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Everything posted by bigshot

  1. Taking a little vote on the front page of the steam workshop for Duws Modified, for those interested!: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=222686368 just look for my front page post "THE PLAYER'S CHOICE GAME"
  2. @MDCCLXXVI - you ARE da'man...not to mention coding genius :-))))) (and you've just earned a celebrated spot in the 1.7 mission credits btw!). I thought he had removed the leader from command because if the leader gets injured and falls he has no way of giving the revive command...but apparently...it seems to work anyway because the AI comes to revive you even though theres no commander giving the order, which works out swell. @everybody reading this - grab this guy quick, get em' hold em' up straight and dont let him get away!....we need him to make duws dedi-compatible!!!!!! seriously thanks for the help;)
  3. *EDIT@Dunstorm - hold on...what version of Duws are you playing?? you said in an older post that your radius was 250m but I see I changed it already awhile ago to 400m so this should no longer be an issue. You must be playing an old outdated version, yes? ...the 1.7 testing has been going pretty good so far...everything is working well for MP in general and also JIP! The only thing im helpless with is the new AI revive script from Psycho...he's left arma and is not updating this script and there are 2 bugs in it that really should be fixed that I cannot figure out myself. It works mostly, but with 2 annoying issues... - you often will get removed from the leader position of your group while using the AI revive feature (which means you have to either delete/disband or kill your new leader so you can retake command) - after a revive is performed by any AI in your group you need to remember to tell them to "return to formation" or else at some point they stop responding to you (not a big deal if you know about it and read the in-game manual...which nobody does) That first issue is the one id really like to see fixed...but otherwise everything else works for 1.7.... If any coders out there would like to take a look at the AI revive script and see if they can figure out the command issue please let me know!
  4. bigshot

