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Everything posted by BeerHunter

  1. I bought ArmA2 on DVD and thought I was getting the English version. Notice that whenever I talk to a local (villager) the dialog is foreign (not English). All menu items etc. are in English , just wondering why they are babbling at me in a foreign tongue...or is there a way my character can "learn" the language so I can understand? BTW - speaking option menu is in English , just the sound track that's foreign.
  2. BeerHunter

    Tutorial for FSM's?

    Of course not. Hell they don't even give you a half decent tutorial for the actual game itself.
  3. BeerHunter

    Ranking system, why not?

    And so what's the point of a ranking system if no one pays any attention to it but you and a few others obsessed with this fetish? :p In RL ranks are awarded based on the skills , knowledge and supposed leadership abilities. They have a military doctrine the enforces obedience to the higher rank otherwise severe punishments can be inflicted on those that disobey. It takes YEARS to become a fighter pilot , LAG (light armored group) squadron leader , hell even a lowly corporal and how are you going to control the quality of those that obtain the various ranks (only took a few hours of stat padding on a BF2 server to get promoted to a Major). Oh the ranks wouldn't mean anything you say. Only personal gratification? Well how about servers awarding "campaign medals" instead? That way others could see that you actually played through a particular mission so there's a remote possibility that you may actually know what your doing and be willing to take advice form you then. ;)
  4. Wrong again. It's like someone selling you a car and asking you to learn to change a damn tire. BIS is fixing the main portion of the game but there are so many poorly configured computers out there...how else can you explain why my little old AMD 64 x2 4200 with an ATI 4850 1G card can run the game just fine while others with much more powerful systems cry about lackluster , jerky performance? If you've got the answer I'm sure BIS would love to hear it so they can fix that "problem". Using the editor isn't rocket science. Shit all you need to do is take a few minutes and you can create scenarios where only your imagination is the limit.Scripting isn't even necessary. Kids today that can ramble of meaningless weapon system statistics (who really cares?) , can delve into the inner workings of their computer and tweak this and patch that (requires a certain degree of intelligence) will whine and complain because there are a few problems with the game make my blood boil. If you want to see what the BIS team is up against , check out the simplicity of the original DOOM or Duke Nukem vs. the complexity of ArmA2. And don't for one minute fool yourself into thinking that all products except ArmA2 released to the public are fault free. There's tons a recalls from foods that will kill you to vehicles with wheels that will fall off. *ARGHHH*
  5. Was playing a scenario and trying to get my squad to the debarkation zone. One got stuck in crouching position (was wounded) and wouldn't move so I figured what the hell , just leave him behind. Had a hell of a time then trying to get my AI squad to follow me , they kept running off. I team switched to the wounded AI and made it stand up and move. Lo and behold the rest of my AI squad was standing around it (my playing character was still way up on top of the hill). Switched back to my character and order a regroup and they all came running. A bug or a feature??? Another thing..while they were still out quit a distance I was scoping them (watching them through my scope..too lazy to pull out the binoculars) when one of them up and shot me!! PO'd because I was going to leave someone behind? Overly cautious and not able to identify me? Only saw a rifle being pointed at them? I'm pretty sure I had cleared out all the enemy and anyway , was a fair distance form their outpost I had over run. Strange... :eek:
  6. I see many posts about TrackIR and people willing to cough up > $140 for this little gizmo. Have one and wouldn't want to play IL2 or MS FSX without it but ArmA has a built in free look system that is only a toggle key away. (mine is set to a mouse button for easy access). Using a Voice Activation program though , that costs about $20 , increases the immersion factor 100X. So much easier to say "squad" "regroup" or "team red" "danger" "get down" while your crawling around than do the hunt and peck for the keys. Yep they take a little effort to configure but sure worth it. Don't have one? Search and ye shall find :p (don't want to post a link to the program I'm using in case it's seen as promoting a commercial product).:o
  7. Somewhere back amongst these 100+ pages IIRC it was mentioned that there will be improvements to the actual engine itself so I'm expecting some of the concerns with ArmA2 to be addressed. Thing is , if there are improvements , it's much easier to create a second module that draws on some of the exiting code in ArmA2 than to go back and re-write ArmA2 to accommodate the new code. Looking forward to it.
  8. BeerHunter

    How long will arma 2 occupy me?

    With custom content , user made scenarios and the built in editor , it could last you until ArmA3 comes out. Hell I'm still playing the original NWN (NOT NWN2) and finding user made modules that keep me going for hours. :)
  9. I was wondering the same thing. I'm still at 3.59025. Do I need to patch up to 1.4 to use the latest .59120 or is this still ver 3 cause the build log still shows all the modifications made to the 1.03 beta patches.
  10. BeerHunter

    Please don't use Securom copy-protection!

    Not going to endear you to the moderators , especially since you obviously have no idea what Nazism is. Now go wash your mouth out with soap.. :p
  11. BeerHunter

    Sales detail?

    And the number of people who visit these forums are probably only a very small percentage of those that actually bought the game. ie : I have FSX and never (or very seldom) visit their forums , same with Silent Hunter 4.
  12. BeerHunter

    Do I want this game?

