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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. @pierremgi not working message error '{alive _x} |#| count grp_oneGroup < 3' Error count: type Group, expect Array.
  2. Is there a way to allow damage true for a editor place building that does not have damage enabled from its vanilla phone. There is a factory building type from the editor that the building will not take damage. Is there a way to allow damage ?
  3. It really doesn't make a difference specific what editor place building we're talking about. I will give you the class name but like major said if the vanilla asset does not have a ruined model then it can't be accomplished. So I guess that answers my question.
  4. Need help again lol I am working on a modified AIS wounding system script. I already disabled the respawn options from the script but the Arma menu still has the respond and it's not greyed out and if the player attempts to respawn the unit is killed. I am using team switch respawn number 5 but the playable units will never bleed out only stay unconscious and the mission ends when all playable units are unconscious. How can I disable the respawn button from the arma main menu.
  5. As well as I I don't play multiple missions anymore to old for all the BS with open missions and certainly too old for all the clan bullshit people thinking they're in the military lol. I've been playing this game since OFP days 20O1. Yes he did but it was never meant to be played with team switch function. If your playable unit got unconscious you needed to wait to get revived either by teammates or AI now you can team switch to a new unit and continue the mission. The way I have it set up if all playable units are unconscious the mission will end. If one unit remains you have the ability to revive all playable units. I still have some bugs or issues based on the initial design but works very well for my needs. I feel this is the best revive system that is not too complicated but gives you all the bells and whistles drag carry load and with a revive system that is not too complicated like Ace in my humble opinion.
  6. hey panther42 I have fooled around with this for a few years to make a version that can be used with team switch function. I call it last man standing mode. All playable switchable units will never die only go unconscious. The mission will end only if all playable switchable units are unconscious. It was design mainly for small co-op play or solo play. I am going to try to incorporate your changes with my changes to see if this can work the way you designed it and with may design needs for last man standing mode.
  7. @pierremgi I am taking the family on vacation when I get back will check out the new code suggestions you posted. Thank you for the assist. I test played this mission it took me over 2 hours but I completed the mission and all work will the other codes. The scientist and the aliens are not playable units. I have a few questions to ask you about addaction on object vs unit vs radio/area trigger. Talk soon thanks avibird
  8. Can't get this to work using cursorObject command. this addAction ["join us",{["cursorObject"isKindOf "Man,bob2"] join player;},nil,1.5,true,true,"","alive bob2",10]; this addAction ["Dismiss",{["cursorObject","bob2"]join grpNull;},nil,1.5,true,true,"","alive bob2",10]; this code works fine without cursorObject command this addAction ["join us",{[bob]join player;},nil,1.5,true,true,"","alive bob",2]; this addAction ["Dismiss",{[bob]join grpNull;},nil,1.5,true,true,"","alive bob",2]; I am not getting errors but not working bob2 will not join lol. The issues is with a undefined variable ie bob2
  9. OK I am very satisfield with the outcome of this. If anyone is following this post. there are three options for this to work and I am using all three. option 1 *addAction to unit init this addAction ["join us",{[VIP]join player;},nil,1.5,true,true,"", "alive VIP",2]; this addAction ["Dismiss",{[VIP]join grpNull;} ,nil,1.5,true,true,"","alive VIP",2]; - this is used for a scientist you need to rescue and evac out of the area. option 2 *addAction to unit init this addAction ["HELP US",{[cursorObject] join group player}, nil,1.5,TRUE,TRUE,"","alive cursorObject && cursorObject isKindOf 'CAManBase'",3,FALSE]; this addAction ["LEAVE US",{[cursorObject] join grpNull}, nil,1.5, TRUE,TRUE,"","alive cursorObject && cursorObject isKindOf 'CAManBase' ",3,FALSE]; - this is used for alien hostages that you have the option to free them, leave