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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. Lol that simple. I was adding ( ) ; || ect thank you Avibird
  2. Spirits that has been an issues for a while with GAIA is great with infantry units on any map but vehicles on heavy forest or mountain maps waypoints get populated for unattainable locations. sometimes the vehicle will hold position and a waypoint will get delete it and move on to the next sometimes the vehicle gets stuck. This has been an issue with GAIA and most of the random generated scripts and mods with armor vehicles. Upmons when it worked had a function to set vehicle waypoints only on roads. It worked great but upmons has not been updated for a while.
  3. Multiplayer scripting and single player scripting are totally two different animals. A lot of things can get messed up on the respawn functions. A quick possible fix could be Try to enable the script to run again from a radio trigger after the respawn of the playable unit. May I ask what you are trying to accomplish. Do you want your playable units to respawn. The reason why I'm asking. I personally modify the AIS wound system that has all the drag carry and place wounded units into vehicles. Bangabob drag script will work with the AIS wounded system but I did not need it since the system had all those functions except for dragging dead bodies but I really didn't need it as long as I was able to carry wounded units or load them into vehicles. I modified the AIS wounded system that the playable units will never die and only stay unconscious the mission will end when all playable units are unconscious. I called this last man standing mode. As long as you have one playable unit alive you can revive all playable units no respawn is needed. I do have team switch enable and it all works with coop play. I would not use it in open JIP missions it could get a little screwy using team switch functionality with join in progress missions. My Playable units 18 man that can be in a single group or two 9 man groups or six 3 man groups all setup by radio triggers setup for the two squad leaders of the 9 man groups. This is why I asked you do you want respawns with your playable units. The modified AIS wounded system is still working progress. There are still some bugs I'm trying to work out for a multiplayer environment including team switch but it's pretty much playable with a few little bugs still present but not game-breakers.
  4. Just curious is it number 3 and 4 and number 2 is always the driver. Somehow I think that is hard-coded in the game unit 3 and 4 will usually get dismount disembark orders and number 2 is always in the driver seat. Take squad tell them to get into a empty vehicle order that vehicle to move somewhere on the map. Number 2 will always be The driver and number 3 and 4 will always get a dismount order. You can get them to stay in the vehicle but you have to order them a few times. I personally think it's something hard coded this is been a problem ArmA and OFP for years.
  5. Demo mission would be nice always up to learn new things about Arma scripting but remember you need to test with other players to really see if it's multiplayer compatible single player and multiplayer scripting is two different stories.
  6. Hey you go https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/174661-jebus-just-editor-based-unit-spawning/
  7. Just curious do you know what Jebus script is. It's a respawning script that I use it has a lot of functionality including saving waypoints. Setup a group of AI get the script to work for you then male them all playable to see what happens. You when you die go into spectator mode until all the units die then maybe all the playable units my spawn back. I'm just curious to see if that will work.
  8. Maybe but like I said somebody smarter then me with scripting knowledge needs to answer that if that's even possible?
  9. I personally don't think you can set up playable units that way .Only non playable AI spawn in a group but perhaps somebody smarter than me can figure that out. Why not just use teamswitch and set it up how you want only one life multiple life's or like I did only going unconscious and never die. That's the beauty about arma you can play it how you want it. The only problem is knowing how to implement what you want lol.
  10. I am assuming he likes to play scenarios with a few friends or use the AI if friends are not on. I prefer to play this way only with a few friends and have the ability to teamswitch into different AI depending on the need of the mission. I use a modified AIS wound system with 18 playable units broken down into two 9 man squads that can be broken down into 6 3 man teams by radio trigger. The playable units will never die only go unconscious the mission will end if all the playable units are unconscious I called it last man standing mode as long as one playable units is conscious everyone else can get revived. Can you have a group of playable AI all spawn back at the same time? I didn't think that was possible like you can have a group of non playable AI spawn back?
  11. @rgscriven according to dreadpirate you have to move the userconfig foloder from the mod into your root arma directory pathway with the AI setting file. I did not have to. I just DL it from steam workshop and it's works for me. I don't know if you need to but I did not. According to the literature the enhanced movements needs to be enabled on all machines for the AI to use it. I am not sure if everyone needs the Vcom mod or only the host or server I am not at that point in my mission design to be focused on MP requirements I can't get the mod to work properly with teamswitch. I am still waiting to hear from dreadpirate how I can fix that issue. Avibird.
