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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. Hello hazj provided some information but after all this time still can't add more then ten. Does anyone have an idea how this can work.
  2. Hey pierremgi the script was larrows the link for the codes was 6 posts up https://lars.myftp.biz/3W2UzRq If you can set the limit that would be great. You can set the time between call and set the limit just like in the vanilla support modules but when you switch into a new unit and then back into one of the two units that have access to the modules the number of usage gets reset back to the original value. Sincerely Avibird if you can figure out how to set the limits that would be awesome.
  3. Albert546 as you can see I have been using MCC and GAIA for a while unfortunately I have stopped using it because of too many bugs to many issues with other scripts. This was my main to mods I use for a while. MCC had it all and GAIA was the bust patrol script but both of them have not been worked on for a while and we have too many issues now. Do yourself a favor and find alternative scripts and mods to replace it you'll save yourself some problems in the long run. Sincerely Avibird
  4. I have it working. I have two playable units both on different squads that both can use the support vanilla modules when a player switch into that particular unit on each squad. The only issue or downside the number of uses of each module will reset each time you switch back into that unit. So you can't limit the use of artillery support and close air support in a mission because if a player switch into one of the units that has access it will reset each time to the full number of ticks that was initially set in the modules. Yes it works but some you can't set limits for a mission. Avibird. If anybody wants the code I'm using I will post it.
  5. The vanilla support waypoint for medics are not functional with vanilla waypoint placement in the editor! If you drop a 2 man group of medics with a vanilla support waypoint and then call them for support they will move but not heal the player unit or AI in the group. This used to work in OFP -Arma2 however in arma3 not so much. If I add the support waypoint to the group of medics while in game using Zeus interface and A command mod that adds the support waypoint to the list of waypoint it works sometimes. Does anyone of any tricks to get this to work.
  6. avibird 1

    [RELEASE] Vehicle autoflip

    @piter306 the script works as intended for me. The only time the script does not work perfectly if the vehicle does not flip completely on its back or on its side. If the vehicle is vertically straight up like falling off the bridge any angle is not completely on its side or its back then the crew members sometimes will not jump out or if they do they won't get back in. This happens for a really only when it's really wood falls off a bridge and like I said it's not on its back or completely on its side. I don't know what you're talking about this was never in the vanilla game this is modification to improve some of the vanilla shortcomings of the game.
  7. avibird 1