them in the prison cell or have the join your side but if you just free them there is a chance of them killing you lol. option 3 *Radio trigger - Battlefield Recruitment- this is used for any air units that are shoot down in the OA. You could have them join and fight with your group or just leave them on their own to fight. Condition call{player == TC || player == P4 || player == P8 || player == P11 || player == P14 || player == P18} On activation player addAction ["<t color='#11ff11'>Join us</t>", {params ["","_caller","_id"];private _menu = (_caller actionParams _id) #0; if (_menu isEqualTo "<t color='#11ff11'>Join us</t>") then { _menu = "<t color='#ff1111'>Dismiss</t>"; if (isNil {cursorObject getVariable "oldGrp"}) then {cursorObject setVariable ["oldGrp",group cursorObject]};[cursorObject] join _caller;} else { _menu = "<t color='#11ff11'>Join us</t>"; [cursorObject] join (cursorObject getVariable ["oldGrp",grpNull]);}; _caller setUserActionText [_id,_menu];},nil,1.5,true,true,""," cursorObject isKindOf 'CAManBase' && {_this distanceSqr cursorObject < 100} && {alive cursorObject}"]; *For some reason I can't get the cursorObject distance more then 15 meters regardless of how much distance parameters into the code. I don't know if it has a hard limit of distance - {_this distanceSqr cursorObject < 100}
  10. @pierremgi I think I am going to use both ways in this my mission the quick and dirty way will be used for the POW and the two alien captives works well for rescue the Code right in the unit init. While your more elaborate way will be used in a radio trigger to call the code. Only the two squad leaders and four team leaders can use it to recruit downed air units that were called in for CAS or transport. This works out well and almost meets all of my scenario needs. I really do appreciate it. Come stop by and see some of your work in action.Thanks Avibird.
  11. @pierremgi thank you both work well. What is the best way to add to my mission the better player addaction code you provided. Mission init.sqf initserver.sqf or initplayerlocal .sqf. Is there a way to increase the number of units the player can have join using this code like 5 or 6 different units avibird
  12. I have this code setup for a trigger REPEATABLE CONDITION call {!Alive DT1 || !Alive DT2 || !Alive DT3 || !Alive DT4 || !Alive DT5 || !Alive DT6 || !Alive DT7 || !Alive DT8 || !Alive DisruptorVeh } ON ACTIVATION call{_units = [DT1,DT2,DT3,DT4,DT5,DT6,DT7,DT8]; _units apply {_x enableAI "PATH"};} I have a group of units in a hanger with a empty vehicle inside the hanger. This group will respawn using JEBUS. The group has a disable pathway commode holding them in pace after they spawn into the game. The group has move waypoint followed by a get in nearest followed by a Guard waypoint. I have a few triggers for this group to enables pathway again. 1. if any of the units in this group are killed it enables pathway for the group to moves. 2. If bluefor units get to close to the hanger it enables pathway for the group to moves 3. if you steal date from a research facility it enables pathway for the group to moves 4. If you destroy the vehicle it enables pathway for the group to moves. This group will respawn back into the mission. To stop the group from respawning you must get the date from a research facility and destroy the vehicle. This all works perfect if the group does not respawn back into the mission. The issue is if you attack the hanger before you attack the research facility and you kill all the units and destroy the vehicle. The units will respawn back into the hanger without the vehicle. (This is by design) The group has the disable pathway and will hold position until 1-3 are completed. 4 is destroyed and there's no longer in the game world. So in theory the group disabled pathway command should be reversed by the vehicle no longer being in the game world destroyed. Here is the issue. The group will move if 1-3 are met not respawn back since the date is gone from the research facility and the vehicle is destroyed. The issue and my question is why if the vehicle is destroyed and not alive in the game world why does the group still hold position when it respawns back into the mission and the vehicle is destroyed. The groups is acting like vehicle is not destroyed. Is this because the group respawn back in and does not recognize the vehicle as being destroyed. Is there anyway this can work the way I want it to work. I know sometimes things are not possible. What do you guys think. Thanks Avibird.
