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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    What are you saying with this statement i hope is that arma 2 can take the place of bf 2 left off It was OFP1 that made all sandbox games possible. It was BOHEMAI that opened the eye's of the gaming world to FPS unlike DOOM gameplay. It was BOHEMIA that cross a war simulator with video games. WOW you should learn your history of games and welcome to the forum. MR. Placebo what did you mean with this Secondary reason was probably to mess with people's heads are you F with us now or do you know something that we all want to know. Please give a little hint lol.
  2. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Lets just get a release date first then we will ask for a demo LOL.
  3. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    FYI maybe some good news for the console community. In the recent new german videos more XBOX CONTOLLER BUTTONS are noted in some of the videos. People go look at the ARMA2 main web site. www.arma2.com on the lower right side there was a release date statement for the PC and a TBD for the consoles. Now if you look at the site it's gone, maybe we will get a real answer soon for the console date.
  4. Just curious what current game do you think overall does a better job then BOHEMIA and ARMA2 in all areas of combat. The answer is none. No game has what this game will have and play the why this game will play in all areas of combat. Some games may have a particular element that is better but not the whole big picture of the game. You can't put 10lbs of crap in a 5lb bag and we only have 5lb bags to this date. Maybe same day. So give BOHEMIA a little break for what they have done for us.
  5. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    OFP Elite was great and it had awefull visuals. The Elite had better visuals then its PC brother this is a fact. I played both for a long time and I still play the elite now. The truth is OFP 1 for the PC had great visuals for a game in 1999-2001 and when the elite came out at the end of 2005 (nov) yes the visuals were dated but was still better then the PC visuals.
  6. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Maybe It's BOHEMIA being picky because how they took it up the A hole from CODEMASTERS with OFP but I agree publishers should be at the door for this game.
  7. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    MR. Walker thank you for your supportive words towards the XBOX 360 players and hope is still alive for us with ARMA2. Must PC players really don't want this game to be on the console and I can't understand why. BOHEMIA is making the PC game first and then they will make it work on the console. The PC format is the first objective. Why can't PC players just relax. It's because they don't have a clue that OFP elite played just like the PC game just without the MOD's, moveable crosshair and no F keys to work with orders.
  8. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Hey I don't know if you find what you are looking for but What I understand from this forum for a game to be officially on a console they must have a publisher setup. I don't fully understand why I have seen many games on the gamespot forums with TBA publisher next to the game but This is what the hint was why we have no real information. Hope this helps you. I am still a little confused myself about this.
  9. BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO MR. WALKER you have the art of talk and you sir are a master of the english word. My hat is off to you sir.
  10. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    This was a debate from a different post from a member called The. D HIS Quote: (The following contribution is rated "S" for satire.) Avibird, I like consoles as long as they stay out of my way when it comes to complex, versatile game concepts really. There are some great console games out there - just not always my cup of tea, so to say. Anyways: MY Quote: "Hey not to start a fight with you and the rest of the PC players ( I am a old PC player myself) but, the truth be told the console market is overall bigger and it's way easier to fix a bug on the console then the PC. HIS Quote: Erh...? The console market is bigger, yeah, mostly due to more lucrative prospects and a more easily influenced target group ("Mom, buy me that game, there's a soldier with a funny hat on the cover!") - not to mention the lack of flexibility (which also provides easier customer surveilance, a.k.a. copy protection). As for fixing bugs in console games - It's the other way round, right? May I remind you of Oblivion and its "savegame / difficulty" bug? Ah, the fun we had! Seeing how dedicated BIS is when it comes to community support and patch releases, you have to admit, this is an absolute PC tenet. I bet you're not writing your BIS forum post with your X-Box controller, either. MY Quote: "Bohemia is doing right by it's old community by making the PC first but once mainstream console players get a taste for this game and see what this game can play like it's all over. MY Quote: Holy Jebus, no! You can't play a simulator with 5 coloured buttons and a fidgety thumb stick. Crysis, which isn't even 1/100th as complex as ArmA was a hilarious example of just how much worse console controls for extended gameplay concepts are. Some servers there even tried to enforce gamepads for PC players in order to join in. I couldn't help but smile. As long as it helps BIS, let the console players spend money on a new game, alright - as they usually do every three weeks or so. But I'd hate to see the controls being vastly deteriorated due to a console lobby. MY Quote: The console market is continuing to grow each year but they don't know any better then COD/BF/GRAW/GEAR/HALO and RB6 games. HIS Quote: Not to start a discussion about how good or bad these games are but console game developers shouldn't know any "better", so to say. A simple arcade game for a nice evening with friends and beverages - that's what makes consoles great! There are many highly original (yet very simple!) games for consoles out there, and this is where the refuge of the market lies, should the average console users suddenly decide to be weary of the same old schemes over and over again. MY Quote: BOHEMIA will show them with this game and the gates will open! HIS Quote: I understand BIS' decision to release ArmA2 for consoles - and I presume it's a solely monetary one. I don't think they suddenly decided "Hey, let's make a super smart game and release it on a vast market whose primary target group distinguishes itself through playing overpriced, repetitive games that pretend to have good graphics for about three weeks and then buy the next one." Well, that I had to get off my chest :-D (I own a console myself, by the way) This is my statement back to him and all other PC players and lets be nice and have a good debute on this subject please. First if you ever played the elite then you would know that the games played almost the same with a few small control differents ie fix crosshair and not having the F keys. The way the units moved were the same and the controls worked great for the xbox. Yes some developers make console games first and then port it over to the PC making limiations for the game. BOHEMIA makes the PC first and then they find a way to make the controls work for the console game just like they did with OFP ELITE. You PC players who never played the elite have nothing to worry about I know, I am a old PC player of OFP and the game plays just like the PC and some people feel the overall graphics was better then the old PC version. We all need to be one community. BOHEMIA will not sell out, they know the core players are still the PC market but if they can get 1/3 of the console market from the crab games of BF/COD ect games this would be good for all of us. Many console players want this type of game and many more don't know it yet. The console market is the future of gaming this is a fact.
  11. avibird 1