    [RELEASE] Vehicle autoflip

    @piter306 it's works fine for me. The only issues that I see if the vehicle is on its side or angled straight up like after falling off a bridge the script does not work. But if the vehicle is on its back 100% of the time it works in seconds. There is a liability mod on steam workshop that works great. It does not allow infantry units on patrol to get killed by poor AI driving. If you are going to design a mission with vehicle patrols and vehicle patrols these two scripts/mods are need or you will have a bunch of vehicle crew members running around and a bunch of infantry patrol units with have of the units already dead on the ground from being run over. Hopefully these issues will be addressed in armA4 for it's certainly has never been addressed for arma3 with updates. Avibird
  8. Data link send Data link receive Data link position Will this only affect vehicles and not infantry units I don't full understand the practical functionality. Is the distance unlimited when link.
  9. Thanks for the input. I am using Vcom UPmons UPS and good old fashion editor guard waypoints to enhance AI combat efficiency. The AO is 1800x600 with multiple objectives and multiple side tasks that will make the mission easier. Finding the right balance between aggressiveness leaving a zone with knowledgeable information on enemy forces to allow vanilla or mod AI behavior to issue waypoints for attacking flanking and maneuvering once enemy has been spotted. Each of the AI vanilla/mods that I am using has it's only range of knowledge of enemy spotted positions. One of the many issues while using multiple combat behavior mods. Thanks hope you understand what I am saying.
  10. What I was saying use three different groups of units. JEBUS with editor placed waypoints to see if the waypoints work. Just use editor placed waypoints with no JEBUS and use JEBUS with a different patrol script. If the issues still there for all three then it's a map/terrain issue if it works then it's a Gaia issue. I stopped using Gaia unfortunately to many bugs and overall performance issues.
  11. Happy New year to all. Question for you guys. What do you think has more influence on performance of a mission ie lag. The total number of groups you have in a mission or the total number of units in the mission. For example 20 groups of 25 units = 500 or 100 groups of 5 units = 500. Since both missions has 500 units but the second has 8O more groups then the first.
  12. Hey pierremgi it was a typo it's 20 ×25 units for 500. I fix it in the original post 😃
  13. Hey JEBUS does not issue waypoints on it's on. It recalls editor placed waypoints and you can use a various number of patrol scripts to generate waypoints for you like GAIA UPmons UPS ect. It could be the map or could be a100 other things. See if JEBUS can recall the editor place waypoints. If it does then the issue is with your waypoint script. Do you use VCOM if so just place a a few groups of units next each other and let them fight. Go into Zeus and watch if the AI or issuing waypoints during the battle if it is not then the issue is with the terrain. Because Vcom will issues waypoints onn it's own. How are you calling your waypoints?
  14. The title says it's all. These objects are not groupable. I could easily group them to a bluefor units and make that unit 100% not present resulting in the units grouped switching sides. I was just wondering if there's another way to make these units switch sides.
  15. HELLO I am having a senior moment I can't combine theses two scripts together SMH. 0 = [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=",myExitTrigger4, "INIT=", "[_proxyThis,'1','SAFE','COLUMN','LIMITED','ONROAD'] execVM'scripts\UPSMON.sqf'"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; 0 =[this,"Delay=",300,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=",myExitTrigger4, "INIT=", "{_x disableAI 'Path'} forEach (units _ProxyThis) ; (group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable',true]"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; 0 =[this,"Delay=",300,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=",myExitTrigger4, "INIT=", "[_proxyThis,'1','SAFE','COLUMN','LIMITED','ONROAD'] execVM'scripts\UPSMON.sqf'"] ; (group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable',true]"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; what am I doing wrong on this. Thanks Avibird
  16. yes I got the code to run correctly but trying to understand what you are talking about "corrupt characters in code" I don't see any when I am looking but you saisd I had some in code lines I posted.
  17. @harzach 0 = [this,"DELAY=",300,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=",myExitTrigger4, "INIT=", "[_proxyThis,'1','SAFE','COLUMN','LIMITED','ONROAD'] execVM'scripts\UPSMON.sqf'"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; 0 =[this,"Delay=",300,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=",myExitTrigger4, "INIT=", "{_x disableAI 'Path'} forEach (units _ProxyThis) ; (group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable',true]"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; 0 =[this,"Delay=",300,"PAUSE=",50,"EXIT=",myExitTrigger4, "INIT=", "[_proxyThis,'1','SAFE','COLUMN','LIMITED','ONROAD'] execVM'scripts\UPSMON.sqf'"] ; (group _ProxyThis) setVariable ['Vcm_Disable',true]"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; I don't see any key characters within the code lines using the above box. can you explain and show me what I am looking for. In your example above I see the two red dots in the code is that what you are talking about. Avibird
  18. Yes but when I use the code box. I see no extra characters like you posted above.
  19. @RCA3 your code line has an error in red at the end of the code. I will try to switch up the order of the two "INIT=", INPUTS UPMONS code then the 'Vcm_Disable' code this is your error ;"; ] spawn jebus_fnc_main; @harzach are you saying that I have invisible key characters within th code lines ?
  20. We all know the pathfinding for AI have issues in Arma. The island of tanoa has a large small road system through the jungles of the island. If you are using any random waypoint system or AI enhanced combat system Armor vehicles will attempt to use the road systems and will eventually get stuck or damage in the process of attempting to reach a location. In the editor either with Zeus or Eden enhanced mods there is a module that allows you to remove editor terrain objects like trees rocks buildings fences etc and using cup mod you could place down new roads. I am in the process making all the small road system accessible and maneuverable for armor units. Two questions. Does the module have a limited. Some times if I placed a module down objects are not deleted as expected. I wanted to use at least number of modules as possible throughout the island and Shouldn't the removal of all these objects improve FPS ?
  21. Hey pierremgi thanks for the reply and the bit of code I will definitely check it out but I don't want to take everything out of the map (area of operation) I just need to make the small trails accessible better maneuverability for AI. Vehicle The editor module for removal of objects does have a limited as far as how big of a patch it can remove at once. 100-120 by 24-30 is the sweet spot that I'm finding Any bigger parameters in the module some objects won't get deleted. My area of operation is 2000 by 1000 with random waypoints for infantry and vehicle patrols. I have it working pretty good now with no real issues with pathfinding on small trails within the jungles once I use the removal module and setup with a smaller perimeter for removal of items. Will the modules help or hurt my FPS. On One hand a lot of items are removed but I am using around 45 modules. Need to evaluate FPS and lag once I'm done.
  22. avibird 1

    MCC Sandbox ?

    @mohaki do yourself a favor don't use MCC unfortunately. It is a buggy mess and GAIA system is fucked this days. Both have not had updates in a very long time and both original creators are no longer active here. You can see I am all over GAIA and MCC pages I used them a lot they were my main two mods in most of my mission but not anymore. I needed to replace them.
  23. Yes that is the issued when you team switch to a new unit they has access to support modules it is reset. Usage does not carry over
  24. @Bad_Dad I know it can be very frustrating when you find a scripture mod that fits your needs perfectly but the script or mod is no longer working correctly. Welcome to the wonderful world of Arma. With that said the last reply on this thread was jan 3 2014 almost 9 years ago SMH and the creator of this script tryteyker has not been on the forum since 2017. I can safely assume there hasn't been no update on this. You can easily check if somebody's been on by clicking on their name and it will tell you when the last time they were active on the forums. What exactly are you looking for ? Avibird
  25. @kibaBG I have tested in game yes you can set the number let's say 3 artillery usage and you are right when I use three the artillery icon disappears from the support menu but if you switch into a new unit and then switch back or switch into a different unit that has access to the support modules they both get three again. Test in game.