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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. The script works but ever since the last update I think with contact I now get this script error. I have no clue what it is asking me to modify or change. This is an awesome unlimited ammo script that the players or AI can use I had this since ARMA2 it was modified for ARMA3 for me by the author. It does not give an endless stream of bullets or rockets rounds. it just always gives you and or the AI one mag or rock round in your inventory due to the inadequacy of the AI to rearm and the pain in the ass for micromanagement if you play with AI under your control. "...nt- _foundMags) do{ _unit addMagazine |#|_magazineType;};}; File C:\users\Avibird.Avibird-PC\Documents\Arma3\Mpmission\Raven_Platton_Uranium_Raid.Tanoa\unlimitedAmmo.sqf..., line 34sleep 1};' error underfined variable in expression: _magazinetype //Unlimited Ammo Script by XxanimusxX _unit = _this select 0; _ammoCount = _this select 1; _primeWpn = ""; _prevWpn = ""; _magazineType = ""; _foundMags = 0; //hint format["%1 is added",_unit]; //used to check if units are spawned into the mission //diag_log format["%1 is added",_unit]; //used to check if units are spawned into the mission while {alive _unit} do { waitUntil {sleep 0.5; currentWeapon _unit != ""}; _primeWpn = currentWeapon _unit; if (_primeWpn != _prevWpn) then { _prevWpn = _primeWpn; _magazineType = getArray(configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _primeWpn >> "magazines") select 0; }; _foundMags = 0; { if (_x == _magazineType) then { _foundMags = _foundMags + 1; }; } forEach (magazines _unit); if (_foundMags < _ammoCount) then { for "_i" from 1 to (_ammoCount - _foundMags) do { _unit addMagazine _magazineType; }; }; sleep 1; }; if anyone wants to use it you need to call the script from the mission init with this Script still works great in game but I get the error when testing in the editor and the pop massage will not disapper. Avibird //Unlimited Ammo********** grantUnlimitedAmmo = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "unlimitedAmmo.sqf"; [] spawn { if (!isNil "UNLAMMO_ARR") exitWith {}; UNLAMMO_ARR = []; // empty global array for check, and to notify not to start a second loop on player connect if already running. if !(isServer) exitWith {}; // exit if not server. while {true} do { { if (!(_x in UNLAMMO_ARR) AND alive _x) then { [[_x, 1], "grantUnlimitedAmmo", _x] call BIS_fnc_MP; UNLAMMO_ARR = UNLAMMO_ARR + [_x]; }; } foreach allUnits; { if !(alive _x OR isNull _x) then {UNLAMMO_ARR = UNLAMMO_ARR - [_x]}; } foreach UNLAMMO_ARR; sleep 1; }; };
  2. @stanhope thank you for your effort but your modifications broke the script it does not work with you code edit. Like I said the script works amazing but I still get the message era when I'm test playing in the editor. I just want to tidy up this mission before I release it with no errors. Thank you for your Noble attempt avibird
  3. @Gunter Severloh Perhaps I'm missing something there is no way that I can move dead bodies around through Zeus once the unit is dead and has the black icon I can move their ammo ie weapons but the body is like a dead object pun intended on the map.
  4. @stanhope thank you I will see if it works and still getting the script error.
  5. Yes I know but you can't move dead bodies around like you can move alive units. Dead Bodies with the black icon circle can't be dragged around. I am working on a mission that the mission will end when 24 civilians are killed during the mission I want to count the bodies that were killed and move then to a different area to see which ones were killed but you can't move them from the location they died why ? And is there a way that makes them edible ie I can move them like other placed editor items on the map.
  6. Does anyone know the difference between the multiple end mission types in the trigger end#1 through end#6. I believe it has nothing to do with different types of endings ie visuals music etc only different trigger ends in a mission but why would you need more then one of the trigger has a variable name why have 6 different options. Just curious to know the answer. Avibird
  7. @Larrow so how could I get the fade and music to work on one end game trigger. I added a second trigger for my music and the end game trigger set for a 15 second delay so the music can play but I can't get the fade function to work with the mission. It just ends with the mission fail screen. Avibird this is where I got the information To maintain Arma 3 visual style, it's recommended to use BIS_fnc_endMission instead. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_endMissionServer
  8. @Joe98 I do understand. This is how you setup Various possible endings but getting the music 🎶 to play as the scenario fades out. That I can't get to work properly. I can get the music to play with a second trigger overlaying on the mission end trigger but cannot for the life of me get the fade to work mission ends abruptly.
  9. If anyone else is using vcom AI with team switch here is a fix to get the group communication back so you can hear and see the group commands again. Put this code in an initserver sqf waituntil { { _x enableAI "RADIOPROTOCOL"; } foreach allunits;  sleep 5; false };. Gaia and Vcom AI work very well together. It also resolves the issue with vanilla waypoints disappearing once a major engagement occurs with those units Vcom will take control of those groups without waypoints now and issue new waypoints based on new contacts. GAIA will continue it random generated waypoints in the zones you setup once the threat has been eliminated. the major issues using vanilla waypoints is that a group with vanilla waypoints including a cycle at the end of it's waypoint chain once involved in a heavy engagement for some reason the waypoint chain gets interrupted and never continues once the threat has been eliminated. Units will just sit around and no longer follow it's waypoints this is a Bohemia/arma issues so if you have a few patrols all with cycle waypoints at the end of the chain. The waypoints will get interrupted and your area patrols are broken even if the threat is eliminated. Units will stay at the location of the last contact. Gaia Vcom AI work very well together along with Jebus respawn script a perfect combination👍👍👍
  10. @phronk thank you for explaining the reasons why different endings ie end#1 end#2 ect I know there's many different ways to accomplish things in arma and the description file was the only way before updates to the engine and editors. I know a lot of things that you need to do in the description file you now can do through the Eden editor. Just like mission tasks once it was only the description file then using triggers and now the task modules. Maybe you can answer these questions. 1. Does the description file overwrite everything else that you add Eden editor triggers etc. 2. I still can't get the fade to work the mission ends very abruptly. 3. Why I fail a mission and then attempt to restart the mission I see and hear the Bohemia mission completed screen with music and the tv snow screen then I can restart the mission. For example. In a trigger Condition WMDveh1 in thisList On activation ["Epicfail", false,20,true] call BIS_fnc_endmissionServer; In the array false = mission fail 20 should be the fade out does not work True = music does not work I have the tigger timer set for countdown 15 I have a second trigger overlays the first trigger with music that plays when you lose the mission and it takes 15 seconds stop music playing until the mission ends. All good but the fade out does not work mission ends abruptly and then I have the issue when I restart the mission the next time with the Bohemian mission complete screen. IDK 🧐 I also use triggers for my tasks and not the task modules.
  11. avibird 1

