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Everything posted by verde13

  1. I was really looking forward to get IF and then i heard about the modding restrictions. The one thing that attracted me to OFP, ARMA and ARMA 2 was the community mods. Without them there is no point in getting IF. It may be a nice game and all but its longevity without mods will expire sooner rather than later.
  2. verde13

    BWMod Fix

    Fantastic effort. Unfortunately the zoom doesn't work for the commander in the Leopard.
  3. I've got a really weird issue with the replacement packs for ACE. The models of the medics, machinegunners and the AT Specialists (RPG-7) aren't replaced. All the other units are being replaced just fine.
  4. Excellent effort, congratulations to everyone involved. It's certainly one of the best mods ever created. The only thing i don't like is the generic buzzing sound of the airplanes something that will be hopefully fixed with 2.7. Once again congratulations and thanks for this wonderful release.
  5. verde13

    ASR AI Skills

    It's fine then, i thought that it was a bug but i was obviously mistaken.
  6. verde13

    ASR AI Skills

    Yes i'm sure. I disabled it after the first time i saw it, some time ago. Yesterday after noticing it again i checked the settings file and it still reads binocs = 0. So to summarize. Before disabling the corresponding setting the AI was picking up binoculars as it should have been doing. After disabling it, the AI stopped collecting binoculars but it started picking up NVGs. I'm not sure how often this happens. As i've stated it's been a while since i changed the settings file and it seemed to have worked until yesterday.
  7. verde13

    ASR AI Skills

    I've encountered a weird issue. Sometimes the AI will pick up NVGs from the dead and use them as binoculars. I've disabled the corresponding line in the useconfig ( binocs = 0 ) but it hasn't helped.
  8. verde13

    RUBE Weather Module

    Have the same error with the pbo version.
  9. verde13

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Anybody else has this bug ? * Animation config, prone AI was getting stuck after healing, fixes #27397 [Robalo] This was fixed with 523, but ever since i updated to 527 it's happening again. Maybe it's something wrong on my end ?
  10. Such a shame; We could really use a western island.
  11. - More and far better animations, especially when unarmed units are concerned. - Much improved AI such as not standing in a firefight, ability to CQB indoors and most importantly AI driving/ pathfinding. - Realistic penetration system for armored vehicles. - Better, more immersive sounds.
  12. verde13

    P:UKF Challenger 2.

    Any news about the bugs ?
  13. verde13

    P:UKF Challenger 2.

    Regarding the night vision, pressing N does nothing for me while i am in commander's view. It works properly in the gunner position though.
  14. verde13

    P:UKF Challenger 2.

    Are you planning to add it in the future ?
  15. verde13

    P:UKF Challenger 2.

    I have been waiting for this one for a while. Thank you very much. Really really happy with what i've seen so far. Only bug i've come across is that the commander has no zoom and no night/thermal vision.
  16. verde13

    P:UKF Challenger 2.

    Totally agree, updated sound would be great.
  17. verde13

    daveygarys Rangers

    Thanks a lot mate.
  18. verde13

    daveygarys Rangers

    Any link for the sunglasses ? The gamefront one seems to be down.
  19. verde13

    P:UKF Challenger 2.

    Nice to see that this project is still alive.
  20. Looks very interesting. Will this work for SP ?
  21. Very impressive. Certainly a map that was missing until now.