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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. I been having a serious bug for a while that my editor placed waypoints would get deleted from the map once a unit gets into combat. I was blaming vanilla waypoints (not the case) I was blaming JEBUS spawning script (not the case) I was blaming AIS wounding system(not the case) basically I was blaming everything and I had no real clue what my issues was until now. I strip down multiple missions code by code line by line SMH but finally it came down to how I was setting up my CfgFunctions of JEBUS and AIS. this is AIS setup on its own //------------------------AIS INJURY---------------------------- class CfgFunctions { #include "AIS\cfgFunctions.hpp" }; #include "AIS\Effects\BarDlg.hpp" this is Jebus setup on its own class CfgFunctions { #include "gaia\cfgFunctions.hpp" #include "jebus\cfgFunctions.hpp" } This is how I had it setup with both. Both work fine but gives me the bug of deleted waypoints. //------------------------AIS INJURY---------------------------- class CfgFunctions { #include "AIS\cfgFunctions.hpp" #include "gaia\cfgFunctions.hpp" #include "jebus\cfgFunctions.hpp" }; #include "AIS\Effects\BarDlg.hpp" What is the right sequence to allow both to work correctly without this bug. This has been an issue for a while in a lot of my mission that I had no clue what was causing it. These two scripts are my breed and butter spawning/patrols and medical systems for the majority of my mission help with greatly appreciated. Avibird
  2. If I keep the groups in careless mode both scripts work and no deletion of waypoints. Does not make sense best of my knowledge Jebus does nothing to do with combat mode or behavior unless it's using Gaia and AIS certainly has nothing to do with combat mode. Perhaps this is the weird arma bug with the two scripts. Still trying to get this to work out. Unfortunately both creators of this Scripps are no longer active 😢
  3. Is there a way to call this from a gamelogic #include "jebus\cfgfunction.hop" and not from my description. Take this out it works no deleted waypoints but Jebus does not run
  4. I know but it is the case if I try arrange the code lines in any other order one or both don't work SMH. I spent 4 days ripping apart missions and it is definitely down to this issue. Could you recommend a sequence of order other than I have posted thank you
  5. Hello JEBUS uses the answer is yes you can have two init parameters in script. That was for the above question. Now I think I found a serious bug with JEBUS and unfortunately it looks like Dreadpirate is MIA for a while hopefully he comes back to arma and will continue supporting this great script with that said I need someone to confirm this. Is it a JEBUS issues and not something else. When attempting to spawn a pilot and a gunner with a waypoint of get in a helicopter then move around a AO. The pilots will skip the get in waypoint and move to the next waypoint in the list. Rookie mistake 😂 I was blaming the vanilla waypoints for doing this somebody on the fourms suggested that I remove all my mods. I never considered it was JEBUS I've been using it for years and never had any major issues with it playing well with other mods. Well it definitely does not work. I did find a workaround with the waypoint setup. I need to have the chopper fly over to the FOB land have the pilots get out then back in the chopper to continue on there waypoint search patrol around the AO. In this mission I wanted to give the players steal a chopper from a heavily fortified FOB. Having the pilots originate from the FOB from a airport control tower was.my first design choice which is located less than 25 meters from the helipad but that is not an option at this time using JEBUS with this significant bug that I found. Can somebody please set up a similar scenario and confirm that is JEBUS that is causing this issue. Thank you avibird. I still enjoy the functionality and the ease of setup using JEBUS especially I use GAIA and VCOM AI for a lot of my AI patrols and enhance combat behaviors.
  6. One of the issues I see using editor waypoints with a cycle to make a loop ie patrol is the editor waypoints will disappear if a unit enters combat mode. no issues with group patrol on careless. They will still engage units but continue on their waypoint way. Once a units breeches combat mode ie red combat mode (rules of engagement) and red behavior (behavior parameter) editor waypoints will disappear and they will never be replaced once the engagement is over. Fooling around in Zeus I can see this. Is there a way to prevent a group from ever reaching those two states behavior and combat. I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say. Sets AI group combat mode (engagement rules). For individual unit's combat mode see setUnitCombatMode. Mode may be one of the following: "BLUE" : Never fire, keep formation "GREEN" : Hold fire, keep formation "WHITE" : Hold fire, engage at will/loose formation "YELLOW" : Fire at will, keep formation "RED" : Fire at will, engage at will/loose formation. setBehaviour behaviour Parameters: groupOrUnit : Group or Object - Unit or a group behaviour: String - Can be one of: "CARELESS" "SAFE" "AWARE" "COMBAT" "STEALTH"
  7. The only mod I am using is Vcom AI but I disable the mod for these groups that I am trying to setup some kind of set patrol movements for. Let me test on a all vanilla test but I tested it before and the same thing happens.