  13. Hey pierremgi still not working after respawn of disruptor units in the hanger using your last attempt. if the vehicle was destroyed before the units respawn the units will move. I have a second trigger only with the units and if any of the units are killed before and after respawn the units will be able to move with the enable pathway command in the trigger. So it's working for the units but not the empty vehicle in the hanger only. If the vehicle is destroyed before any respawn of the units. The units will movement enabled pathway trigger kicks in. if any of the units are killed in the hanger then the group will move. The group uses jebus respawning system and the vehicle is an empty vehicle placed on the map with no respawns of that vehicle. In theory when I destroy the vehicle and look at the debug console it says false not alive so the trigger should kick in but does not. Thanks for the help I just don't understand if the units variable names are carrying over after respawn and the trigger works before and after respawn for the units why not the empty vehicle ? Three separate triggers to allow for the units to move enabling pathway again. 1. Units are killed- works 2. Steal the research data - works Both work before and after respawn however 3. vehicle only works before respawn of the hanger units. Just don't understand why.
  14. Hey thanks for all the help and feed back on scripting. Question what to you mean player unit. This mission is for coop mission not really join in progress. It has 20 playable units with team switch enabled. Divided up into two squads of 10 they can be subdivided into six groups or into one large size group of 20 playable units this is all done through radio commands. So in theory best played alone two players or six players. This code is for two alien hostages that are in prison cells in the research facility you can rescue them and have them assist you in the mission. The ultimate goal is to get a working script that you can recruit any bluefor unit into a player group by using cursorobject command when anyone see a downed pilot during the mission from CAS vehicles that you can call in during the mission. I hope you understand what I'm trying to do.
  15. Explain this to me. I took out the vehicle from the mission and I kept all the triggers the way they were set up. So in theory or my assumption once the hanger group spawns into the game world the trigger should be activated because the vehicle is no longer alive or existing in the game world. Am I wrong to assume that's how it works. The trigger should be fired if it's checking for the vehicle in the trigger and the vehicle is not there. Dead or non existing. Another test I deleted one of the eight group members that are in the hanger that will move into the vehicle. This is setup with a few trigger. 1. If any bluefor units get to close to the hanger doors. 2. If the vehicle itself is destroyed 3. If any member of the eight are killed. So when I deleted one of the group members and then started the mission. The triggers will not fire at all if any of the group members are killed. I am so confused on the reason why this does not work how I think it should.
  16. @pierremgi it gives a sting error message and does not work. Ty @Harzach at the start of the mission I check and it says true after I killed the group then I destroyed the vehicle it says false. When the group respawns back because I did not take the data from the research facility to stop the group from respawning. The group respawns back into the hanger but disabled pathway is still active even though it says the vehicle is false. Then I killed one of the units of the group to see if the trigger to enable pathway fires and it does. So I know the units variable names do carry over after respawn or that trigger that allows the group to move if one of its members are killed. It seems like after the group respawns it does not recognize the vehicle was in the game. Confused 🤔
  17. So if the groups respawns back and the vehicle was already destroyed while they were in the process of respawning 300 seconds then the group will not recognize the vehicle as being destroyed? That is what is happen. My assumption is that the group knows about the vehicle was destroyed because it is no longer in the game world but that's not how the trigger work right. only if it was placed down at mission strat does the group recognize the vehicle being destroyed thus enabling their path. So the issue is not really with the trigger setup it's with the respawning groups not recognizing the initial trigger placed down. Because the trigger work fine at mission strat and the trigger if any of the units from the group get killed it enables that pathway because they are back in the game world and the trigger will pick that up since the vehicle is no longer in the game world it does not recognize it as being alive or destroyed. I think I get it now lol. I know you guys are trying to explain things to me in coding language and logic but in layman's term if the vehicle is no longer in the game world shouldn't the engine recognize the vehicle is destroyed or not alive thus the code should work but it doesn't in reality I guess that's not how the triggers work. Is there any work around for what I want to accomplish.
