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Everything posted by takealready

  1. takealready

    Latawiec - Briefing Creator

    Is their a mirror for this program. I can't download it directly from Armaholic's website.
  2. Here's a copy of my config. It's a 30 round variant of the underwater magazine. class Mode_SemiAuto ; class Mode_Burst ; class Mode_FullAuto ; class SlotInfo ; class CowsSlot ; class PointerSlot ; class CfgMagazines { class Default ; class 20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag ; class 30Rnd_65x39_UW_mag : 20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag { picture = "\A3\weapons_F\data\UI\m_30stanag_CA.paa"; tracersEvery = 1; lastRoundsTracer = 30; count = 30; displayName = "30Rnd 65x39 UW Magazine"; descriptionShort = "30Rnd UW Magazine"; displaynameshort = "30Rnd 65x39 UW Mag"; }; }; and here's how's I have my weapon configured with custom optics (the optics came from FHQ Accessories Pack http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20393). class GunParticles; class cfgWeapons { class arifle_Katiba_GL_ACO_F_diver: arifle_Katiba_GL_F { displayName = "KH-2002 Khaybar-CD"; magazines[] = {"20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag_mag_Tracer", "30Rnd_65x39_UW_mag"}; canShootInWater = 1; ///This allows your weapon to shoot underwater class GunParticles : GunParticles //You'll need this if you want the underwater effect when the weapon is fired. { class SecondEffect { effectName = "ShotUnderwater"; positionName = "usti hlavne"; directionName = "konec hlavne"; }; }; class LinkedItems { class LinkedItemsOptic { item = "FHQ_optic_HWS_G33"; slot = "CowsSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsAcc { item = "FHQ_acc_ANPEQ15"; slot = "PointerSlot"; }; class LinkedItemsMuzzle { item = "muzzle_snds_H"; slot = "MuzzleSlot"; }; }; }; Hope this helps and good luck with your mod. Side note: Anyone that wants to have custom optics on their weapons this is how, just copy this config and change it :D
  3. Thank you for saving my sanity. I've been trying to figure out for four days why my extra 5Rnd_127x108_Mag ammo would appear in my custom backpack, but not the srifle_GM6_F. All I was missing from my class TransportWeapons was weapon = "srifle_GM6_F" then it worked. You sir deserve a beer.
  4. takealready

    Mk v wip

    I wasn't able to get Pook_SocR to work in game (the mlod version that he released for the community to use). When I ported it over using all Arma 3 configs (I used the armed boat class) the ship would sink to the bottom of the ocean. But if I were to put it on land it would stay. I haven't been able to figure out what I'm doing wrong on my config. BUT When I use my Arma2 mod folder, the ship works perfectly fine, it can move, the water effects and everything else works. lastly, that's a nice looking ship. Good luck on the config part, you discover a lot of things when you do trial and error (I know I have).
  5. takealready

    Advanced Cockpit Interaction

    I'm shocked at what I just saw.
  6. takealready

    Disapointed with the full release content

    Where's the like button? I agree 100%.
  7. For the proxy of my pilots I just put "pilot" and for the Gunner Proxy I just put "gunner". The pilot proxy works just fine (they are in the correct position), but the gunner proxy doesn't work at all. Here is a screenshot. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ulYyXlD_Wng/UWAw1TYpcJI/AAAAAAAAAxs/xlfKf-vzs3Y/s800/example.JPG
  8. takealready

    Arma 3 SeaLife Project

    This is very promising. I'm so captivated by how beautiful the underwater is on ARMA 3, that I'm tempted to have so many missions at sea. Maybe someone will make a Naval combat MOD. Since we've all been waiting for more Naval combat since the days of Flashpoint.
  9. You can try these links: Link1 Link 2 maybe that'll help
  10. takealready

    Dslyecxi's 'Paper doll' Gear Menu

    Thank you so much for this. I literally shed a tear of joy when I was able to export the loadout to a text file. You're the man.
  11. takealready

    .psd templates [NATO]

