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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. Yes I agree I really think like dreadpirate said it's a arma Bohemian coding issue what we are seeing with the waypoints. if Bohemian has not fixed it at this point they never will perhaps for arma4 but it really devastates long missions that use vanilla waypoints. I don't like to have only random waypoints in the mission you need to have some control of the mission objectives and AO in your missions that is just my belief. I was using vcom it will take over when the mission combat starts even if I have groups using GAIA MCC4 patrols and once the combat stops gaia takes over again it was perfect until I realize with vcom you can't use Zeus interface and team switch within it breaks the squad verbal communication you can't hear squad mates identifying targets calling for help or orders being issued. Back at the drawing board to come up with another solution. I have always used vanilla units with waypoints and some type of AI enhancement random patrol script with my missions I like the combination of the two. Thanks for the look at this issue avibird
  2. @genesis92x with some more test playing it appears to be a conflict with Zeus or just team switch into a different friendly group. I'm able to team switch into any member of my original group with no issues I hear the group chatter but once a jump into Zeus all the team charter communication is lost if I switch into a second playable group. i will not even see orders on the screen the group units follow all commands but verbal confirmation of orders issued are not heard or seen. Does anybody else play with Vcom and Zeus who does not have this issue. Avibird
  3. @genesis92x or anyone else who may know this answer. I believe I found a bug or compatibility issue I really hoping there's an easy fix for it. When using team switch to a different group of units from your side you lose all squat voice communication you can't hear squad mates call out targets for help or any auditory communication. If you team switch within your group you can. It appears to happen when you team switch out of your group. Has this been reported before or a new issue. This mission has two squats of 8 units each this mission is for a single player to control or 2-16 players. I really hope there's a easy fix for this the mod makes encounters so much better and definitely last longer becau se of the AI combat behavior. Avibird.
  4. Hey fek sel long time. Hope all is well. Okay this is the deal. I have. If I give a mechanized group let's say 20 waypoints cycling around the map. If that group comes into contact with a major firefighter occurs that last for a little while let's say 5 to 10 minutes once the threat is eliminated the waypoints disappear and the vehicle just sits idle. Now if the contact is very limited a few units which less than a minute the vehicle and units will follow the waypoints again. It seems when it's in combat mode for a while the waypoints drop off. Dreadpirate told me a few days ago this was a Bohemia issue and not his script. Perhaps it is a Jebus issue and not arma3. I need to ask him again.
  5. Personally I don't think they really know the answer. There is a lack of information regarding this issue. I was really hoping that one of the bi developers would answer. I am at a stand still attempting to try to figure out this issue. If you are using editor waypoints then once combat takes place whatever groups you have utilizing them and combat is close so they react your waypoints are done regardless if you have it with a cycle or not. This has always been a sore spot because I like to have a significant units using vanilla waypoints in missions. But thank you for your reply avibird
  6. Just looking for confirmation that this is an engine limitation issue from bohemian so I can stop wasting my time and look for a alternative approach.
  7. Hello I need some confirmation. I recently started using the Vcom again I have not used it in a few years. I have been using GAIA to populate AO and for my enhanced AI behavior. 1. I downloaded the mod through steam. I see it working but I don't see a userconfig folder in my steam app common ect Pathway. I have a file patching enabled from startup parameters but do need to make a user config folder. I use a few other mods consistently that I don't have any issues with CUP MCC4 enhance movements ect. 2. After a group is controlled by Vcom and the threat is eliminated will the group just sit around for new orders or will Vcom issue new patrol orders ? The reason why is I am trying to see if GAIA is compatible with Vcom. Gaia will contol patrols in smaller areas and I want Vcom used a the main reinforcements to the multiple AO in this mission. Gaia will keep issuing new move orders around a set zone (AO) or I can give it the ability to move out of its zone. What I am seeing Vcom will take over the gaia units when in combat mode but when the threat is eliminated the group will go back to gaia and continued its random generated waypoints within the zone while the units only under Vcom will just sit around waiting for the action to occur again. Does this sound right with vcom or does it issue continuous waypoints even when not in combat mode? 3. Using the vanilla patrol radius option works as well. Units will spawn inside houses with a move waypoint with a 100-200 meter radius for patrol. The units will patrol until contact Vcom then takes over. Once the contact is eliminated the units will continue on their patrol random generated waypoints. Very cool to see. Before I used Vcom the units would just walk about their business with gunfire on the other side of the town which looks pretty dumb lol. 4. I don't see the units using the enhance movement function? Perhaps because no userconfig folder? What I am seeing right now vcom and gaia can work together so I think I found the best of both worlds. input would be greatly appreciated still testing the 2 mods together avibird
  8. Well when gaia generates waypoints for foot units all is good but with vehicles it's all over the place sometime in deep Forest foliage on top of unattainable mountain peaks ect.the waypoints for vehicles should be roads or first area on minimal elevations. Vehicles will get stuck a lot
  9. @Von Quest I don't have the original it would not like me open it in the editor. I needed to make a new mission init and copy and paste from a old version of the mission and start again with my editing. I don't have the mission or folder I delete it from the editor because I was unable to open it up.
