a few days, maybe a week or so.
  24. Or maybe I could title it clearly. Hmn... Perhaps something like.... Oh wait, I already did that. :confused: The last page-ish of discussion has boiled down to "People who don't want to play tactically don't play tactically". Ok, noted. No surprise there. Those that do want to play tactically, however, can learn things from the guide. I have hundreds of e-mails, survey responses, comments on this (and other) forums, etc, that point towards people getting something out of this guide regardless of who they play A2 with or how they play it. Your cynicism is noted, but the overwhelmingly huge majority of feedback to this point indicates that you are in a tiny minority regarding this.
  25. Your comments seem to be that people on pub servers do not play the game "with realism", and that these pub-friendly respawn-enabled missions cause people to throw caution to the wind in the interest of score or whatever. That's a worthwhile observation, but I do not believe it is a reflection on a guide that is not written with either of those things in mind. Again, the guide is for my group, ShackTac. It's written for us, for how we do things, in our styles of missions. It's free for anyone to look at and adapt as needed. It would be silly to think that the whole thing is going to apply in full in a pub server. There are plenty of aspects that can be applied regardless of mission type, however - if they're not, that's an issue of players, not the guide itself. As to the remark about some sections being "too specific to (our) clan". I'll say it again - that's the point of the guide in the first place. If you don't run things the way we do, parts of it will not apply. It's there for you to see regardless, and it's up to you as to how you adapt it to your own purposes. I would think that your comments about realism, teamwork, etc are best leveled at the servers you frequent, the players on them, and the missions designed and played on them. You can look at TTP2 for an example of how we have accomplished the goals of realism, teamwork, and more, and from there you are free to pursue those ideals however you feel fit.