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Everything posted by Undeceived

  1. BIS, I really would prefer to express how p***** off I am because of this situation, but no - I won't do it. :p :) To make things short: I can't update my MANW project - a SP campaign, which (as every SP-project) relies on comments and ratings in the Steam Workshop in order to hopefully gain votes and entrance to the finalists. But Publisher simply fails updating it and I can't find a way to release and promote my work on Steam Workshop. I created a ticket here, but hell... Hundreds of tickets are created every day, isn't it? :j: (edit: Cool, it was assigned!) So what if it was 25th of October and yeah! --> Publisher does what it always does (at least for me, since my first upload of my project, no shit!): Nothing, aside from crashing, failing, ignoring, etc. The deadline is on 28th of October (IIRC) and ok, I can be supercautious and try to upload my gold version three days before. But who knows, if that will work? :) Is there a idea how to deal with this? Thanks.
  2. Just to clear this detail up: What doesn't not work for me is the UPDATE of my entry. I could upload my project to a new SW entry though. What remains to be seen however is If I'm able to update this new one as well. :D (but I'm not there yet, still fighting some bugs...) And on the second question: No, my project is smaller as 200MB. (at the moment at least! ;) ).
  3. Kyd, make sure you contact the devs and the MANW support now, one week before the deadline! BIS says in the newsletter that we are responsible to make it available on the Workshop (in other words: Don't upload too late!), but I fail to see where the responsibility is ours when there are such technical problems and the devs know about the problem one week earlier. ---------- Post added at 16:17 ---------- Previous post was at 16:16 ---------- Btw. did you check your file, if everything is correct in the addon structure?
  4. I gave it up waiting for a solution for my Steam Workshop updating problems and created a completely new entry at Steam Workshop. The latest version (at the moment 0.8) is now ready for subscription at the following link. PLEASE subscribe there and unsubscribe the old entry! Download Dying Ember v. 0.8 (beta) @ Steam Workshop Upcoming in the next version: :) Dubbing voices (no English though, but some great German voices) An outro cutscene
  5. I gave it up waiting for a solution for my Steam Workshop updating problems and created a completely new entry at Steam Workshop. The latest version (at the moment 0.8) is now ready for subscription at the following link. PLEASE subscribe there and unsubscribe the old entry! Download Dying Ember v. 0.8 (beta) @ Steam Workshop Upcoming in the next version: :) Dubbing voices (no English though, but some great German voices) An outro cutscene
  6. Kydoimos, even if you create a completely new SW entry???
  7. Is there already an answer from BI to this question? I'm having serious problems with the Steam Workshop...
  8. Hi Chris, the comrades don't start with equipment in the briefing of this mission! You have to arm them from the weapon pool (the equipment you got in mission 3 (New Firepower)). Thanks, I will make this clearer in the briefing of this mission in the next version. However, the mission should definitely end (with a in-mission cutscene), when the player gets to the headquarters of the helping organisation... I never experienced a bug here. So it really might have to do with your mods - no idea... If all fails, you can use the code endMission "END1"; in the debug console. The console is active in this version (press Esc). You won't miss anything, there's no outro (apart from the in-mission one) and also there's no intro for the next mission. Good luck! Hopefully it works for you! Brainbug and Ballard - Thank so so much for testing!! A secret message for Brainbug:
  9. Thanks a lot, Brainbug! Great feedback!! Damn that weapon pool! I didn't expect that many problems with it. It was all great in A2... :( And what the heck?? Did you have a Zafir and a bandolier once in the campaign? I'll change the things you mentioned. Why don't you just equip yourself via debug console with a weapon you had before The Picture and test the mission? It has only one objective (get the hell oit of there!) and I need some more impressions, especially regarding the difficulty balance... Would be great! Thanks again!
  10. Voices (yes, in German) are in the making! :) It's a completely new level! Please, if you like it, vote here - the campaign could use some more to get to the finalists. Thanks, mate!
  11. Undeceived


    Hi guys, how do you use WavToLip? Do you know a way to process many .wav files at once? AFAIK you can only process one file after the other. Or am I missing something here? In Arma 1 times you could select all .wav's in the windows explorer and drag them on the .exe and all file would be processed at once. But this seems not to work anymore. Thanks!
  12. Undeceived

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    This is probably old news, but maybe someone didn't see it yet: http://blackelement.net/job.html I'd say Southeast Asia. :)
  13. Yeah, this bug (or "feature"?) really is annoying. Everything is alright in the next mission's briefing, except for headgear and goggle. I could solve with aeroson's GET/SET loadout. Don't you use that too, IP?
  14. Thanks God I and John_Spartan are not the only ones with the problem (although I also feel with you, kibot!). For the others, if you also have this problem, support us here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?183861-ARMA-3-TOOLS-Publisher-fails-to-upload-the-file-to-SW and here http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=21026
  15. Hi Ahlstroem, thanks for the feedback! The first point has to do with the unit's vests respectively with the armor values that BIS have set for them... It's annoying, but it's not even a bug, but a "feature". :) On your second point... I thought about that but went with team switch only in certain situations. If I did it everywhere, I would have to think and work on many many more possibilities, depending on the players choices (e.g. record every dialogue sentence for every unit, etc.) Sure, it would be possible but I wanted to put the focus mainly on Pavlos, the main character. If you run in a situation, where you definitely need team switch, give me a shout and I'll take a look at it. Other than that have fun! And please report any bugs, odd English expressions and last but not least: vote here :) http://makearmanotwar.com/entry/21P3SNGxMX#.VDYwLZvwCMY Thanks!
  16. Thanks, kibot! This is exactly my problem, including your edit (except that for me it does not fail sometimes [but the file doesn't update]), the web space on SW and the feelings. :D Some further threads on that issue: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=21026 (especially regarding MANW): http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?183949-The-unreliability-of-Publisher-and-or-Steam-Workshop&p=2788431#post2788431
  17. Hhmm... I think this is because I have set German as the first language in the stringtable.ext... :( I'm sorry for that! I'll note that down and will change it to English (as first language) soon, but I fear I'll only be able to do it after October, as time is running out for me...
  18. Hi Sandman. Which language does your Arma have?
  19. Guys, could you help me with one thing, could you please vote for this ticket here? http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=21026 Publisher doesn't update my campaign on the Steam Workshop, which is pretty annoying. Thanks a lot!
  20. Thanks, John, but it also says in the statement that SP projects still have to be submitted to the SW. Or am I missing the point completely? But apart from the technical problem: The thing also is that even if I could upload it again on SW as a new entry, this new submission would lack all comments and ratings and would have to "start from zero". Well, it's not the end of the world but still very significant. And there will be more updates to come in the coming weeks. I don't want to make a new submission every time. :) (provided that I can submit it at all). Therefore: Please vote here: :) http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=21026 Again, thanks for the link with the newsletter - I'll contact BIS via the support email.
  21. I have the same problem. This really is pissing me off! No addon / campaign update without hours of trouble and fails! It's "interesting" that not all projects fail. Only certain ones (e.g. an important one with many comments and ratings, which I'm NOT going to delete).