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    enjoying this sound work ho heartedly and was curious to know if there's any planned update to fix the rpt errors being spammed for missing sounds...havent tested for all the sounds but I've noticed thousands being thrown for a few of the AT launcher sounds that the rpt claims are missing or cant find...not sure if it started before or after todays 1.32 game patch as I havent been logging in a long time until now since im doing some coding work on Duws Modified.
  5. Hiya...implemented your script here into Duws Modified mission with full credits (thank you!) I was wondering if you already know about the following rpt error? In a 1 hour session it got spammed approx. 40,000 times: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error select: Type Object, expected Array,String,Config entry File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\EPD\IED\TriggerFunctions.sqf, line 48 Error in expression <ED_ARRAY; _iedPos = getpos (_iedArray select 0); _minDistance = 10000; _minHe> Error position: <select 0); _minDistance = 10000; _minHe> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you figure it out could you either PM me or post the code change I need to make on my end so I can fix it? Thanks again Brian, very much!
  6. Have you tried playing Duws Modified?...you never know, maybe you'd like it.
  7. Starting last nite (10/13/2014) I've been experiencing arma3 crashing after clicking on "New" and then "NEXT" in the MP setup ONLY when "internet" is chosen and ONLY when starting the game using the arma3sync launcher. It does not crash if I start arma3 with its regular shortcut (same mods enabled via shortcut as when using arma3sync launcher). Is this related in some way to the new arma3 1.32 patch? I'm assuming something must have changed on the MP end of things starting last nite in prep for todays big game patch 1.32. You might want to have a look at this.
  8. Because I am the only one willing to work on support for dedicated servers and that is the problem...I do not have enough time and patience to work on it myself since it will require ALOT of re-writing and careful testing of over 250+ scripts. A project of this size with a large mission will require YOU to help make it happen...you need at LEAST 2 coders with LOTS of spare time and 3-4 reliable testers, and a fully dedicated machine. Whenever I spend loads of time implementing a new feature that someone has asked for that same person suddenly disppears and gets VERY busy if I ask them to help test it in MP to make sure it works ok. I asked for help for many months from both the community here and also on Steam, and the result?...nada...nothing. What have we learned (or what have I learned)?...the community is fantastic at asking, demanding and playing arma, but horrific at lending a hand in helping to get what they ask for. This is the sad reality and nothing I can do about it. I removed the support forum I created for it and stopped working on it months ago...you cant even get good testers to show up on time anymore without alot of work...crazy. So, learn to accept and be happy with what is given to you (unless you are seriously willing to go to work on it yourself). Besides, at this point in the missions development it may be a tad fool-hearty to even bother with all the rewrites and time invloved before Bohemia finalizes the arma3 code...and judging from their track record and the way things are currently going that probably wont be until after arma4 releases. That is a HUGE thorn in the side of many 3rd party developers...the fact that we are always being forced to create things for what is virtually a never-ending alpha phase capable of changing/breaking with the next patch. It's getting too old...and that's a reason why so many of the older and best mod makers and mission makers for OFP & Arma have vanished after so many years of patience. But that is another can of worms I really don't mean to get into now. So, it's not because I wasn't willing to do it...it is because I need alot of help and the community playing it, isn't willing to do this. That is my final comment on the subject. Thanks for asking :-)
  9. I was wondering if this is the line that may be responsible for making the player lose command of his group units from time to time...and if there's anything that can be done to fix it? "if (_unit getVariable ""tcb_ais_leader"" && {count units group _unit > 0} && {leader group _unit != _unit}) then {" \n " (group _unit) selectLeader _unit;" \n " [side _unit,""HQ""] sideChat format [""%1 take back the command"", name _unit];" \n "} It happens quite often and the only way to get back command is to shoot the AI who mistakenly became leader so he falls injured and then delete him from the mission (i have a delete ai feature built into my mission for this very reason). Or, I suppose you can just keep shooting him till he actually dies (but then you are seen as the enemy and your AI will kill you too).
  10. could be but I thought when Kibot made that mission that he originally made it for Stratis since Altis didnt exist yet...hmmm. Could you do me a favor and change the radius for the mission and see if that helps?...try changing it to 500 or more to test and lemme know if thats what it is and ill make the change on my part here. Ive just been so busy testing and rewriting for the new 1.7 update here with the new lose condition and all...if you have the time to test this issue that'd be awesome.
  11. sorry Dunstorm but I can't seem to reproduce your issue here and I've tried on both altis and stratis. The AI who join my group follow me and the tower seems to always be within the marked area. Maybe you are seeing these issues because you are still running certain mods with the mission? Which island/map were you having these issues on? AI not following orders is a very typical game glitch and cant be fixed by mission makers...it is essentially an arma-ism...but running certain AI mods can actually worsen this. Do NOT run any AI mods that effect behavior. On that side-mission I like to call for a chopper taxi and have my entire team get in with me (including the new group members) and when we get out back at base the mission ends successfully. Tower not showing up on that other side-mission I have only heard of happening on non-Arma3 map mods (such as what you find in 3rd party map packs that have converted arma2 maps for use in arma3 i.e Chernarus)...it is config issues or sometimes bad elevation data with those 3rd party maps that happen during the conversion process and cannot be fixed by mission makers.
  12. The problem is definitely on your end somewhere...most likely either a mod, or a slow pc using unreasonable mission settings or game settings too. Have a good read at the steam workshop page...especially everything i wrote in the common questions and answers forum there. Here's the link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=222686368 I play it online quite often with other folks and the enemy is always all over us kicking our butts :-)