  10. I don't know how to describe this but here it goes. I had a mission saved in multiplayer that I was test playing through the editor. The mission started to be very laggy and then the game kick me to the lobby. When I try to load up the game again there was no units available to select. So I restarted it and my mission name was changed somewhat it said Raven Platoon but what it should have said was Raven_Platton_Uranium_Raid_Tanoa.  I quickly looked in my documents under arma3 in my multiplayer folder and the mission was there with all the folders and files but when I try to play the menu calls it the first name and there's no playable unit or anything on the map. WTF help.
  11. @doc. caliban do you have a demo with your new updates? Can you please provide a link or demo. Does the AI vehicles still attempt to move to waypoints that are not available for vehicles.
  12. @genesis92x question for you does Vcon AI generate waypoints for vehicles in the dense forest and other areas really not attainable for vehicles. I am thinking about switching over some of my missions using Vcom not sure how it issues waypoints the vehicles. Some script mods handle it very well others do not. will it only generate waypoints on roads that vehicles can get to ?reading through your information I see there's a code to put in if you do not want a particular AI group to be used by Vcom. Avibird
  13. Lol 😂 no it's a real copy of the game from steam. Physical camera 📸 I wanted to have it on my phone 📱 and when it first happened and I attempted to restart the mission from the mission select menu the name was changed I didn't want to touch anything I was in disbelief and my phone was right next to me. Like I said the mission init was almost completely empty missing 99 % of the data that should have been there. The name it changed to had no extension and could not be played from the mission menu. All the other folders and files were intact. It's like all my placed items from the editor was erased off of the mission init
  14. @dreadpirate thank you for your support with this must have script for me. Greatly appreciate your hard work keeping this alive 💓
  15. Yes to all except for verify local files integrity. It was really weird how the mission name changed in the editor mission list list but not in the save as list or in my arma3 MP folder but the mission init was always completely blank in mission folder. Very strange and a little scary that this can happen again. I will save all mission folders Inna second place for security lol.
  16. I don't know how to describe this but here it goes. I had a mission saved in multiplayer that I was test playing through the editor. The mission started to lag very bad and then the game kick me to the lobby. When I try to load up the game again there are no units available to select. So I restarted it and my mission name was changed somewhat it said Raven Platoon but what it should have said was Raven_Platton_Uranium_Raid_Tanoa. I quickly looked in my documents under arma3 in my multiplayer folder and the mission was there with all the folders and files but when I try to play the menu calls it the first name and there's no playable unit or anything on the map. WTF help.
  17. GAIA works on more of a macro level and has a code line to use if you don't want certain groups of AI to utilize GAIA. So yes you can have different AI enhancement running with it as long as the other AI enhancement doesn't overwrite GAIA ?
  18. Hey @genesis92x good to hear that was one of the reasons I stopped using it because they I continue to move fast even when no threat was in the area. Question for you can your AI script be used with GAIA. GAIA can be used with other AI scripts or vanilla behavior. I usually like to have a few different AI behaviors in a mission along with some vanilla behavior units. A good mixture makes for a more unpredictable AI behavior. I would love to try Vcom with GAIA units in the same mission.
  19. It was my mission init file that was delete it and the mission name was changed by itself see above for pictures that I post in a link a few posts above
  20. The only information I can found about losing data when experiencing a game crash is this link I am still very confused how an entire mission init.sqf can be erased and a mission name can be modified or changed by itself during a game crash. I have been playing OFP since 2001 on PC then 2005 Xbox and again back with arma2 2009 I have seen a few weird stuff happen with mission scripting and editing but never like this. I will back up every mission I make now in a different folder then the arma3 folder I can only say WTF 😥 but determine to make my deleted mission even better now!!!
  21. But will a group move or walk slow when no enemy present in a AO and will the AI driver just roll up on a whole squad just waking down the road and kill most of them and not even stop or slow down.
  22. Just curious I have not use this in a while. Does it improve AI driving. Does it not allow them to mow over a group of guys just waking down the roadside. Does the AI groups still always move in fast speed even if there is no threat or any presents of the enemy in the area. That was one of the main reasons I stop using it because patrol units not in combat would be acting like they were. Avibird
  23. Hey dreadpirate in the old version I never had issue like this but the old version run very slow and laggy. I only have five armor vehicles I don't think that is to much. I don't have issues with ground troops or cars only armor and ACP's but if I delete them like every 30 to 60 seconds then it's all good. However if I delete them less then 30 seconds then the issue starts.
  24. http://imgur.com/gallery/LwFuspv The Raven Platoon I did not name that it was called Raven_platoon_uranium _raid.tanoa it became that when the game crashed It's still have the original name in my folder and if I looked at the save as list. The raid on vagalaka was a new mission folder I made and put all the original folders and files back in but the mission init was pretty much blank. In the original mission you would have to scroll down a few minutes to get to the end of the mission init it was that full of data. I am still in disbelief that this happened.
  25. @Gunter Severloh I definitely the mission was saved I have been working on this for along time. The mission name was altered when the game lagged and crashed in the editor the mission name was changed and everything was deleted from the mission in it. All the folders and files was still intact. When I went to save the game - save as the mission name was correct Raven_Platton_Uranium_Raid_Tanoa. But in the mission selection menu it was not it was it only said Raven Platoon. I have screenshots but how do I upload them here. The bottom line I've been playing this since OFP days and yes a lot of weird things happen with the arma engine over the years but WTF. the good news is I did have a backup mission folder from two weeks ago but I did a lot of tests playing and a lot of editing in those two weeks. IDK what happened but I am not crazy the mission in it delete it and somehow the mission named got written only on the mission menu list Avibird