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Everything posted by bigshot

  1. bigshot

    crCTI Kastenbier Edition

    weapon loadouts are not loading properly after you create/save them. Tried 4 times to buy a carrier rig, rpg launcher w/2 rockets, 3 first aid kits...saved the loadout. Load it, buy it but no joy. This was on a dedi, not lan.
  2. bigshot

    [MP | COOP 2-8 | WIP] Static Loop

    rgr that, thanks Meatball
  3. bigshot

    [MP | COOP 2-8 | WIP] Static Loop

    can this be played alone (with friendly ai) or is it only for a group of players?
  4. can anyone explain how to know who's actually won the match? I wait for scoring at the end of the match but sometimes dont see anything...then after digging thru the 3 debriefing screens I saw something that i thought said Attacker: 5 but I had no idea who won the match. PS - this was playing the AI version and on local LAN Thanks for the help
  5. bigshot

    crCTI Kastenbier Edition

    I know you guys have alot of work ahead of you getting this all set well for retail arma3, but i was just wondering if in the future you may be considering a version that would work well on LAN?
  6. bigshot

    MP COOP GITS EVOLUTION - main thread

    heh, yea i know what you mean...me too!
  7. sure thing I will keep an eye out and test it, but just to be clear I was testing on the latest official NON-dev beta.
  8. guess the mission doesnt work on LAN then...mine stay red no matter what.
  9. are the red areas supposed to change color if there are no enemy inside? mine do not change.
  10. I thought this too...however if you turn down all the shooting related skills to 0.04 you will then see a noticeable difference. NOT 0.4....use instead 0.04 The only thing that would be nice as an improvement would be the ability to set each faction (friendly vs enemy).
  11. For the first time in about 3 months I booted up Arma3 (in it's new Beta form) to play a mission yesterday only to find that the AI STILL cannot keep up pace by simply following me in a simple 400m trot. Why, because their pathfinding has STILL not been fixed. My entire group of AI (except for 1 unit) all got stuck inside a building (which I never told them to enter in the first place). Had to run all the way back and tried for 10-15 minutes to somehow get them out with no success. Time to end the mission and start over from scratch? nope...time to quit playing Arma. ...common GUYS, 12 years and you still refuse to put ample resources back into fixing glaring issues that are all about the CORE mechanics of a game that puts food on your tables? Lost track of how long it's been already, but as far as Arma3 is concerned I haven't seen any improvement in AI nor have I seen any official word spoken about it in an easy to find post by any Bohemia Rep. You also have still not provided a difficulty slider for "precision" in your UI and I'm getting 1-shotted everywhere I go. With this sort of experience going on for SUCH a long time now with no word from you, it becomes apparent that you have no intentions toward fixing your bots. In that case you really need to REMOVE them from the game entirely and just turning this into the PvP experience you seem to be heading towards. If not, you seem to be leaving yourselves open to looking like you simply do not care about the AI any longer and that tends to rub coop oriented players the wrong way. Please Bohemia, make a statement about why these core gameplay issues are still not being attended to and for how much longer this might continue to be? Thank you.
  12. bigshot

    User Mission Request Thread

    Absolutely...love Lojack...also want to see a 2 sided AI coop version of "Warfare" that can be played on LAN. These dynamic type missions that can be played in so many different ways, over and over again are the life blood of the Arma franchise. Warfare (CTI) helped to transform OFP and BIS forever and there should be alot more versions of it available...in fact I'd like to see them get rid of the campaign and would rather see them put the time/resources back into Warfare missions instead. Wouldn't mind seeing the entire game based on it, or perhaps an entire DLC dedicated to this game type.
  13. bigshot