  13. UPDATED LIST FOR WHAT'S INCLUDED IN THE NEXT DUWS MODIFIED UPDATE---> v1.7 - new: added new feature to FOB/Teleport Manager - you can now choose to either fast travel "alone" or with your "group". - new: added Group HALO - works with both players and AI in the same group (original script by: cobra4v320). - new: *Selectable Mission Win/Lose Conditions (in parameters menu in MP mission lobby): Cap All Zones/Officer Killed & Cap All Zones/Officer & Players Killed (see details in-game manual). - changed: Special Operatives units are now able to revive human players and each other (if you've enabled AI Revive in the Parameters screen). - changed: Special Operatives units now cost 10CP each when you first recruit them and then cost nothing to redeploy them after they get killed. - changed: Special Operatives units delay for redeployment has been decreased down to a 60 second wait/delay. - changed: Special Operatives units now come with 50 spendable points each so that you can begin to customize their individual skill sets. - fixed: Special Operatives units now earn 20 extra spendable points which you can use toward further skill customizations each time your team either captures an enemy zone or completes a side-mission. - fixed: when fatigue is disabled in parameters menu it now effects the single AI units you recruit into your group (both regular and SpecOps), and not just humans. This allows the AI to keep pace with you better and not fall behind so much! - new: added Army Power(AP) info to the Squad Manager Hint (now you can easily see what each teams AP is anytime you wish). - updated: VAS script (Armory#1) updated to latest version 2.6 so you now get 15 kit slots instead of 10. - updated: some new info added to the in-game duws manual and also alphabetized the subject tabs. Expected Release: November 2014
  14. 1. probably not if its 3rd party, unless something really grabbed me which it hasnt yet. I do plan on putting in any officially released vehicles (DLC). 2. been using it on other maps without issue with a few of my buddies...sounds like your error is a bad install of your mods or an incompatibility of mods probably having nothing to do with the mission itself. Of course if you have been editing the mission yourself that could also be your problem :-)...as you see a big part of the reason WHY I dont put 3rd party vehicle mods into duws is for this very reason...incompatible configs in a 3rd party mod can stop that mod from running on certain islands or with certain other mods enabled...which is not mission related. There are too many headaches involved for me so I stay away and prefer to keep the mission as pure as possible.
  15. My mission needs to begin with respawn=3 (base) in the description.ext. BUT...during the mission if there's a certain event that occurs I'd like to be able to change that value to either 0 or 1...so what i need to know is if theres anyway to start a mission with base respawn and then remove respawn at some point after the mission begins? Deleting the respawn_west marker does not stop the player from respawning...it simply respawns you at location where you started mission...so that command is useless for me. I dont need the trigger or event info...I just need to know how to illiminate the ability to respawn in MP AFTER the mission starts AND without ending the mission if there are multiple players online. Is it allowed?
  16. The Virtual Ammo script and Virtual Arsenal which is built into arma3 do not offer the large static weapons as far as I know. But you can grab some of the smaller but autonomous machine guns and grenade launching statics instead (from the VAS armory #1). I know they show up in the armory...If I'm remembering correctly I think you will find them in the misc section?(not certain...but they are in bags...just look/read carefully and youll find them). Take the bags outside and drop them and then use your action menu to assemble them.
  17. UPDATE 1.7---> WHAT'S INCLUDED SO FAR? - changed: Special Forces units now cost 10CP each when you first recruit them and then cost nothing to redeploy them after they get killed. - changed: Special Forces units delay for redeployment has been decreased down to a 60 second wait/delay. - changed: Special Forces units now come with 50 spendable points each so that you can begin to customize their individual skill sets. - fixed: Special Forces units now earn 20 extra spendable points which you can use toward further skill customizations each time your team either captures an enemy zone or completes a side-mission. - changed: Special Forces units are now able to revive human players and each other (if you've enabled AI Revive in the Parameters screen). - new: added friendly & enemy Army Power info to the Squad Manager Hint (now you can easily see what each teams AP is anytime you wish). - new: added new feature to FOB/Teleport Manager - you can now choose to either fast travel "alone" or with your "group". - new: Group HALO for AI?? - new: (choppers & "shoot from" vehicle classes) Content from Bohemia? expected release: November 2014 ...feel free to post your comments about it.
  18. YET ANOTHER NEW UPDATE FOR DUWS MODIFIED: Version 1.6!! New As of October 3rd, 2014: version 1.6 - added: new "Varied & Dynamic" weather setting option with variably changing conditions as you play (moving clouds,fronts,wind,rain,fog,lightning,raindbows,sun). Note - See in-game Map notes for more info. - added: new squad manager option to delete AI units in your group (disband/delete units on team yellow) - See in-game duws manual section in map notes. - improved: enemy warnings (both the text and warning siren) are now MP compatible so all players get aural and text warnings when FOB's & HQ are being attacked. - added: new enable/disable option for the enemy warning siren (available in the Parameters Menu on the mission's unit selction screen: enabled by default). - fixed: logic bug that caused the support requests to not re-lock and refund (you can now re-lock supports by re-clicking its unLock button and receive a 50% refund...fun way to get back some spendable cp when you're all out!). - changed: decreased cost of the pFLIR support unlock (was 20cp, is now only 12cp). *IMPORTANT NOTE* - SP "Scenario" mode no longer supported or recommended (if you run the mission in this mode you will have issues, please do not report them). If you want to play alone please use MP LAN mode and do not forget to access the Parameters Screen in mission's MP lobby. DropBox .pbo & Steam Workshop Have Been Updated - Just re-download , install & Have Fun!!
  19. I am trying to get the host's weather synced with connected clients both at mission strat and also for JIP. ...so what is the difference between these 2 functions? ...and why would I want to use one over the other?? ..and how do you call the paramWeather one? HELP! lol
  20. Well...seems that when I use "call" it's working. Can anyone post the function here so I can see what it actually does...I was under the impression that it only sets the clouds...but now im wondering if theres more to it such as fog/wind too because the client was also showing fog. As for JIP...I had someone join the server as JIP and after a minute or 2 their weather updated suddenly and they were getting the host's weather (yet I ran no special weather script such as setovercast or setfog, etc on their client machine), but it was also including the fog....so im a bit lost as to what this is really doing or not doing as far as clients. The rain seems to come automatically based on cloud cover and does not have to be called for host or client. Im using this command only at mission start so the initial weather gets set randomly on the host and then gets synced to any client...and this now seems to work...but im confused how to proceed as far as after I have the weather change on the host after playing for awhile...do I still need to keep using my old client update script for all the weather params as usual (which uses updating public variables and can take an hour for the weather to change drastically), or will this command im using at startup continue to update the clients even if the hosts weather changes as the mission continues? I dont believe its written to do that, but Im not sure. If there were other params I could use with this function (such as having it update weather gradually instead of instantly) then I would just keep using it throughout the entire mission...but from what I saw in it's description it only supports the number for intensity, and not time...is this still correct?
  21. ...tried using a variable for the number (which is setup as _overcast_intensity = random 1) but it doesnt work for me: [_overcast_intensity] spawn BIS_fnc_setOvercast does it have to be written as defining another variable to work? 0 = [_overcast_intensity] spawn BIS_fnc_setOvercast
  22. bigshot