  18. I use jebus for most of my respawn needs. It carries over individual variable names of units, group call signs, editor placed waypoints and custom unit layouts. The script can be set for one time use, set number of times with a adjustable time for respawning time after the group is killed, indefinite spawning of a group and my personal favorite a trigger to stop the group from respawn. The disable and enable pathway commons are setup with different trigger. All works fine but if group is killed and the vehicle is destroyed but the trigger to stop the respawning not completed ie get to a location killing a unit or destroying an object when the group spawn back. I don't understand why if the vehicle is destroyed why the group still has the disable pathway. If any of the units are killed a trigger fires to allow the other members of the group to move again. That trigger works after respawn but vehicle is destroyed so why does it not pick up that the vehicle is not alive and enable the group pathway again. call {!Alive DT1 || !Alive DT2 || !Alive DT3 || !Alive DT4 || !Alive DT5 || !Alive DT6 || !Alive DT7 || !Alive DT8 || !Alive DisruptorVeh } This works fine if the group is not killed or respawns back. If the group responds back everything works in the trigger except for the vehicle. That is my question why. I really appreciate the help of trying to make me understand 🙏 Let me ask you a question. The group in the hanger that uses jebus respawning script and still works to activate the trigger to enable group pathway again. The vehicle is not spawned. It is a one time object in the mission editor placed. Do I need to put them in a different trigger. One is a spawn group of units and the other is a editor place asset. I have them in the same trigger and code lines can that cause a conflict?
  19. Hey harzach So I assume in my code when I write this || !Alive DisruptorVeh it means if the vehicle is killed/destroyed ie not alive. I assume this ! Means not alive. Do if the vehicle is not alive then the units man will be able to move out of the hanger and engage. So if the units are killed and the vehicle is destroyed the units will still respawn back into the mission after 300 seconds if research date is not taken from the research facility. My question is if the vehicle is not alive it's destroyed why do the group still have the disableAI PATH is still active. No if I take the data the group will move out of the hanger but will not respawn back into the game since the date is taken and vehicle is destroyed. Sorry I don't understand what you are saying lol please help me understand lol avibird
  20. Hey harzach So I assume in my code when I write this || !Alive DisruptorVeh it means if the vehicle is killed/destroyed ie not alive. I assume this ! Means not alive. Do if the vehicle is not alive then the units man will be able to move out of the hanger and engage. So if the units are killed and the vehicle is destroyed the units will still respawn back into the mission after 300 seconds if research date is not taken from the research facility. My question is if the vehicle is not alive it's destroyed why do the group still have the disableAI PATH is still active. No if I take the data the group will move out of the hanger but will not respawn back into the game since the date is taken and vehicle is destroyed. Sorry I don't understand what you are saying lol please help me understand lol avibird
  21. I still use jebus for my respawn needs of AI groups. Gaia is somewhat broken using jebus. Question for anyone who still uses jebus. I asked dreadpirate a while back to carryover composition callsign of a group that respawns and individual unit variable names. This works great. I'm fooling around with reinforcement units to some of jebus groups that respawn using joinSilent command but I can't use composition variable name grp_ ect to join only individual variable names will carryover using jebus. The question is is this a limitation to Arma engine not carrying over composition variable names or a limitation of jebus. All works fine if I use the group leader variable name rather than the composition of the group. The issue is if the group leader is killed the joining units will not join the group because the variable name is not available because the group leader is dead. If I don't use jebus respawning system then I can use the composition variable name to join the groups. Any feed back would be great
  22. I'm a little confused I thought this means not alive || !Alive DisruptorVeh } I thought that this means not alive in the condition field. So the trigger condition needs to be if any of the units or the vehicle are dead then the units will be able to move again. ?
  23. I found this. Consider an extra variable for a repeatable trigger. this && isnil "myVariable" then the trigger wait for 2 conditions this and a non-existing variable (general case as far as you have not yet defined it) On activation: bla bla (your code) ; myVariable = true So you set myVariable to true (or else) and then this variable exists.  Just kill the variable with your addAction: myVariable = nil to rearm the trigger.