  12. Go DL from stream it works and I did not have to do anything else other than enabling file patching. I have other issues that I am hoping Genesis can help with. Good luck it's an awesome mod to watch the fighting 😁
  13. Yes it works. Where did you DL it. You must have file patching enabled on your startup parameters. Other than that I just downloaded it from steam. I personally didn't have to make a userconfig folder and place it in my root A3. Just place a group of units down with nothing else go start a firefight somewhere and vcom will call the group to assist you or fight you. 1. File patching needs to be enabled 2. You may need to make a user config folder with the Vcom AI sitting file inside the userconfig and put this into your root A3 pathway ( I did not have to do that I just DL set file patching to enable and it works for me.
  14. I should know better with arma never jump to conclusions. It's still not working. Where do I need to put the code line this enableAI "radio protocol"; Can I just edit where are you did your magic. Lol can a simple edit line somewhere in one of the files or is it a little more difficult than that. Avibird I can't play with no voice 😥 lol
  15. @genesis92x it did not work in group init or group leader init but I got it to work using a gamelogic. I don't know if that the best place to run it from if you would suggest a better placement for it it gamelogic is fine. I can use every FPS I can get still playing on my PC that was builds for armor 2 in 2009 11 year old but I'm holding out for the specs for arma 4 to invest in a new gaming PC. Thank you but I know a lot of people play with Zeus and not having the audio back really sucks. I use Zeus all the time when testing missions. I can't believe we test play without Zeus all these years 👍 thank you for the assist in this matter. Avibird
  16. I will not answer any more questions about using other spawn methods on Jebus page. If you want to know about Jebus ask and I will try to help. There are literally dozens of posts about respawn players units and AI units on the fourm. I see you are new just slow down get used to the basic editor and all the functions and modules because 99% of every mod and scrip is based off of vanilla editor and modules. I hope you understand this thread is about Jebus and nothing else. Avibird
  17. IDK it's just opens for me when I hit the link see
  18. @genesis92x do I simple put this in the group leaders init  this enableAI "RADIOPROTOCOL"; or somewhere else? If so please tell. From my testing Vcom and gaia work together. Gaia will give units random patrols in a site marker area and when combat starts Vcom takes over but when combat is over GAIA will take over again win win situation yay I must have a userconfig file folder somewhere because the mod is working fine I see AI units jump small fences. I did not do anything other than download it from steam. Did it put the information in my user config folder by itself? Avibird
  19. Anytime and welcome to arma3 community and the bohemia forums. Great community for helping people arma scripting can be very frustrating but rewarding in the same time. If you see my host server up Avibird PC come jump in and say hi I am always test playing missions. I am not into the whole clan thing just playing the game and fucking around in the editor.
  20. Site working https://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=topics&s=166
  21. Yes there is dozens of ways you can do this. There are so many options like Bohemia modules or other scripts you can use just look at armaholic stream workshop or use BI modules ect. The choice is yours but you are in the JEBUS fourm and no not with Jebus
  22. Let me get this straight. You want to have respawn on for playable units (you) and a group of AI units that you are the leader. Yes or no. If yes Jebus is for non playable units to spawn. You really can't use jebus to spawn in playable units! You can use jebus to spawn in a group of AI and then in a waypoint or trigger have them join your group as AI under your control but there are a lot of simple ways to do this then use jebus. Jebus stands for just Editor based unit spawning. It is meant to be used on AI units that have editor place waypoints or using some type of patrol script like upmons gaia ect. Hope this clarifies.
  23. Hey Jebus is not for a player respawn it's for the AI non playable units.. Avibird.
  24. Why do editor placed waypoints with a cycle waypoint at the end of the waypoint line lose its ability to repeat once combat mode has been set by engagements of the enemy. The group will not follow it's waypoints and if you look at the groups from Zeus the way points are missing. Somebody told me that this is a Bohemian issue (arma issue but I really can't find too much information on it. Could somebody confirm this and explain why this happens and if there's a workaround to get the units follow it's waypoints following combat mode with engagement with the enemy. Avibird