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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Yes Unfortunately, But what I was saying is that it is still better than any other game on the market for the XBOX and the 360 right now. AVIBIRD 1 when playing this game keep Chuck Norris home!
  2. avibird 1

    Game 2 is dead?

    WOW Rocco you can add something good to a conversation LOL. I knew you could do it. I have a cookie for you. AVIBIRD 1 When playing this game keep Chuck Norris home!
  3. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Xnodunitx Thanks for the replay. I know no real information out at this time for the xbox 360. I was hoping for one of the big boys that run this forum had some insight or one of the BI team members might drop a liitle hint. During an interview with IVAN BUCHTA I think he stated that the 360 game was not yet developed. I hope this is not ture. The main reason OFP ELITE had a poor outcome was it was delayed and when it was released the 360 hit the market. I feel BI needs to get the game going before or at the same time as OFP#2. I know ARMA#2 will play more like OFP in gameplay however time is everything in life. OFP ELITE is still the best war game for the XBOX and XBOX 360 but most people don't know about the game. I am a handful of players that still play OFP on the XBOX we are always looking for more players let me know. PS. One more concern will BI have the ability to take the community mod's and make them part of download content from them. I know this brings up a lot of legal and safety question. AVIBIRD 1 When playing this game keep Chuck Norris home!
  4. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Quote from Rocco: who cares? consoles suck anyway, it´s for those who don´t know anything about PCs. And afaik and i hope, that there wont be any hybrid servers. YO JACKASS what is your deal. What has this got to do with the topic? Why does every question about a console have a poster going on why the PC is better? how about we keep this one ontopic. Rocco my old man had a good saying in life you should follow it. ( SON IF YOU HAVE NOTHING GOOD TO SAY OR ADD TO A CONVERSATION THEN SHUT YOUR F##KING PIEHOLE). Rocco don't make this forum like codemasters OFP2 where people just talk crap and have stupid replays to peoples posts. The BI COMMUNITY is better then that. Rocco my replay to you beacuse I have something intelligent to say and then we can get back to the main topic of this post. PC against CONSOLE games! Yes it sucks but PC games are on the down side with sales the past 5 years. You need a top line PC to run most new games and will need to add money to play new ones within a year. Most homes only have one PC and for a game like ARMA 2 a game could be a few hours if not more. Yes PC can handle more and bring a better product to the market but not sales and you know it's all about money for companies and stockholders. So the overall product will be a little less then it could have been SO GET OVER IT you will still have the best wargame on the market. PC players will still have they MOD from the community as long as the map editor is done right and console players will have downloads for some bucks LOL. No cross platform play MS is to controlling for that maybe PS3 who knows. PS do you PC players understand PC games can not make it alone anymore it’s all about the bucks the truth hurts. so game companies can continue to make new games for us. PS. THE ONLY the restrictions on developing to a console that BI stated at this point was number of players per map and map editor with construction points,adding cut scenes and written text. Rocco I could have a nice debate with you why I switch from PC to CONSOLE games start a post or e-mail me LOL. AVIBIRD 1 When playing this game keep Chuck Norris home.