  8. Yes for what I see the group will never regain their editor place waypoints. The only success I had is with a group on careless. For infantry units not that bad for armor units you need to be pretty close to them to engage and for air units almost impossible to engage in careless. Assigning a group to safe does not work because they will switch to a where and then the combat. Careless is the only one that works with editor place waypoints and that has its many drawbacks. Looking for a solution. I still enjoy using editor place waypoints with some scripting. I prefer not to do a mission with just only scripting I like to see my work on the map with a mission design. But I can confirm that that does not work anymore can you please confirm that to me that there is not something else going on that I'm missing.
  9. Hello both code lines work fine but I was wondering what is the difference between the setup. Is one more efficient then the other or no difference? the code has a slighlyt different setup with parameters. I know with scripting there are many different ways to accomplish something and there is no right way only a wrong way. Mod's/Scripts used are JEBUS and Vcom AI 0 = [this,"DELAY=",10,"GAIA_NOFOLLOW=","2","PAUSE=",25,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger6,"INIT=","(group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_norescue', true]"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; call{0 = [this,"DELAY=",10,"GAIA_MOVE=","2","INIT=","{doStop _x} forEach (units _proxyThis)","EXIT=",myExitTrigger6,"PAUSE=",25] spawn jebus_fnc_main; } Staff like this goes over my head lol the color section above what is the difference.
  10. Hello been away from the game for a while and I forgot how to add these two code lines together. I am using Vcom AI and using Jebus with GAiA. Both codes work fine but forgot how to add together very frustrating!!! Call {0 = [ this, "DELAY=" ,300, "INIT=",{dostop _x} forEach (units _ProxyThis)", "EXIT=", myExitTrigger6, PAUSE=, 25] spawn jebus_fnc_main; } This spawn the group while holding them in position until contact is made and then they will move to engage. Call {O = [this, DELAY=" ,300, "GAIA_NOFOLLOW=","2", "PAUSE=" ,25, "EXIT=", myExitTrigger6,"INIT=","(group_ProxyThis)setVariable['Vcm_Disable', true]"] spawn jebus_fnc_main;} Both work fine by themselves and I used to know how to add them together but I forgot help appreciate it.
  11. @Harzach got it to work but needed to adjust the script parameters a little call{ 0= [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=",myExitTrigger6, "INIT=","{dostop _x} forEach (units _ProxyThis);(group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable', true]"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; } for what ever reason some of the units would move out of position before contact was made by the group using the 0 = [ ...ECT. This setup of the parameters of JEBUS. When I used the setup call { 0 = ...ECT. All the units say in placement throughout the FOB base I am using the script setup including elevation and on towers. ARMA scripting hurts my head lol. I still don't know what is the best way to call Jebus script is his example use the first setup but it does not work 100% using the init parameter twice in the same codelines "INIT=" - Init string to run upon spawning. (Use "_proxyThis" where you would usually use "this" in a script or function call). Default is empty string. @dreadpirate is taking some time away from ARMA I did ask he and asked in the JEBUS page. Well in any event I got what I needed Thank you sir!!! question for you. Where can I get access to that code box you posted above to see any of the red dots to clean of the code? I never know about that and could you suggest any good programs to help me read/write code and to identify errors. The main things I use are type.SQF and Eliteness.
  12. @Maff So overall there is no performance difference using the first setup of code versus the second setup code using JEBUS. Because I have some groups using the first one and some groups using the second one. If you guys had a pick which setup would you guys use because I'm a little anal and want to have the same setup using JEBUS. I think most of the time for his examples in his demo and fourm page he uses the the first one. 0= [this,"DELAY=",10,"GAIA_NOFOLLOW=","2","PAUSE=",25,"EXIT=", myExitTrigger6,"INIT=","(group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_norescue', true]"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; But have been using this one as well call{0= [this,"DELAY=",10,"GAIA_MOVE=","2","INIT=","{doStop _x} forEach (units _proxyThis)","EXIT=",myExitTrigger6,"PAUSE=",25] spawn jebus_fnc_main; } Thanks for the feedback guys.
  13. avibird 1

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    That is way I use standard AI behavior Vcom AI and GAIA it makes them more unpredictable in a mission. In my humble opinion.
  14. avibird 1

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Hey I have used lambs and Vcom AI work together. Lambs handles more of a combat tactics and behaviors while Vcom AI does it as well but lambs does not issue new waypoints like Vcom AI. I also use MCC4 with GAiA. I feel a combination of lambs Vcom and Gaia mixing in a mission gives you a lot of unpredictability that you don't get from just using one mod or script.