    ARMA II for consoles is cancelled?

    Hey, the article never stated the game was cancelled for the console. It just implies that 505 will not be part of the console version of the game. Mybe BOHEMIA wants one company to publish the game worldwide and not just region to region publishers like with the PC version. Until we hear it from BOHEMIA the console version is cancelled it's not. Just look at the recent interviews with Ivan B and the new pic's of the XBOX buttons. There is more proof the console version will be then not to be.
  12. Hey not to start a fight with you and the rest of the PC players ( I am a old PC player myself) but, the truth be told the console market is overall bigger and it's way easier to fix a bug on the console then the PC. Bohemia is doing right by it's old community by making the PC first but once mainstream console players get a taste for this game and see what this game can play like it's all over. The console market is continuing to grow each year but they don't know any better then COD/BF/GRAW/GEAR/HALO and RB6 games. BOHEMIA will show them with this game and the gates will open!
  13. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Yes it will. A game would not be OFP if it had no editor. The console editor will have less abilities then the PC but it worked just fine for the elite and the xbox community. If you have an old xbox go get OFP elite. My group of friends still play a few times a week and it's still better then any 360 games right now if you can look passed the dated graphics the gameplay kicks ass.
  14. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Why would you pay for any co-op missions when with a little time on your hands and some basic knowledge of setting up waypoints with a good understanding how to balance a mission you could make any type of co-op mssions you want. Just give us some of the unit MOD's from the PC community or make some new units for the game. The XBOX community will pay for this. Not new missions, that's what CODEMASTERS is all about now. Getting MONEY from us for things you should be doing for yourself.
  15. How the hell can you guys forget about the BIGFOOT to the north.
  16. I don't know what missions you have played in the past but if you know how to program the AI with a good combination of waypoints and behaviors the AI units are very smart and still better then anyother game on the market today. Yes the AI had some limitations and yes pathfinding issues at times but still better then all other games. They will find you and they will kill you, that's what they do, that's all they do ( it's from the TERMINATOR lol).
  17. avibird 1

    Vehicle Entrance Animations?

