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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. So there's no benefit of calling a code one way or the other? Is one more efficient than the other.
  2. I see I will test later and also retest the original to see if something else is preventing it from working. Thank you sir.
  3. So I add this to the Jebus script they goes into the group leader init and params ["_proxyThis"]; {dostop _x} forEach (units _ProxyThis);  (group _ProxyThis) setVariable ["Vcm_Disable", true]; And then added this to my script folder in my mission folder ..continued... "INIT=",  "[_proxyThis] execVm 'AVB_JebusScript.sqf'" ] spawn jebus_fnc_main; Just to clarify
  4. Hello Jebus uses. I have a quick question does anyone know if you can use two init parameters within the Jebus script "INIT=" - Init string to run upon spawning. (Use "_proxyThis" where you would usually use "this" in a script or function call). Default is empty string. I don't know if the script will allow me to use two init parameters within the same script code lines that goes into the init box of a group leader. Dreadpirate is taking a hiatus from arma for or while. I don't think it's possible because the script has 15 parameters that he stated above when he developed a script. Any feedback will be great I don't want to waste any more time trying to make something work that can't.
  5. I see. The new code line does not throw any errors so that works fine but it does not run as it should. I asked the author of Jebus if you could use two codes in different init parameters within jebus script. He is away from arma3 at this time. The waypoints get generated but the units never move to the zone. If I use the script with just the dostop and Gaia the units will move to Gaia zone once contact is made contact brakes that dostop command. If I use the script with Gaia and allow VCom the units will move to GAIA zone but also utilize Vcom when in combat. My question is are you able to use two different init codes within his script?
  6. Wow I have been playing OFP/ARMA for a while I have never done that before it heard of somebody doing that before. I will make a backup of my mission.SQM after major changes made. I did have an old copy of the mission like from 6 months ago with around 65% of the editor placed stuff so it not like starting from scratch. I can't believe I did that lol SMH. For arma4 you should have to confirm that function before you override a previous sqm
  7. I am going to try to explain this. I have a mission that I have been working on a for few years fooling around with trigger modules codes snippets. It basically my playground for ARMA. The only mod's I am using is CBBA_A3 MCC4 enhanced movements Vcom AI Zeus enhanced 3den enhanced and I recently removed achilles from my mod list. The mission name is not complete in the editor. For example the mission name was always Raven_Platoon_ Assault.tanoa I was playing the mission in the morning and was fooling around in the editor in the afternoon and when I want to play the mission that night my mission name in the editor was incomplete Raven Platoon When I try to play I could not open the mission because there were no playable units in the selection screen. In my arma3 folder the mission had the right name and all of the other folders scrips and files that I added over the years but the mission.SQM was pretty much empty no editor placed units trigger markers or editor items only the bare minimal when you first start a mission in the editor. WTF the only thing I can think of is in the afternoon was I fooling around in the editor under tools- utilities placement tools pylon tool vehicle custom tools GUI tools miscellaneous tools lobby manager. I don't understand how that can delete all my map placed items and change the mission name in the editor but not in my ARMA3 folder. has anyone experienced something like this.
  8. At least that gives me an explanation. Can one of you explain why that happens if you use the save dialog? And where exactly is that located in the editor so I will make sure that never happens again SMH😢
  9. @Harzach can you highlight the missing space. I was looking at the code for a while and I couldn't find an error. I would like to see what I was missing. Thank you very much greatly appreciate it.
  10. @ Harzach code is not working says its init missing ]
  11. Thanks I will give it a go tomorrow to see if it works greatly appreciated brother.
  12. Hello I have been away from the game for while. How do you delete code from the extended debug consult. I have dozens of input codes that I have fooled around with over the years. I can't seem to be able to delete any of the code lines in the back execute field. I delete it but it just comes back help and thank you.
  13. I typically have three Achilles Zeus enhanced and 3den enhanced. Each of them has added something a little different but perhaps I should only pick one and use it. Like you said I have no clue which one is causing the issue further investigation is needed.
  14. Well it only works for the current session. If I started a new mission the concert was clear once I turn off the computer reopened arma the dozens of code lines were still in the consult. Still looking for a solution.
  15. Lol if I was using that mod I would have said that brother. I said it was the extended bug consult I think it's either from Achilles Zeus enhanced or 3den enhanced. I don't want to fight with you but I don't understand why you're getting your panties in a bunch. I thought my question was very simple and direct I was looking for a code to remove previous codes from the extended debug consult.
  16. @Harzach I have no idea what you're talking about. I asked a simple question how to remove code from the debug console and you gave me a link to another mod lol. By the way I did download it and I'm going to take a look at it but I found a simple code to put into the console to remove all previous code lines. profileNamespace setVariable ["CBA_diagnostic_statements", nil]; This code will remove all the previous one stored. This was what I was asking not for another link for another mod.
  17. So there is no way to remove code that you put into the extended bug console ? I read on the Wikipedia page that it stores your last 10 commands automatically but I have dozens that I want to get rid of help !!!
  18. Hello gentleman I have been away from armor for about 6 to 8 months but trying to get back into playing. When I load up a few of old missions with jebus units are spawning but not producing waypoints using Gaia. It's been a problem with jeb's or do I need to look into other possible issues thanks avibird
  19. Medical tents work but military cargo house or HQ (medical) buildings do not. Even though under object hold action there are codes under the icon idle icon progress which is the same code in the medical tent. Why does the military cargo buildings medical do not work is there a simple code I can put in to allow them to heal units.
  20. Why can't you move dead bodies around while you in the Zeus interface. Can you make the bodies editable ?
  21. Lol I setup custom squads in my mission design with a few dozen squads all being programmed by different rules and engagement ie waypoints scripts and mods ect. I would like to get a good overview of where the squad members moved and died. Plus it would be fun stacking up bodies after you neutralized opposing forces in that sector. I hope that satisfied your curiosity Avibird
  22. avibird 1

    Enhanced Movement

    Lol I just realized my key binds got deleted somehow. Reset and I am climbing like a chimpanzee again 👍
  23. avibird 1

    Enhanced Movement

    Can anyone confirm if this mod is not working now. I know we just had 2.00 update but I have not use this mod in a few weeks and yesterday it would not work and today no jumping or climbing at all. Thanks avibird
  24. Does the cover system and climbing jumping system still work! I have not used it in a while it does not seem to be working???