    Thank you. I was just about to start working on a retuxture today. Thank you so much.
  12. Thank you everyone I was just tearing up the internet looking for the prroxy names.
  13. Thank you for the beautiful multicam pattern.
  14. I agree, that's the first thing I thought about when I saw this (how it's just like VBS2).
  15. takealready

    COWarMod Release

    Thank you so much for working so hard to keep this excellent mod so current.
  16. takealready

    COWarMod Release

    I Figured out (after a week) how to stop your Grenadiers guns from switching to an MA16a2. All you have to do is: 1. Remove any file starts with "tbr" from the @COWarMod addons folder 2. Remove tbr from the user config folder 3. Remove the fnc_muzzlevelocity from the addons folder. 4. Remove fnc_ballistics and fnc_muzzlevelocity folders from the userconfig folder. Attached is a screenshot of my recycle bin (I'm using Windows 7). You can see what exactly to delete from the @COWarMod addons folder and from the userconfig because what is in my recycle bin should be in your recycle bin. Happy playing :bounce3:
  17. takealready

    COWarMod Release

    I removed it and all of my Grenadiers still had a M16a2. Thanks for the help, I guess some other addon with this mod triggers the change.
  18. takealready

    COWarMod Release

    I still can't get any weapon to appear with my grenadiers. Instead the M16A2 appears every time. I did with editing the muzzlevelocity_weapons.hpp Here is a screenshot of how my hpp looks. I'm using the RH 416pack. Thank you for your help in advance. I tried to see if switching the M16a2 to a M4 would work. But even that does't work. What I want to do is have my solders use the RH416 pack of weapons. Thank you in advance.
  19. I literally shed a tear when I saw this on Armaholics front page . Please excuse me guys I'm a little to overwhelmed to keep typing.
  20. Some of these may have already been mentioned, other may not. Here I go... Fast Roping HALO jumping Parachuting Standing within a moving Plane/Helicopter Shooting from Helicopter door AI that can drive better on land AI that can pilot better in their air Two or more turrets on wheeled vehicles (this for example) Mid Air refueling Different walking animations for a holstered/upholstered sidearm (especially if it's your only weapon as if you were doing a protection detail) Enter/Exit vehicle animations that do not "skip" Carry two primary weapons or two secondary weapons Chaffs & Flairs More Air to Air Combat More Sea based combat AI can land/take from Aircraft Carrier Faster Insertions/Extractions when AI is driving/Piloting Vehicle towing another Vehicle Lifting/Slinging items to Helicopters Better Wounded Animations & side effect Ability to carry Medical Equipment (IV, gauges, morphine, etc..) Various attachments for Riffles, Handguns & Sniper Riffles These are some of the things I'd like to see Standard on Arma3
  21. takealready

    Working LHD Elevator

    wow why wasn't this added onto the game by the developers?
  22. takealready


    It's strange for me too. I have an Intel P8400 Link to spec sheet everything loads faster. I still haven't updated my nvidia drivers (I'm still using 275.33 for Win7 x64). My gaming Laptop is a Gateway P-7805u (with the 1440x900 screen and a 9800m GTS GPU).
  23. takealready


    Amazing how I've been playing this game since 2009 and just now I find out about this. On my Gateway p7805u FX gaming laptop p8400 2.26ghz dual core/ 9800m GTS (at stock speeds): before using -exThreads=3 -cpucount=2 fps on bechmark 1 = 25 after using -exThreads=3 -cpucount=2 fps on bechmark 1 = 32 :bounce3::eek::D I've noticed that the missions I've created (especially my largest one, which is a beach landing assault) loads much faster. Their is also no stuttering or a long pause when I'm driving quickly through a map in a car. I haven't tried this out on my gaming desktop (AMD 940 Black edition 3.0ghz + 8600 GTS SLI), :mad: it's still in storage. anyway...thank you for this. I'm not feeling brave enough to test it out with other "-exThreads=" settings.
  24. I don't know if this is even possible,... Is there a way to have a random weapon script within a units: class EventHandlers { }; section of the config.cpp? I've found some random weapon scripts from arma 1(none that I can get to work properly within arma2), that I have to put in the "init" of a unit. I'm tired of having to put the script in the "init" of my units. Thank you for your help in advance.