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Everything posted by Buzz_Fledderjohn

  1. Buzz_Fledderjohn

    Tangodown - Dutch tactical gaming (events / vids)

    I totally forgot to post the videos of the first 'official' training session we had a while ago. Pilgrim (ex-Dutch Army) was the main instructor, Rasa was the assistant instructor. We trained basic tactics. How to patrol, how to watch a firing sector, what to do during halts, etc. Here are the vids, check 'em out. Part 1/2: FYUGtC5256A Part 2/2: pF2S8cjNBoE For more info on the training sessions you can read this page. You can also watch the vids here. Also, next Wednesday on the 21st of July @ 20:45 the second training will be held, you are all welcome. :) You can sign up here.
  2. @Icewindo I knew about that trick but I assumed it doesn't actually turn the Independents into BLUFOR in the role selection screen. I'll try it out though, thanks. And yeah, Schnappsdrossel's way of adding the gasmasks and helmets worked very well, I hope you'll consider adding a couple of beards that way. I'm sure someone out there is willing to help. :) EDIT: just tried them out in the editor, they are awesome, man. Definitely the most authentic SF operators I've ever seen in ArmA. You've clearly done your research. Very good. And you even fixed the blurry beard bug! :) BIS can learn from you. This is the first time my custom face actually works the way it's supposed to. Thanks. To make the addon even better I would suggest making squads and sniper / AT teams so people can easily place them using the F2 (Group) function. Also, not sure if this bug has been mentioned already: the eyes of Operator (v2), the black guy with the shemagh, are messed up. Should be easy to fix. EDIT 2: a suggestion, perhaps add a couple units that wear fleece sweaters? See pic. Special Forces Calling in Close Air Support at Kondoz (Source)
  3. Haven't read the entire thread, but did you base them on the MoH 'Tier 1' characters? Because as far as I know there is no such thing as a 'Tier 1' group IRL. Either way, good units. I tried to 'Americanize' the Takistan guerrilla units (independants) through scripting because I also want to make a mission with SF dressed up as locals, but it only partly worked. I can't get them to be on the BLUFOR side. I'd rather do it through scripting because I want the required addons to be as low as possible for my missions, but if all else fails I can use these. Good job. Judging from the pic they look very nice. Are the faces from standard ArmA 2 and OA, or did you make them yourself? One thing I don't like about BIS' lighting engine is that no matter how much you darken and sharpen a beard on a custom face, it always goes bright and blurry when you use it in-game. I wish BIS would fix that very annoying bug.
  4. Thanks, that seems to work pretty well. :) It IS possible to make independant speak English, but only during combat and when you give them orders. If you greet them, they will still speak Takistani. But you can fix that by disabling the CoreConversations. So far so good. Now I want all playable independant units to be on the BLUFOR side in the role selection screen. Is this possible? Also, what is the parameter for the player's name? Removing the name = "NameHere"; line doesn't seem to work. 'Player' doesn't work either. Apparently you HAVE to give the unit a name, put glasses on him and give him a face (speaking of faces, are the OA face classnames out yet?). Otherwise it won't work. Unless I'm missing something here.
  5. Buzz_Fledderjohn

    Simple Guard Post Script

    Could be useful, thanks.
  6. Bump... can anyone confirm if it is possible to make a Takistani independant speak English at all?
  7. Well, if that is true I would like to see such a parameter in UPSMON. There is a car in one of my markers and I want one of the AI to drive that car to a random location, but the other AI within that marker must continue their patrol. But now they just jump into that car anyway. Looking forward to Monsada's reply.
  8. Hello, Is it possible to prevent certain AI units from entering vehicles? Right now every AI within the marker enters the vehicle, and I don't want that...
  9. Buzz_Fledderjohn

    The official football World Cup 2010 in SA thread

    Good stuff, good stuff! First time in the finals since 1978. :D Netherlands - Germany would be brutal...
  10. Wouldn't it be better to make the mission end with a win when the two survivors are actually back on base? If the mission ends when they have barely left the island, doesn't the mission end very abruptly? I dunno, to me it just seems more logical if they have to be flown back to base.
  11. Buzz_Fledderjohn

