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Everything posted by cervantes

  1. do you mean in viewgunner lod p3d or config?
  2. my sub have 4 turrets ;) only a turret1 and turret0 is afected this is same on surface or underwater if i d'ont remove a turrets weapons a torpedoes is lanched if im face to target. if i remove a turrets 88m weapons this afected also a periscope weapons and i c'ant launch a torpedoes. this troobls apear only after a 1.56 :/
  3. ok i have now find where is a news troobls. i have observed when i have replace a turrets weapons script one troobl with removeWeaponTurret. on 1.54 this script working corectly but after 1.56 this comand afecting also my turret 0 (periscope) when script remove a turret 1 weapon (88mm gun) this afecting a turret0 and c'ant locking with periscope and c'ant launch a torpedoes. TargetTorpedo.sqf is also afected and c'ant corectly using a direction of curentweapon _ship. i see with cuttext debuger a corect weapons and magazine using but this not working corectly. if im full face with target a torpedoes is launched corectly. i think a script using a direction of turret 1 and not a turret0 direction return in cutext debuger ;) after 1.56 i have reworking also a turrets config because all crews is spawned out of sub in editor.
  4. try this if you have same animations names or with your animation names ?(_target iskindof "Ship") :_targets = _targets + [_target]; you have this in our script you need replace by : ?(_target iskindof "Ship") and (_target != _ship):_targets = _targets + [_target]; in script a submarine dive if plane is spoted and launch a torpedo on ennemy boats
  5. this is a Ai3.sqs script its this damned script have created a troobls with my torpedoes script. i have fix this script. _ship = _this select 0; ?(player in _ship):exit #main _targets = []; _planes = []; #scan ?!(alive _ship):exit; _target = _ship findnearestenemy (position _ship); ?(_target iskindof "Ship") and (_target != _ship):_targets = _targets + [_target]; ?(_target iskindof "Air"):_planes = _planes + [_target]; ?(count _targets > 0):_Curenttarget = _targets select 0;goto "Alarm"; ?(count _targets <= 0) and (count _planes <= 0):goto "surface"; ~1 goto "scan" #surface ?(_ship animationphase "senkou" == 0): goto "main" ?!(_ship getvariable "DEPTH"):[_ship,0,0] exec "\warship_config\script\dive.sqs"; _ship animate ["deploy_periscope",-3]; #end ?(_ship animationphase "senkou" == 0):goto "main" ~1 goto "end" #Alarm ?(_ship animationphase "senkou" <= 0) and !(_ship getvariable "DEPTH"):[_ship,8,8] exec "\warship_config\script\dive.sqs"; #end2 ?(_ship distance _target <= 4000) and (_ship distance _target >= 1000) and (_ship animationphase "senkou" == 8):goto "attack" ~1 goto "end2" #attack _ship animate ["deploy_periscope",3]; _ship doWatch _Curenttarget; ?(_ship animationphase "deploy_periscope" == 3):goto "launch" goto "attack" #launch [_ship,_Curenttarget,"warship_launcher"] exec "\warship_config\script\Torpedo_Fire.sqs"; #wait ?!(alive _Curenttarget):goto "main" ~1 goto "wait" for launch ?!(player in _UB):[_UB] exec "\warship_config\script\Ai3.sqs"; enjoy ;)
  6. for the moment i need try again with minimal scripts for see if i have not a same probs to torpedoes script ;) i check this tomorow ;) and you whats your need for your submarine? :)
  7. heyyy i have find and fixed my scripts ;) i have always a litle tremors on the move but the moves now working corectly :) my news troobls is now a removeweaponturret not working corectly and i c'ant launch my torpedoes when im in fully underwater :/
  8. i trying actualy to reworking a config and share a news laters ty for your help Aplion
  9. ok i have apply same 3d lods and this not fixing my prob this is not a p3d lods prob ;) do you use simulation "car" in your torpedo config?
  10. yes and your geo lod? do you have use gravity box?
  11. i see do you have modeling your torpedoes or use my torpedo p3d?:) i actualy encoutering this troobls and not understand why this bug apear after 1.54 patch.
  12. damned you are on 1.56? :) its possible to problem is not a script but a 3d geo lods or others ;)
  13. nice interior of sub ;) if you want launch a torpedoes with ia you need use script for this ;) but try to launch a torpedo one the ship when ships is in full speed at long range and during the night ;)
  14. yes i have trying this option Aplion ;) but the problem is same because velocity apply on ang or object dir creating exatly same bug and c'ant backward on the old script.
  15. its that Aplion the script in A3 and A2 is a same i have just add a vertical angle for up and down velocity of torpedoes in A3. the problem by setdir and setvectordir on object velocity c'ant be fixed by users and only devs can fix this ;) this bug creating a tremors with object because setdir or setvectordir reset a velocity of object to 0 and in script a setdir and velocity is in same loop. i have also obeserved a night more than the day afected more this loop. i have also reported a bug with removeweapon turrets and devs have fix this in 1.54 but a 1.56 add one new bug also on this comand but we can actualy report bugs on feedback tracker. i hope a help of devs and described a problems encoutering for finich the public release.
  16. Aplion writing a script here do not resolve problems and you c'ant find one other way for simulating a 3d object moves script. you can only moving a 3d objects with setvelocity and setdir or setvectordir, all moders using a velocity script encoutering this problem. six_ten read this ;) https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setDir this comand and setvectordir comand affect a velocity of 3d objects.
  17. ^^ i understand mate but the project is actualy stuck with engine bugs and c'ant release a actualy contents. i just progressing on the news features i want implement in this release. but if arma3 devs d'ont fix a setdir and velocity comands scripts is just impossible to simulating a torpedoes. and 1.56 add one other probs with turret weapons script. i just share the progression of the rest of contents. if im stuck i can't foward... and invite others moders to contact me by pm if i can help they.
  18. i have now finiched a extremly détailled 3d seabed ground of north atlantic. i working actually one layer of a real convoys roads for trying to experiment a random spawning of ships convoys on this roads.
  19. cervantes

    arma3 1.56 loadout vehicles crews

    problem solved arma3 1.56 need more defines in turrets config commanding = 0; primaryGunner = 0; primaryObserver = 0; working commanding = -2; primaryGunner = -2; not working now.
  20. hi i have some problem actually with this new 3d editor. when i place my custom vehicles on map all crews is out of vehicle. in 2d editor i have not this problem all crews is inside vehicle. wth?
  21. cervantes

    arma3 1.56 loadout vehicles crews

    im a creator of this contents :p
  22. hi guys i have finich today my first arma3 map ;) and mapping a north atlantic ground map and add some rocks clutters.
  23. this release on arma3 engine have just amazing rendering :) i hope nico have d'ont forget to working one full water map ^^
  24. cervantes

    Hitpart Modding

    why you d'ont use a sqf init script for this? _vehicle = _this select 0; if(player in _vehicle)then{_vehicle = vehicle player;}; _unit addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{private["_unit","_hitpart"]; _unit = _this select 0; _hitpart = _this select 1; _dam = _unit getHit _hitpart; if((_dam < 1) and (_hitpart != "?") and (alive _unit)) exitwith { [_unit,_hitpart,_dam] exec "\script\myscript.sqs"; }; }]; you can launch this script in your init script [_vehicle] execvm "hitpart.sqf"; and this working after respawn ;)
  25. this is not silent hunter models. we have worked a models on arma oficial tools oxygen2. the authors of this models is gachopin and her friend and me :)