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Everything posted by DnA

  1. DnA

    Recommended joystick?

    Personally I've been developing using: Keyboard and mouse Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Saitek X52 Pro (stick and throttle) Xbox 360 controller I like the additional buttons I can map on the X52, such as more POV switches for looking around and moving my head. But as a regular player the fairly simple Logitech has my vote. It provides all the analogue control I want (small throttle slider and twist-grip for pedals), works very well and does not clutter my desk :)
  2. DnA

    Pedal idea

    Since the latest Community Preview (84444), there are pedal manual trim controls you can map. These trim the pedals left and right in fixed steps.
  3. DnA

    Custom missions

    We have more than 25 getting finished for you to fly. Will post when they're done; should be about October 27 ;) Eventjes geduld nog
  4. DnA

    Left or Right?

    Hiya, thanks for the kind words :) Yes, we do allow the co-pilot to take over controls mid-flight. Unless a specific scenario prohibits it, you can always take over the controls from an AI pilot and give them back again. In the case of two human players, the pilot first has to release the controls.
  5. Try renaming your preview EXE to TakeOnH.exe and see if that works. Also update the batch file or shortcut to run it :)
  6. In the previous revision (83836), we included a TKOH-specific TrackIR profile. NaturalPoint has now kindly added the profile to the public game list, so just update this list in your TrackIR control panel and it will start working.
  7. Yup, the kind folks at NaturalPoint have published the TKOH profile to everyone now. Just update your game list and you're good to go :)
  8. DnA

    Voices error

    No problem, glad to see you are able to run it better now :)
  9. DnA

    Control inputs to game.

    That looks pretty cool! If Windows and DX can recognize the inputs, the game should also. Are you able to try the Community Preview and let us know? :)
  10. DnA

    Voices error

    Hi, are you running the TKOH CP with any user mods active? (not fully supported ;))
  11. Everyone seems to have this problem. It has something to do with the TKOH-specific TrackIR profile we've included in this version. Something went wrong and we'll work on fixing it. Stay tuned :)
  12. With Royalty being exiled to Germany to attend GamesCom, I’m in charge of telling you all about our seventh iteration of the Com Prev. Not having released one last week, we felt a little bit bad and worked extra hard today! The primary focus is on the User Interface, by providing some more customization options, skinning more menus (like controller customization), adding some necessary video options (note: cloud quality will not do anything for you yet :p), and a debug console. The in-game UI elements have also had some cool changes, namely damage and warning indicators, and target limits for the gauges. During the restricted flight segment you can now see your maximum flight ceiling and minimum speed. Be sure to consult the changelog for recent fixes, updates and known issues, but, as usual, here's some highlights: Remember: to update, you should uninstall and reinstall the Community Preview!
  13. Yes, the multiple throttle controls in the options menu are there for multi-engine helicopters. For the light helicopter you only need to use the starter and throttle for engine #1.
  14. He often is; we were hesitant sending him to GC. Then we realized the fun we had seeing the community live ambush the E3 booth, and we're hoping for much the same in Germany ;) Take On Memes!
  15. TOH will not use PhysX as a physics engine :cool:
  16. Schemes are a way of quickly mapping controls to specific types of controllers. The goal is to have people with e.g. a X52 Saitek playing the game as quickly as possible, without needing to map 4 cyclic, 2 collective, 2 pedal, etc. controls manually. Step #1: we've provided several generic schemes. If you have a separate throttle / collective device and map the corresponding scheme to it, it should map analogue collective controls to it. #2: we intend to include many more schemes for specific devices. This should cover a large part of the controller market. Players with the X52 simply select the X52 scheme and will have nice defaults mapped (including secondary controls, like throttles or auto-hover). #3: we're looking at allowing mapping of schemes to all devices in one go, from the Controls options. #4: user-made schemes can be shared (saveJoysticks currently; a button later).
  17. In the latest revision (83244), we've added some logging of how the game detects your connected hardware peripherals. We're working on better schemes, default mappings and solving compatibility generally. If you could help us by posting the log results in this thread, together with the description of your setup as you've been doing, that would help a lot. Depending on your OS, the RPT should be at Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Application Data\Take On Helis Preview\takeonpreview.RPT The relevant section looks like: Detected Joystick: Saitek X52 Pro Flight Controller 0 ... X Axis [1,30] 1 ... Y Axis [1,31] ... Please post only joystick-related logs, instead of the entire thing, or hide it in SPOILER tags :)
  18. Hiya, thanks for the description of the problem. We have a good idea of what may be causing this and will be looking into a fix :)
  19. When are you experiencing the error? During the installation process, or when trying to run it? Are you able to provide any more specific error messages? :)
  20. One thing we hope to soon improve is to offer a better explanation of what the sensitivity slider really does in the UI. Your axis input is raised by a power of X based on this slider. Where X is, from left to right: 3 - 1 - 1/3 (in OA this was 10 - 1- 1/10). So in the middle your curve is linear. Additional improvements are still being investigated :)
  21. Dear community, My brother is currently conducting a survey about mobile application stores for his Master's dissertation. If anyone with a smartphone and having purchased something from such stores could assist him by filling it in, that would be really cool :) http://goo.gl/cJHMJ Thanks a lot in advance!
  22. Thanks all! He did his Bachelor's degree at Hogeschool Arnhem & Nijmegen, but is now doing his Master's in the UK :) I'll have a nice cold Czech beer to honor all those who participated
  23. We've found a default 7% deadzone on all joystick axes in the engine, which was introduced to solve oscillations around the joystick center (it is pretty much never truly 0). This week we've added control over these deadzone for all axes, including collective. We hope to roll it out in the next CP. Wind is already feeding into the flight model, but it may well be some tuning is necessary. The right-most analogue guage (compass) shows the wind direction in the center and we're planning to extend it to indicate strength. Scripters can see if they can notice the difference by playing with the wind settings: setWind. There also is a unlabelled rogue slider in the editor's Intel window to control wind and wind forecast.
  24. We will look at improving this, but generally: this is one of the reasons we've included auto-trim. Not having as many analogue axes when using keyboard and mouse means this system can handle at least one for you :)