    Death Match 4, Players + AI

    Hi Dale...thanks for this, I'll give it a try!
  14. bigshot

    Death Match 4, Players + AI

    can this be played alone against the AI on LAN?
  15. Yes, it is 1 of the 2 reasons why I started this thread and also the theme of many other posts on these forums and others around the web. The issue is that our ability to set the AI precision/accuracy has been taken away from since some of the later patches released from Arma2....about a year or 2 ago. This means that the AI accuracy is now hard coded and is calculated automatically for you depending upon your basic skill setting in the game difficulty menu, and at the same time negating whatever you set for precision in your profile config...but something is seriously wrong with the way it works because ever since then the AI difficulty has been an unmanageable task for the player. Now in Arma3 it seems to be much worse as you have just pointed out. This is why I have asked countless times over the past 18 months, in a nice way (and ignored) if they would bring back the ability for us to adjust the precision ourselves (separate from basic skill) either through the profile config (as it used to be) or even better would be via an additional "accuracy" setting in the difficulty screen of the UI. I understand this is partly a design issue but my question goes deeper because ever since this design change it seems the AI precision has gone way up to a point where not only myself but huge amounts of players and developers have either walked away for good or do not play nearly as often as they play other games now. Something has changed with the AI accuracy it is too high and we as players would like BIS to bring back our ability to be able to set the AI skill level on maybe .7 BUT the "precision" down to .2 for example...this way they are very smart and try to outflank you and move around alot but they would shoot no so good.
  16. Oh yes, they did a wonderful job of double talking to calm the storm didn't they?...yet they really never answered a single question asked....and some of you actually fall for this old trick? Getting close to 8 pages now...still waiting for 2 answers to 2 very simple and reasonable questions for which I started this thread with. 12 years is a long time to wait I admit, apparently I am quite the optimist!
  17. Actually...my only 2 questions asked in this thread are STILL being ignored :-) (see my post #1 and #60) I've done the tracker thing for a few months...no longer have the time to donate, however...and I'm only interested right now in getting the 2 questions answered at least. Thanks once more.
  18. Hi RiE, While I can certainly understand that, you should understand (and im sure you do) that after many years of leaving "kind" & "polite" messages for you on these forums and watching them go ignored/unanswered by any BI Rep. (as well as many hours spent with the alpha/beta tracker to try and help) tends to leave a customer no choice but to get a "tad" aggressive (we've both heard and read much harsher words, afterall) in order to get some very simple answers regarding the AI. That said, I thank you for finally chiming in but only wish you would have addressed the 2 points I brought up regarding the AI to begin with...it would also be nice if you could create an AI related sticky for us where you (BI) would post about the AI progress every so often so we can all see it and understand what can be fixed/changed and what cannot be. An easy place to find new AI related info from BI where there can be NO RESPONSES (reading thru 50 pages of responses is ridiculous) and it can be read in plain layman's language for those of us who do not understand programming/code "talk". Now, I know you said you've hired a programmer that's currently trying to wrap his head around that code in order to work on certain aspects of the AI targeting....that's good to hear. Can you please elaborate some more into my questions though?...specifically 2 things: 1. Are you aware of the path finding issues that cause foot units to get permanently stuck inside of buildings they were never supposed to enter...and are you aware of the AI driving issues as well?.... can these things be fixed or no? are you intending to try and fix it or no?...if you are, then what sort of time frame are we looking at? (weeks or months or years) 2. Will there be a new difficulty setting added in the UI for the AI's "precision/accuracy"?...if not, will you at least replace our ability to set both "skill" and "precision" in the profile config file (the way it used to be about 18 months ago before you automated it in A2)? Thanks again, RiE for responding...and thanks to everyone else in the thread for HELPING to attract the response as well. I hope BI will talk more openly to us about the AI in an easy to understand way (even when it's not good news).
  19. havent tried playing this mission in months...tried loading up .80 into A3 Beta twice now on LAN (non dev) but it crashed the game both times i tried it...within about a minute after starting.
  20. thanks tvig...lemme know what you think after trying it next time around. At 0.1 I would think you'd be able to run around alot and get some easy shots in...but as I said, its playing out as if it's set alot higher for me.
  21. Forgive me for bringing this up here, but the friggen AI difficulty is so badly screwed up in this game these days that I simply can't tell if this is a mission problem or just the neglect of BIS. My problem now with playing this mission is that I'm constantly getting 1-shotted around every corner. It's playing as if the difficulty setting is at 1.0, but in fact it is set at 0.1 (both in the mission params AND the in-game menu. Anyone else having this issue?
  22. Please...lets not get off on any self slandering, hijacking tangents. Lets focus on leaving this thread as clean as possible so that Bohemia can cleanly respond. If you agree then simply sign with a +1 if you feel the need to. But Im really addressing this to Bohemia for an answer.
  23. funny, Ive noticed too, that I had to put quite a number of slugs into an enemy AI before he would drop (range was only about 15-20m). It was so noticeable that for a second I thought I was online fighting some sort of lag! Haven't played since the Alpha in late April and this was something I don't recall seeing before today. Yet at the same time I seem to get 1-shotted by the AI all the time. Not liking this at all.