    All I did was barge through the door , holler "honey , look what I bought you for our anniversary " and when the bandages and cast came of I had (having) a ball with ArmA2.. :p :D
  13. If you could chuck grenades underhanded for more accuracy at close range (ie trying to put one through a door) that would be nice .. please!!
  14. BeerHunter

    Do I want this game?

    Lets sum it up this way.. CoD , DoD etc. etc. = checkers. ArmA2 = chess. You decide... :D
  15. Oddly enough I was thinking exactly the same thing and it would be a shame but really , the patches usually don't contain all the new content and fixes that come with the final patch and you can't go online to play (AFAIK) unless you install the complete official patch. The reason I didn't install the 1.04 patch is because the vast majority of it addressed MP , which I don't do , so it was a toss up. Update for MP and go back to having to find the disc every time I wanted to play or stick with the beta and no cd benefit. Had the patches contained anything relevant (ie performance , AI improvements , content etc.) I'd be running 1.04 myself right now , no questions asked.
  16. BeerHunter

    Support request

    Try this address for nexway.. service@nexway.com
  17. Beg to differ here. The scenario I'm playing right now involves capturing an air field and I had the AI holding fire and creeping up on the facility in a line formation. I heard a lot of "target in sight" , "target acquired" etc. but not a shot until I released them with "Open Fire". The enemies went down and we suffered no casualties. Further in , I didn't notice one hiding and only heard the snaps of his bullets. Shortly I heard a couple of shots and "got that ****". Would be nice if you COULD actually play online with that degree of co-operation and tactics but rarely can you. TG's and ShackTac would be the only two I can think of off hand but if you're going to play online you have to adjust your schedule to accommodate them (can't just hop on a 2AM..no one there) and you have to be willing to invest a fair amount of time. Can't just play for 15 - 20 minutes then leave 'cause there's something good on TV then come back 1/2 hr later. Not a problem in SP. I'm actually surprised at the number of posters who are SP only. Don't get me wrong about online gaming. Loads of fun with DoD:S , CS , COD etc. etc. but IMO I think ArmA2 is best suited as SP with a bit of online to appease those that insist every game has to have online capabilities or its worthless. BTW Inkompetent - don't forget that IRL to prep for and set up an assault can take hours of prep time and maneuvering into position. If you're in a rush to move in and get the action going you might be playing the wrong game or the right game the wrong way. You're liable to find on TG's server about a 10-15 minute briefing then more time being transported to the conflict area before you even spot an enemy , let alone being released to engage.:o Can't praise TG high enough for quality game play as I used to play PR over there and was a supporting member for a couple of years. I'm sure though there are other servers out there that try to maintain high quality game play as well.
  18. Wasn't aware that if you lowered the weapon you could move easier..have to try that tonight.. txs
  19. Mine isn't stuck in the drive all the time so it ends up under a pile of papers , back in its case that I may have put back on the shelf , stuck in a drawer or under a pile of papers somewhere. :p Now i just have to quit my spread sheet app , click on ArmA2 icon and I can be playing in a couple of minutes rather than having to holler.." Honey , have you seen my ArmA2 disc anywhere??" :p:D
  20. The scripting language used in ArmA2 violates just about every syntax rule in existence for any programming language I'm familiar with!! There doesn't seem to be any consistency (though I'm sure there is , just haven't figured it out yet) in how function (or scripts in BIS's language??) are called. Seems to go something like this: Var2Fn Function instead of the NORMAL common everyday standard usage Function(Var2Fn); as far as I can tell. :386: Seems arrays can hold any type of data in any combination of strings , numbers etc. you can dream up. Variable types don't seem to be declared/defined so you really don't know if you can manipulate them mathematically or not just by looking at them. I've tried reading other peoples scripts but for the most part it's hard to tell when they are using a built in script , what they are passing to it and what is supposed to be returned (if anything). Been to the WiKi over and over again but not much help there other than to see what prebuilt script names are available. Very little in the way of usage examples. Think I'll take up drinking instead... :803: BTW - am I right with these assumptions?? :o BTW - How can I tell if a script I made up is working or not? There doesn't seem to be any error reporting in the editor (ie script nnnn failed because...). Is there any type of add on or mod to help here?
  21. NWN uses a scripting language that heavily follows C/C++. T'was easy to figure it out. But thanks for the insight anyway. Does sort out a few things I was confused about.
  22. I stuck with the beta patch too rather than the 1.04 patch and don't have to use the disc. Noticed that most of the patch fixed MP which I don't do so chose the no disc requirement vs the MP fixes. Will have to install the 1.04 patch before I can use the 1.05 beta's but that's OK 'cause presumably the 1.05 beta's will be no disc as well.
  23. Noticed that too. Characters seem to get hung up in doors , on stairs etc. making quick evasive actions very difficult to say the least. Sometimes it's even difficult just going through a doorway. Out in the open all seems fine , just in CQ does it get "clunky".
  24. Just wondering if anyone has noticed enough of an improvement in performance and bug repairs to warrant putting the 1.04 patch on right now. The change log seems to be all multi-player and campaign/scenario related. I'm enjoying the no-cd aspect of the beta patches , custom downloaded scenarios and the editor. I don't relish going back to hunting for the disc and putting it in the drive every time I want to play. :mad:
  25. It's not fatigue - it's the annoying task of trying to find the damn thing buried somewhere under a pile of papers (or did I put it in the desk drawer) every time I want to play ArmA2. :p