    EricJ Release thread

    What effect will this have on players who use the "Non-Joint Muzzle config"? I'm a new user of this terriffic mod and just want to make sure I understand what to expect with this. So does this mean I can get rid of the muzzle mod, yet still have to keep the rails mod? (or can i get rid of both?) ...and if stop using the muzzle/rail mods then will there be any changes I will notice in doing so? Thanks again!
  23. bigshot

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    @Nosedive - nah, nevermind...i think its just placebo...been playing so much lately i forget what its supposed to sound like...and it takes sooo long to get back into game that i forget again, lol. I think its ok though...plays alright...i think icon just shows up grey...if it werent active it wouldnt show at all i believe.
  24. bigshot

    EricJ Release thread

    Ok, thanks very much for this, a wonderful job you've done with sooo much work! Might wanna update the first post so new peeps know about the Rail dependencies.
  25. bigshot

    EricJ Release thread

    Im having some trouble with trying out this weapons mod and was hoping maybe someone could point me in the right direction so I can get it working correctly. - I installed the latest download (rc39 from dropbox) In game most of the new weapons show up with attachable scopes to choose from in the Virtual Arsenal but do not attach and display correctly. I checked the readme and the front page of the thread to see if there were any prerequisite addons needed but nothing is listed. How do I get the scopes to function? PS - also, the readme states that JSRS users need to use the optional JSRS pbo, but there is no such file included in rc39.