    Question about the laser designator

    Depends on which laser designator you mean. If it's the laser designator that is also in ArmA 2, no. That one is only used for air and artillery support. But if you mean the PEQ IR laser that can only be seen through NVGs, sure, you can designate targets for other human players with those. EDIT: got a question myself, too. The PEQ laser in A2:OA can be turned on and off on the fly, right?
  12. Buzz_Fledderjohn

    ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

    On this BIS Wiki page there are a couple of photos showing sound recording and a photo shoot. Can anyone link me to the pages where those pictures were first shown?
  13. Buzz_Fledderjohn

    Tangodown - Dutch tactical gaming (events / vids)

    SiC, you need to place the YouTube embed code between the YT tags. Then the embed will work. :)
  14. Buzz_Fledderjohn

    South Park using ArmA sounds? XD

    There is one stock sound that I keep recognizing over and over again. It's the sound of young giggling children. It's often used for scenes that show children playing. I've recognized that sound since I was young, it's kinda creepy. :( Does anyone know which one I mean?
  15. Buzz_Fledderjohn

    Tangodown - Dutch tactical gaming (events / vids)

    Group shot (a few people are missing from this pic). Standby for the movie of this session...
  16. Buzz_Fledderjohn

    Tangodown - Dutch tactical gaming (events / vids)

    The training was a big success. :3 Some screenshots: Pilgrim, main instructor of this training, speaks to everybody during the initial briefing after a short welcome. We fly across the sea and head out to the AO to begin training. Practicing LOER and infantry patrols. Pilgrim keeping an eye on the troops.
  17. Buzz_Fledderjohn

    Tangodown - Dutch tactical gaming (events / vids)

    Come on, where are the Dutchies? Don't be shy... :) Last Friday was very good indeed. Great teamwork. Next Friday is the in-game training session. We'll be practicing a lot of tactical manoeuvres, I hope you guys can come.
  18. Buzz_Fledderjohn

    Which is the best anti-virus?

    If you're careful enough, as I am, you probably won't get infected. True. Anti-virus is still necessary though, there's still plenty of nasty stuff out there and I usually scan most of my downloads. Like I wrote, I've been very disappointed with the free programs. Most of them are rather poor in their own unique way. So I'd rather pay for Kaspersky than have no anti-virus at all.
  19. Buzz_Fledderjohn

    Tangodown - Dutch tactical gaming (events / vids)

    Hello everybody, Just thought I'd let you know that we will organize a training session on June 18 (Friday) at 20:45 Dutch time. Everybody is welcome, the training session is open to anyone who speaks and understands Dutch and who's interested in learning tactics that can be applied in-game. Boost your skills. ;) More info here: TDNL Trainingsession If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or on our forums. You can also join our Xfire group which aids in communication. Our TeamSpeak 3 IP: nl3.tshost.eu:9001 Hope to see you there!
  20. I have a trigger that detects BLUFOR entering the area. It has to detect the players, but not the BLUFOR AI that is present within that trigger at all times. What can I do about the trigger or the AI so that it only detects the players? I've already tried tying a Chernarus civilian (rank: major) to the BLUFOR AI and set the civvie's probability of presence to 0%, but that results in BLUFOR being half polite, half rude to the player ("I'll tell you nothing!") which I don't want. Thanks.
  21. Grouping them does work, but the problem is that my mission has two squads of seven playable units each and a trigger can only be grouped with one player (squad).
  22. Hmmm, that doesn't seem to work, sorry. Using sync I can't drag a line between a player and the trigger.
  23. Buzz_Fledderjohn

    Dutch Army

    Thanks, that worked. :) Didn't see those names at all.
  24. Buzz_Fledderjohn

    Dutch Army

    Aeneas, what are the in-game classnames of the Glock 17 and its magazines? I looked for it in the .pbo, but I couldn't find anything that works.