  15. I have been using this script for many years actually since ARMA2 upgrade to ARMA3 it works fine but the last few years it gives me a script error when test playing in the editor. Its actually an awesome script that gives the AI unlimited Ammo including AT/AA rounds but it will not let you spam rockets like some other scripts that give you a machine AT/AA launcher lol. Here is the error massage that I get in the debug screen in the editor. '...nt - _foundMags) do { _unit addMagazine |#|_magazineType; }; }; sleep 1; file c:\Users\Avibird.AVIBIRD-pc\Documents\Arma };' Error undefined variable in expression: _magazinetype 3\mpmissions\!Raven_Platoon_Biological_weapon_Raid.Tanoa\unlimitedAmmo.sqf…, line 34 UnlimitedAmmo.sqf line 34 is the third line from the bottom. _unit = _this select 0; _ammoCount = _this select 1; _primeWpn = ""; _prevWpn = ""; _magazineType = ""; _foundMags = 0; //hint format["%1 is added",_unit]; //used to check if units are spawned into the mission //diag_log format["%1 is added",_unit]; //used to check if units are spawned into the mission while {alive _unit} do { waitUntil {sleep 0.5; currentWeapon _unit != ""}; _primeWpn = currentWeapon _unit; if (_primeWpn != _prevWpn) then { _prevWpn = _primeWpn; _magazineType = getArray(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _primeWpn >> "magazines") select 0; }; _foundMags = 0; { if (_x == _magazineType) then { _foundMags = _foundMags + 1; }; } forEach (magazines _unit); if (_foundMags < _ammoCount) then { for "_i" from 1 to (_ammoCount - _foundMags) do { _unit addMagazine _magazineType; }; }; sleep 1; };
  16. So do I need to add that to my unlimitedammo.sqf and take out the other codelines? I understand according harzach there is more efficient way of running the script but it works fine I've been using it for years just want to get this error message removed.
  17. Thank you for the feedback and help. do I just replace the UNLAMMO_ARR with this UNLAMMO_ARR = []; in the script. If I move it from from the mission init to a initServer.sqf. do I need to do anything else to call the script during the mission. Even though I've been playing operation flashpoint and arma for decades I still really have no clue about scripting. I'm able to read some code and splice some lines together but that is the extent of my knowledge lol. It's a work in progress. Merry Christmas
  18. @Harzach I have the unlmitedAmmo.SQF in my main mission folder and I have this code lines in my mission init.sqf //Unlimited Ammo********** grantUnlimitedAmmo = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "unlimitedAmmo.sqf"; [] spawn { if (!isNil "UNLAMMO_ARR") exitWith {}; UNLAMMO_ARR = []; // empty global array for check, and to notify not to start a second loop on player connect if already running. if !(isServer) exitWith {}; // exit if not server. while {true} do { { if (!(_x in UNLAMMO_ARR) AND alive _x) then { [[_x, 1], "grantUnlimitedAmmo", _x] call BIS_fnc_MP; UNLAMMO_ARR = UNLAMMO_ARR + [_x]; }; } foreach allUnits; { if !(alive _x OR isNull _x) then {UNLAMMO_ARR = UNLAMMO_ARR - [_x]}; } foreach UNLAMMO_ARR; sleep 1; }; }; This has been driving me nuts for a while the script works fine but can't paly in the editor because of the constant error pop ups. By the way thank you for the help and marry X mass
  19. So there's no benefit of calling a code one way or the other? Is one more efficient than the other.
  20. I see I will test later and also retest the original to see if something else is preventing it from working. Thank you sir.
  21. So I add this to the Jebus script they goes into the group leader init and params ["_proxyThis"]; {dostop _x} forEach (units _ProxyThis);  (group _ProxyThis) setVariable ["Vcm_Disable", true]; And then added this to my script folder in my mission folder ..continued... "INIT=",  "[_proxyThis] execVm 'AVB_JebusScript.sqf'" ] spawn jebus_fnc_main; Just to clarify
  22. Hello Jebus uses. I have a quick question does anyone know if you can use two init parameters within the Jebus script "INIT=" - Init string to run upon spawning. (Use "_proxyThis" where you would usually use "this" in a script or function call). Default is empty string. I don't know if the script will allow me to use two init parameters within the same script code lines that goes into the init box of a group leader. Dreadpirate is taking a hiatus from arma for or while. I don't think it's possible because the script has 15 parameters that he stated above when he developed a script. Any feedback will be great I don't want to waste any more time trying to make something work that can't.
  23. I see. The new code line does not throw any errors so that works fine but it does not run as it should. I asked the author of Jebus if you could use two codes in different init parameters within jebus script. He is away from arma3 at this time. The waypoints get generated but the units never move to the zone. If I use the script with just the dostop and Gaia the units will move to Gaia zone once contact is made contact brakes that dostop command. If I use the script with Gaia and allow VCom the units will move to GAIA zone but also utilize Vcom when in combat. My question is are you able to use two different init codes within his script?