    Yes some of you guys are right the mounting animations and some other animations could be better and yes the overall handling of the controls for the gound units were a bit slow and sluggish (this was true for OFP1/ARMA1 ) BUT animations are only a small cosmetic feature. THE GAMEPLAY is the key and not the gameplay of COD/BF games which are fast and in your face action. Could BOHEMIA make better animations YES but how much would it take a away from some other feature in the game (time,money and system resources). Some of you are going to say they can do it in GAME X so why can't they have it in ARMA2 and your right, but look at all the other games and you will see a list of features they don't have that ARMA2 will have. You can't put 10lbs of crap in a 5lb bag. If you could games would have it all and they don't. So developers pick and choose what they think is the most important features for the type of gameplay they are shooting for. OFP1/ARMA1 combat was about mid to far distant engagements not CQCB like most 1st/3rd person shooters and the slower handling for gound units fit very well for the gameplay experience the games was/is about. Bohemia has put some new features that will make the gameplay a bit faster and a little more mainstream, hopefully not altering the overall gameplay to much. People just give BOHEMIA a little break look what they have done. No other game comes close to this game in the overall bigger picture.
  18. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Maxqubit lol I see it now, when I looked at the link from the 505 site for the first time and put the link and information on this forum It was not on my screen about the "Exclusively on the xbox 360 or I just missed it how sad is that. An-225 I hope you are right and yes it would be successful on the PS3. It's not that console players don't what this type of gameplay they don't no about it.
  19. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    MR. Maxqubit I know, I gave you the link lol http://xbox360.ign.com/objects/958/958402.html but I was talking about your statement of a A bizarre find and your Quote: EXCLUSIVELY ON XBOX 360 it never said that in the link that's what I was asking you mate. AN-225 and STG 2AD first thing I feel you pain, a few weeks ago we the XBOX community still had no real proof the game was still being made or worked on for us. I Hope you guys get some information soon. AN-225 your Quote: That is an unfair assumption...yes it is a small Czech studio, but its the year 2009. It should not be too hard. BI created a game that is now used worldwide to train military forces, they can't port a game to PS3? Just to let you know the part of BOHEMIA that develops the military products like VBS and VBS2 is a different part of BOHEMIA they do share and help eachother a little but they are not the same. The BOHEMIA that makes ARMA1/ARMA2 stated that ARMA2 will be the last ARMA game for a while because they are making a new game right now and will focus on that game when ARMA2 is done. Bohemia Interactive Studio and Black Element Software announce a new multi-platform title called CARRIER COMMAND and this game looks sick!!! http://www.carriercommand.com/ (direct link) I hope you guys get some information good or bad so the PS3 community can grow or move on to a different game, not knowing sucks.
  20. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Where did you see this. What site please give link. It's all good for us if it's true poor PS3 players. I do feel for them.
  21. avibird 1

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Hey, I was looking around the 505 web pages and found this link http://xbox360.ign.com/objects/958/958402.html IGN » Games » Xbox 360 » Game Profiles ArmA II Also known as: ArmA 2, ArmA: Armed Assault 2 (UK) BOARDSARTICLESREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWWALKTHROUGHCHEATSIMAGESVIDEOS Get AlertsAdd to My GamesArmA II Add to Favorites Now Playing Wishlist Collection Neither » Edit List Details Published by: 505 Games Developed by: Bohemia Interactive Release Date: Q3 2009 Genre: First-Person Shooter I don't know how much of this is right on but it's the first thing I found about a XBOX 360 Publisher and a possible target Release Date July,Aug,Sept. We just now need to see information on BOHEMIA web.
  22. avibird 1

    using an xbox 360 controller in the PC version

    My bad but you don't see something in common with a system that is steup to uses a hand controller to play PC games and BI coding 360 controller for use of ARMA2. When I stoped playing PC games back in 2003 trying to get a hand controller to work on a PC was a F nightmare. Yes I know it's 2009 and thing are a lot different now.
  23. avibird 1

    using an xbox 360 controller in the PC version

    Hey W0lle If you look at all my replays on this post you will see I was respectful to the PC Players and stated no fights please but I did ask some good questions about the use of a xbox controller. How would they use a xbox controller when in vehicles and then switch to the keyboard and rat when there boots were on the ground. This makes no sense to me using two different types of contolling devices for the same game. I know it's all personal preference. W0lle can I ask you a question do you have any information about ARMA2 for the new onlive gaming system. This would let people play PC quality games without having a PC that can run the game while using a HDTV and hand controller.
  24. avibird 1

    Deadfast's Translations

    Rocco There are a lot of console players that want realism and a lot that don't know any better. The elite was the only game that give us realism and most of the players that find the game by luck were hooked. You need to give them a little bit of a break. Late 2005 when elite came out most console players move to the xbox 360 but a good group of people who knew about the game like me (old OFP1 pc player 2001-2003) and people who find this game by luck not by codemasters marketing lol learned how to play so give some of us a little credit. The old elite community does not want ugly console style icons and autoaim. We are like you without the MOD's, key board and the rat. Lets be nice we are the same community!
  25. avibird 1

    using an xbox 360 controller in the PC version

    Why did you have to go there. Don't we have enough community split between BOHEMIA and CODEMASTERS not all the console boys are little bunny hopping run & gun players that you think. Most of the old elite community wants the same game experience you the PC boys wants. I really don't think Bohemia would put in a autoaim function but if they did I would bet that you would be able to turn it off when playing or hosting a game. PS. I made really hard ass multiple objective mission using the simple elite editor with limited points. Some of us know how to play this game with a console. I would love to see you try to complete one of my missions as a squad leader. Can you tell me why some of the PC boys would want to use a 360 controller over the key board and rat.