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Everything posted by blackland

  1. Here is the first german preview 12 o´clock >>
  2. blackland

    Arma2 Black Edition

    ???? For NEW PLAYER, NEW PLAYER, NEW PLAYER I understand this whole discussion is not real! Anyone who has already, you need not buy it!! Why should they? I have not the game, it's an easy way to get the patched version.... or do I buy the normal version and this patch of 1.05. This is stupid, the "normal Vanilla Version" also costs approximately 25 EURO!!! :butbut: This discussion is just pointless! :o
  3. blackland

    Arma2 Black Edition

    WORD! I do not understand the discussion, here are invented problems! :eek: For new player, the price is completely fair - ca. 25 -29 EUR... :eek: See you example "google shopping"! :butbut:
  4. blackland

    Arma2 Black Edition

    It´s capitalism... :rolleyes: The price is okay (29 EURO incl. shipping), do not worry.
  5. This is absolutely fantastic!!! :butbut: :yay:
  6. blackland

    Operation Arrowhead: open beta

    okay guys... and here is the finaly answer for open beta and Operation Arrowhead:
  7. blackland

    Operation Arrowhead: open beta

    Never ever .... See you latest night original News (german): Open BetA at 4:00 PM :j: Version ist nice and hot!! :madtongue:
  8. blackland

    Sound 5.1 not right

    Okay, Win7HP x86 - it's gone and now works very well. I use non-offical X-Fi (Auzentech) driver from Daniel_K.
  9. blackland

    Sound 5.1 not right

    No, this ist not the solution (for me). I have same trouble with 1.04 and/or Beta (earlier versions not) and I have SVM/CMSS3D ever disable. It roars and crackles. We had this once before in a version before the goldmaster! I've tried several driver versions and the game even reinstalled. However, I am not sure if there is not a fault on board design. X-Fi extreme Music / WinXP SP3 x86, ASUS P5K, 3 GB RAM, C2D8400 I watch this because I install Win7 x86 tomorrow.
  10. 14:26 Breaking News: 29.05.2009 Release in Germany ist not final! Source and new Publisher Screens
  11. official Germany Release (News today): 29.05.2009 Source
  12. blackland

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    We have seen a technical Vido.  EGO = Engine, Tech = technical. Nothing else. No graphics and no KI/AI Video. I´m very cautious in an assessment what the finished of "OFP: DR" aka "OFP2" aka "Whatever". It is not fair to judge now. We want to here (or in other forums) not about ArmA2.  Just wait and see.
  13. Aarrgghhh, Shit - Sorry, Sorry!! Have something else here..... It´s right, this is the map from usti to Decin. Again, sorry, is really my fault!
  14. There is nothing rotated.... Everything is like it is That's not true!?? The river forms the border (to mare) and the image was rotated by 90 degrees. Definitely! River = Coastline. Original the river (Elbe) goes from north to south and in ArmA2 as Coastline from west to east! @electricleash Is a HL2 foto inside! Â
  15. yes. Big Antenna near Nemci / Tasov Usti nad Labem is too far away. Here is ArmA2 Map and real satellites map rotated left 90° : Map on BIS Forum This is no small area!
  16. The current state of development is "in progress" Arrgh .... I knew it. A diplomatic answer. Hope to Beta in March or April.
  17. @Placebo: You can on the current state of ArmA2 development of something? Here in Germany, Â the publisher Morphicon has offical announced that a beta stage is reached. Really? In what state of development is ArmA2? Please give a small info, if this is possible.
  18. German Publisher Morphicon will be published ArmA2 in May 2009. Source (german)
  19. Have you looked for yourself via google-earth and have zoomed a bit or do you just judge by the screenshot from me? My screenshot is only attached to beter find the area when you look for yourself... BTW i have found out that the TV-Antenna is in RL outside of Arma2 area.... i guess BI has moved it..... Big Antenna? Here is it: Big Big  and here: Big 2. Not outside.
  20. no no, it´s a golf IV!! Surely! What is Sims 3 © by EA? Nothing! Play ArmA2 - the great RL Cow & Bigfoot Simulator!
  21. Member named "IdeaGames" wrote in the  comments by ArmAII_USMC_HD-Trailer (Site 6): "This video was made to support the ARMA2 homepage update. We didn't want to make another teaser. There will be eleven updates on http://www.arma2.com in following weeks introducing factions, weapons and vehicles in the game - this time the first and main faction - US Marine Corps. More info will come in following weeks  ... and actually it is fully captured from ingame footage. " He said "eleven updates" ... "in following weeks" - nothing more. Source ArmA2.com informs: "... will be updated with fresh news on a weekly basis."
  22. I said repeatedly, it is still not official, but rather a personal note. All signs are for a later publication (in Germany), however this is true.
  23. Read the thread and ask properly, as others do. ArmA has no offical VISTA-Support - Users help users is necessary - always remember pls! An indication of the exact error message and HW/SW-Settings is a beginning.
  24. It´s simple: In folder "C:\Windows\SysWOW64" (for VISTA and "Windows" is the installation folder) renaming adi_oal.dll in adi_oal.dll.old! @fansadox Play another game, pls!