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Everything posted by Birdy890

  1. I'm working on a shitty little DAC style mission that I used to make waaaay back during the old OFP days... I could post it when it's done, but you would probably do better to make your own. E: Also, I have a bug to report, and I'm pretty surprised it's still around. The M14, for some reason the regular M14 with Iron sights has it's aiming point waaay above the gun. Is there any quick fix for this? It seems to just be a coordinates issue within the config file of the gun, just needs to be calibrated properly.
  2. I play on a server that has a massive amount of missions capable of changing time, date, and weather via the parameters before game startup. Have you looked more in depth if this is possible, are you aware it's been done?
  3. Wouldn't be possible with just a mission file without extensive scripting, however making a mod would be quite easy, animations essentially haven't changed their implementation since OFP so an edit of the config files would suffice. so basically find a way to open the config files (I've only done this for OFP, not much experience in how to do that with Arma) and do a search for the name of the anims you want to change, once found you should just be able to switch their target directly to the animation you fancy and presto. Maybe you should look at the Mod that was released a while back that changed the default jog to something more realistic (people generally don't keep their arms up when moving) open the files (might need his permission) and go about changing it that way? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23337 (I also was looking at those animations and scratching my head as to why they're not in-game already, maybe the Devs wanted to put more variation into their soldiers? I remember a mod for OFP did that, so that all soldiers didn't look the same, it's really easy to do as well, just time-consuming...)
  4. Arma 3 has provided us with some lovely new wounded anims, and we're still using the default Arma2 BIS first aid module anims from 2009, broken necks and all. Maybe it's time to use the new ones? They're much more realistic, other than that It's beautiful, very awesome to see a complex wounding system thanks a bunch guys!
  5. Oh Lawdy, that's a nice vehicle.
  6. Birdy890

    Invasion 1944 V3.0

    Is there any plans to create new WW2 centric animations? (Movement with rifles down low, or at the side instead of constantly shouldered which is a newer "Tactikool" style movement?) For some reason the idea of Arma 3 anims with ww2 units kinda kills it for me, and don't get me wrong, I Love the WW2 setting, and have been playing I44 mods since OFP, just curious if this is an issue worth fixing for you guys.
  7. Birdy890

    shooting a moving tank

    You're joking, right? this is a joke? please tell me it's a joke. Do you honestly think that the US/USSR were considered the strongest nations based on training? Where do you get this stuff? As for applying lead on tank rounds, it really comes down to training of oneself, get used to the speed of the rounds you're flinging, and you'll get better. I've been waiting for BI to add proper tank modeling since OFP, but for now, rely on your own gunnery skills.
  8. Birdy890

    Have Arma 3, is Arma 2 worth it?

    In all honesty, if Teamplay is what you're looking for and you DON'T want to join a clan, UO is just about your only option. Also, if you're new to the Arma series I gotta tell ya, Modding has been essential to the game-play experience since OFP, so you might want to experiment with what mod best suites you. I also understand your frustration with the less than stellar Firefights, but again there are mods for that. Have a look at some of the mods around the forums/armaholic to intensify firefights without making the AI super soldiers. If you're going to get Arma 2 I couldn't recommend ACE enough, it's one of those mods you wondered how you played without, it's that good.
  9. A3 was just the straw that broke the camels back to some people. I still support BI, no doubt as their product is worth paying for and they'd proven themselves over the years of service they provide to the community they pay attention to. I know I sound cheap by saying this, but I feel that A3 wasn't ready for a release. not just because of content (know that they will release more as time goes on just look at their history of support for their fans) but I feel like the gameplay has been cheapened to a degree that might require a total overhaul of the movement systems and gameplay dynamics. I hope they get around to fixing it, but it doesn't help to sit around and moan about it.
  10. Now THIS is futuristic content - Bohemia, watch a learn.
  11. Birdy890

    Advanced Cockpit Interaction

    Outstanding work sir, this is bound to be the biggest innovation in the Arma series!
  12. Birdy890

    [SP] Revenge (A3)!

    Nice one Binkowski, love the OFP feel.
  13. Dude, that Processor is quite old, looks to me like that's your bottleneck. Get a newer I5 or I7 to get good frames. Your 650 shouldn't be an issue.
  14. Birdy890

    Swedish Army Mod 3 (SAM)

    I've gotta say, the CV90 has to be one of the prettiest APC's ever created. Just a quick question: Will interiors of these vehicles be at some point developed? Looking great so far, really excited to get my hands on some Swedish craftsmanship!
  15. This mod is fantastic. Thank you Ohally, the Law launcher is just perfect! (Been waiting for a newer M72 for awhile!) I do have a bug to report which I'm sure you're aware of - The Carl Gustav doesn't have reload animations. Excuse my ignorance/laziness (Don't want to stifle through 20+ pages) But is there any plans to make Canadian Vehicles? most importantly the LAV? Thanks again for the mod, and keep up the good work.
  16. No, the Game isn't rated for the use of minors. You should use your youth to play and advance real life skills.
  17. Birdy890

    Is this the right game?

    you have to buy Arma2 and Operation arrowhead (I'm not sure if they were included into arma x pack on steam) Now when you have those load OA with steam, and it will ask wether you want to play original or combined operations, select combined operations, hit ok, and play. if ever you decide to get ACE mod, then Six updater will do all that for you, all you have to do in six is hit "launch" Hope I helped with your troubles.
  18. This mod is top-notch, love it to death... I have a small problem with it though. - Everytime I launch the game from Steam, or the BAT file in the OA folder with an already updated version of jayarma2lib it doesn't work. - I have to delete jayarma2lib and put an old one in place of it, then when it asks to update i say yes, it then updates and works with no issues after that. Is anyone else having this problem? I'm almost 100% sure I've installed everything correctly, because after I update (it only works once) I can play.
  19. Try placing the dsound.dll into your Arma2 folder that you're running the game from. if that doesn't work, IDK what will.
  20. Is there a reason why My ACRE isn't working until I reinstall every single time I run it? And yes I am installing it correctly, I have the steam version of CO, And even tried it with ARMA2 launcher, nothing works... ACRE still works for me, it's just that I have to reinstall it every time I load ARMA2... is that normal?
  21. Birdy890

    Domination - Everon - A.C.E

    Yeah, I've tried pasting most of the code from the latest build over it (keeping the i_client.sqs i_blahblah etc. all the ones that deal with positionings.), and some features work, but actual missions do not. I've tried the Domination editing thread but haven't found the answers... :(
  22. Birdy890

    Domination - Active again?

    There is Parameters for team kill kick count, and satchels usable in base options in the "parameters" at the bottom right of your screen when creating a server. Either than that I'd say play with ACE and that'll solve almost ALL troll issues, because if a troll wants to troll, they'll go for easy targets, no troll is going to go through the hassle of downloading and installing ACE.
  23. Birdy890

    Domination - Everon - A.C.E

    N-N-N-N-NECRO BUMP-ump-ump.... But in all seriousness, is there any chance to get this to work with the CWR2 Everon, and the latest Domination?
  24. Birdy890

    Robalo's ACE configs

    Ohhh, nice Configs. Now if you could get CWR2 weapons to be ACE'd up, or put ACE weapons in CWR2 guys hands, that might be easier. :p