    Position in house

    But the units will not be linked together with individual units the AI will be very slow to react if they are not link as a group. That's the beautiful thing about arma there is no wrong way of mission design.
  12. avibird 1

    Position in house

    I forgot to mention I always put a few small groups just with guard waypoints or sentry guard waypoints unfortunately these units can only be on first floor due to the group formation limitations. Bohemia should have had a loose group formation that the group members will stay in editor placed positions until the action occurs. I can only hope with arma4
  13. avibird 1

    Position in house

    Johnnyboy script is great as well as the other Garrison scripts however with most of those scripts units will always stay in the house and in the rooms they are positioned. If you want a more dynamic way of doing it with editor place groups a few commands and a some triggers. Very easy with the editor and a few commands in the units init. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/doStop https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/disableAI And a few trigger to enable pathway and move once a particular unit is killed or a player reaches a certain location like a threshold of a door For example. 24 units in one group scattered throughout a small village in various buildings on different floors all connected and sharing information. The units will stay in position until a trigger is reached or the units with the dostop move see fit to move to a different position. What you get is a more dynamic village occupation. I usually set triggers by the doors thresholds once a player reaches the threshold a few units pathway will be enabled given units the ability to move throughout the house again. The entire group is given a guard waypoint on the group leader. If you're interested I will give you the actual snippet of code to use. When I design a mission I like to use various different AI approaches. I would use the above method that I just stated as well as one of the Garrison or Johnny Boy script in combination for a much more dynamic occupation of a village in my humble opinion. Just using a Garrison script the units will always stay in the room they are positioned and never leave the room or the house. Avibird
  14. Two trigger setup works good but I still can't get the fade to black function to work and after I fail this mission on purpose to see if the trigger works when I strat the mission again (in the editor) I will always get the default mission accomplished screen and music 🎶 WTF then I can strat the scenario again. Does anybody know why and what I can do to stop this. I have dozens of missions that I want to polish up with proper intros debriefing tasks ect.
  15. This really does not tell me much about what the different ends meanings. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/failMission https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_endMission I am just trying to end my mission with a fade and some music I can accomplish this with two triggers but I'm trying to do with with only one!!!
  16. @spirit6 I use both MCC4 gaia and your gaia together in the same mission. I always have MCC4 running for all the other stuff besides use of gaia. I always use Jebus respawning script that has MCC4 gaia Incorporated into the spawn of units/groups including editor waypoints. Your commands line does not work with Jebus. His code needs to go into the group leader init and then the group gets delete it and respawns on mission start I think your code does not carry over like MCC4 gaia code is build into the responding parameters but I use a work around. Jebus keeps editor place waypoints and your gaia command code can be initiate it from waypoints not just the group leader init. Having a an option when gaia takes over gives you more flexibility with mission design especially using waypoints like sentry with that said your updates have nothing to do we the MCC4 gaia ? I am curious to see what the difference is between the two gaia or is there no difference. I never run your standalone because I always have MCC4 enable. Is there a difference between the two at this point. Also upmons had a function that made armor vehicles only get generated waypoints on roads but upmons has not been updated and does not work properly anymore armor vehicles can still be difficult to use with your script especially with islands with heavy Forest and steep mountains. Avibird
  17. Thank you but what are the purposes of all the multiple end#1 ect in the trigger type and can you accomplish what I want in one trigger without using two or is that a limitation with the triggers Avibird.
