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Everything posted by Crazyfox

  1. UPDATED TO v1.02! v1.02 update info: Reworked for better performance. Simplified, only one object needed now. Everyting is now local to the script. Simplified test mission. Fixed typos. v1.01 update info: Fixed bug that caused the plane to stop immediately when landing negative along the y axis. --------------------------------- Hello guys! I've made a script that you can add to your missions if you want to simulate arresting gear when landing on a carrier. The script works on any carrier, the Utes one or a spawned one. It also works if the carrier is moving, as long as the 3 objects move along with it. There are no visible cables or hooks but any plane that lands will come to a halt in a somewhat realistic way. --------------------------------- To play the testmission Unzip "Arrestinggear_Test.utes" folder into /My documents/Arma 2 Other profiles/*PLAYER NAME*/Missions Load in editor. --------------------------------- To implement in your mission Unzip Arrestinggear.sqf to your missionfolder. Iniziate the script by putting this line in your init.sqf or in any initfield: call {[] execVM "Arrestinggear.sqf";}; Place an object on the map named "cables" where you want the center of the cables to be. Make sure azimut/direction is the same for the object as the carrier runway. If you want a custom sound at touchdown see the readme for instructions. --------------------------------- Download v1.02 http://www.filefront.com/14897827/ArrestinggearScript_by_Tusken_Raider_v102.zip/ --------------------------------- Additional info I have made it easy to modify the cable area size and the brakeing sequence in the script file. You can choose if you want to be able to land from both directions or just one. Make sure you read the readme file! Feel free to put the script out there and put it to use however you want. Comments, feedback and bug reporting are welcome of course.
  2. Hey guys, you are doing great work with the mod. I got a question since you removed the radar from some of the choppers. Why does some aircrafts still have it? Like the cobras, the su-25 and the a10. Some have thermal imaging yes, but no radar. And ground radar is only fitted on the f-35, the apache and ka-52 afaik.
  3. Cmon guys. You should also tell them to use if (isserver) then {bomb...}; So they dont get 10 IEDs when they try the mission in MP.
  4. I have a UAV problem on dedicated server. Ive fixed it so the server attaches the player, the uav and terminal when a player press an action. Trouble is that 1. When using it the UAV only have 1 visible waypoint. 2. When it is dark the UAV automaticly turns on NVG goggles. Ive tryed to remove them but i can't. And when you leave the terminal when its dark, the screen is all bright from its FLIR. You can only make it go away with using NVGs. But it will still be there when you take them off.
  5. Crazyfox

    Su-33 Flanker-D

    Naoyuki I apologize for my comment about the vopour if you are using the default script. Just waiting for the cockpit now :)
  6. Yes. Tested and works on dedicated. Script is local to the client.
  7. Crazyfox

    The ultimate sim fan?

    Nice but the game is not that fun in the long run.
  8. Crazyfox

    Silent Hunter 5 announced!

    Sinking a battleship with high realism in SH4 was pretty nice. Spot convoy. Save. Sail in front of convoy and wait a half day at 60m depth. Go up when destroyers have passed. Save. Periscope up. Save. Calculate fireing solution. Save. Then fire 4 torpedos. One always miss or is a dud. Back full and turn 180 degrees. Save. Calculate fireing solution in a milliesec. Fire the 4 aft torpedos. Superdive to max depth and shut off engine. I you were lucky and scored 6 hits on diffrent places on it's broadside, then maybe the ship flipped and sunk. :D
  9. A "get out" waypoint works. or you can use commands like these in a trigger: unassignVehicle AIname1; unassignVehicle AIname2; and so on.. or {unassignVehicle x} forEach crew yourchoppername; http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/unassignVehicle or AIname1 action ["eject", yourchoppername]; if you'r impatient. ;)
  10. Crazyfox

    Dragon Rising has been released

    This game= Fail I lol'd when i saw the first cgi movies. I lol'd when i saw the artwork pics some thought were screenshots. I lol'd at all the DR fanboys flaming arma. I lol'd at all the disappointments they constantly were getting on the game. Then there was no demo. The game sucked and there never will be any dedicated servers for this game even if it say there is on the box. The developers have bailed as soon as they got the money. Now i feel sorry for everyone who bought the game. Except for that sir.polaris guy who has devoted his life to become a community god. I still lol at him.
  11. Crazyfox

    Computer Industry making money, not BI

    Not to disappoint but that's two totally diffrent industries. The main difference is the number of subcontractors. In the gaming industry you got what. The game developer, publisher, Cd printer, maybe a consultant and seller. To make a computer part you need to have a big R&D department. A whole lot of companies doing diffrent small parts, who also buy raw materials from others. Several assembly companies, who then sells it to a computer company, who also needs a store to sell it from. Just bcos something is expensive doesnt mean someone is making a lot of money. But sure the two benefit from each other. Thats why you sometimes get a game with a gfx card. Or see that Intel logo when starting certrain games. And Im sure BI makes themselfs a deal if they can.
  12. Ok updated again. Make sure you use this version. If there are no bugs or requests I think this one is finished.
  13. Crazyfox

    Su-33 Flanker-D

    @RedRage Yeah well the vanilla planes in the game dont have any vapor at all. But i still think its too much. Look on the vapor again in the game when doing full turns with the su33, it makes far more vapor than in your pics. I just want it a little less, and maybe dependent on the speed. See the f16 mod, I like the vapor in that one.
  14. But of course russia will be opfor. It's gonna be rambo 3 all the way. Mi28 and hopefully another su plane. Independent will be like northen allience or something like that. But i wouldnt be disappointed with India as opfor. They have a lot of russian made units as well.
  15. Crazyfox

    Carrier landing

    Here's a start for the jets anyway. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=89472
  16. Crazyfox

    Su-33 Flanker-D

    Very nice! If you want my opinion: A bit too much vapor sometimes for me though. As in the other arma planes i can't get in any big angle of attack. If its possible it would be nice if the burners started when giving max thrust when using a throttle.
  17. It doesn't work for me on dedicated. Works when youself hosts a server. The missile get created and launches. Fly a bit, dont change direction then go down and crash. (Not close to target). After looking through the script it may be due to grouping it to a player in this line: _pilot = (group player) createUnit ["USMC_soldier", _pos, [], 0, "NONE"]; Since server is not a player? Works fine otherwise, but the missiles should go a bit higher. They usually crash into trees when there is a steep climb.
  18. Crazyfox

    Silent Hunter 5 announced!

    Looking forward to this. Lets hope they don't dumb down anything or make the germans speak english like in that trailer.
  19. Thx for reading the suggestions BIS! http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1282476&postcount=34
  20. I have the same GPU and the same story to tell.
  21. Looking forward to ACE2. Any chance to have an FLIR script and a removal of the vanilla radar? And artillery make a distinct sound while in air. Have heard it myself.
  22. Crazyfox

    Some genuine patch 1.03 information

    "Grenade can destroy a building just by impact"? A small shed only i hope. Instead, do something about the trees that have superpowers and blocks bullets, airplanes and withstands grenades etc. Suggestions yes, but when speaking of destruction. Otherwise nice fixes, especially the throttle.
  23. Neeeeeed fix for blacking out when ai ejects and that shaky chute! :banghead:
  24. Could someone please post a config that fixes the compability with this soundmod and the VOP one.
  25. Come on guys whats wrong with the MLRS and the GRAD? Is it a bug or does it work for some of you? Ive got the 505 version.