  18. I would like to add some music when the mission without using multiple triggers. When you end the mission with the triggers the music option will not play the mission just ends with the failure missions screen and if I put a delay in the trigger it just hold the trigger condition for the time and when the time is up the mission ends with no music. I can accomplish this with using two triggers and a delay for the end mission trigger so the second trigger can play the music and the players can see the hint telling them they suck lol. Can you incorporate this with using only one trigger and not two. Avibird
  19. I have a radio trigger to check for how many enemy units are still left in the AO. My trigger works fine for IND however I recently made some modifications to the mission and edit some Russian spetsnaz reinforcements to the mission. I can't remember how to incorporate East with independent in the trigger. My current trigger setup works fine. Type none Activation radio juliet Repeatable Condition Player == TC || player =P10 On activation Hint str ({ side _x == INDEPENDENT && {player distance _x <6000}} count allunits ); If a swap INDEPENDENT for east it works but I want to have it work for both what is the best way to consolidate the code line for it to work. Avibird
  20. Lol that simple. I was adding ( ) ; || ect thank you Avibird
  21. Spirits that has been an issues for a while with GAIA is great with infantry units on any map but vehicles on heavy forest or mountain maps waypoints get populated for unattainable locations. sometimes the vehicle will hold position and a waypoint will get delete it and move on to the next sometimes the vehicle gets stuck. This has been an issue with GAIA and most of the random generated scripts and mods with armor vehicles. Upmons when it worked had a function to set vehicle waypoints only on roads. It worked great but upmons has not been updated for a while.
  22. Multiplayer scripting and single player scripting are totally two different animals. A lot of things can get messed up on the respawn functions. A quick possible fix could be Try to enable the script to run again from a radio trigger after the respawn of the playable unit. May I ask what you are trying to accomplish. Do you want your playable units to respawn. The reason why I'm asking. I personally modify the AIS wound system that has all the drag carry and place wounded units into vehicles. Bangabob drag script will work with the AIS wounded system but I did not need it since the system had all those functions except for dragging dead bodies but I really didn't need it as long as I was able to carry wounded units or load them into vehicles. I modified the AIS wounded system that the playable units will never die and only stay unconscious the mission will end when all playable units are unconscious. I called this last man standing mode. As long as you have one playable unit alive you can revive all playable units no respawn is needed. I do have team switch enable and it all works with coop play. I would not use it in open JIP missions it could get a little screwy using team switch functionality with join in progress missions. My Playable units 18 man that can be in a single group or two 9 man groups or six 3 man groups all setup by radio triggers setup for the two squad leaders of the 9 man groups. This is why I asked you do you want respawns with your playable units. The modified AIS wounded system is still working progress. There are still some bugs I'm trying to work out for a multiplayer environment including team switch but it's pretty much playable with a few little bugs still present but not game-breakers.
  23. Just curious is it number 3 and 4 and number 2 is always the driver. Somehow I think that is hard-coded in the game unit 3 and 4 will usually get dismount disembark orders and number 2 is always in the driver seat. Take squad tell them to get into a empty vehicle order that vehicle to move somewhere on the map. Number 2 will always be The driver and number 3 and 4 will always get a dismount order. You can get them to stay in the vehicle but you have to order them a few times. I personally think it's something hard coded this is been a problem ArmA and OFP for years.
  24. Demo mission would be nice always up to learn new things about Arma scripting but remember you need to test with other players to really see if it's multiplayer compatible single player and multiplayer scripting is two different stories.
  25. Hey you go https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/174661-jebus-just-editor-based-unit-spawning/