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Everything posted by telejunky

  1. Gryphon project is still active and Snakeshit is quickly learning the uv mapping stuff :) First alpha is targeted until end of december.
  2. telejunky

    Arma 2 Community Issue Tracker

    So here is another CTD. My friend radde can play ArmA2 Singleplayer like hell but when he wants to play MP the game crashes to desktop. This happens when receiving data,in the lobby and sometimes he can play for a minute. Unfortunately after those crashes he has only a restricted connectivity. So he has to reboot to regain acces to the internet. His files: http://arma2base.de/content/download/raddectd.rar Drivers are all updated. Rest of his system: Vista 64 Ultimate 6Gb RAM Intel E8400 3Ghz Geforce GTX 285 191.07 We tried -winxp and -maxmem=2048 and this settings also with the newest betapatch. Anyone an idea? Thanks :)
  3. Grrr... yesterday playing a good PvP I wanted to change my seat next to the pilot - the observer position. But then the UH1Y kicked me out for no reason, I mean there was no one sitting there...and it kicked me out without a parachute!!! :mad: This made me sad.
  4. try it with vram and texture detail on normal with 512mb ram. The issue seems to be less often/ none. I have tried it for 10-20 minutes and did not see any polygons at chernogorsk at 4850 512MB and arma 2 1.04 and ccc 9.9. maybe they will appear on longer playtime...
  5. telejunky

    Report: HD5870 & ArmA 2

    in general you are right, but i think a 5850 will improve my system as well. The 4850 has to fight with large Battles, dense gras and antialiasing together with my PII 945. But you are right. I would also like to have a faster cpu but my mobo only supports 95W cpus and i already spent too much money on my machine^^I hope a future Patch will unleash the power of our systems :) *hope cough*
  6. telejunky

    Namalsk island, v1.10

    Can someone please upload part 2 to rapidshare? The uloz site does not work for me...typed 10 times the captcha and "stanhout free" but nothing happens :(
  7. Yeah but we will see if all server are running the ArmA2-Stuff as an addon. I doubt it. So there could be two serverlists...
  8. Anyone knows if the greypolygon bug ( ) is still happening with HD 5800 Series?Tested right now if there is a change to ccc 9.9 -> chernogorsk still unplayable :( Whose fault?
  9. telejunky

    Patch 1.05 suggestions

    Seperate right mouse click option (inanftry/vehicle/air): So that i can use right click as infantry to view the ironsight and e.g. as tankgunner <only> to flag enemy tanks (and not to change the view...)
  10. telejunky

    Namalsk crisis

    Looking forward to the release :) I wrote a long news of your work! > click (german)<
  11. Is is definately cpu related. The more faster cpu you get the more min fps you will play with. Even on lowest setting i only get 28-30 fps in singleplayer missions (e.g. the first on utes). And this with a Phenom II X4 945 with 3ghz. You better get a fast intel core i5 or i7, or oc a Q9650 or the fastest X4 965 and even overclock this. ArmA 2 is very demanding ;)
  12. telejunky

    Finaly we have a gpu for arma 2

    Should one wait until the 2gb editions hit the shelves? I hope that this could fix the engine problem managing the vram... But i wait until the gt300 is out so the 5870 will cost what a student can afford :D
  13. @InFireBaptize Emm yeah, if there are no polygons struggling my view I get good performance up to 60 fps on the field an 30 on the woods. If I enter F-L-U-S-H then it reappears in 2-4 minutes. There is also the problem that not every server is accepting addons. But i will give it a try by time: PROPER - Vegetation Tweak Visuals As mention before i should better learn for my exam in thermodynamics (3hours *gnarf*) instead of testing everything :) I hope you understand. But thanks everyone for the help!
  14. So here I am again, thanks drew for your help, but look yourself: with viedeomemory and texture detail to low : no mindblowing polygons vm to normal and td to low, same as vm to very high and td to low. tried every setting, only videomemory to low makes it not appear. But do you know how arma 2 looks like? I don't bought a phenom II for 150 and a HD 4850 for 120€ to play a game that way... I really hope that BIS is gonna fix this like they did with ArmA 1. the bugs: first some houses are disappearing, but fire lod (?) is still there so you can crash into them. Mostly at the same time the ground texture is disappearing too and lol as i fly away it is disappearing 400m in front of my Ka52. Other bug seen: started right out of the editor but i missed the ka :D http://arma2base.de/content/images/whereka52.jpg
  15. Hell yeah i already posted a lot of photos on the thread, but now I want to submit my great experience around chernogorsk :D Yet I know the FLUSH command helps as much as AL+TAB to windows and back. But this is only for some minutes. There are no temperature problems (proved with fans on 100%) and there is no overclocking. Sometimes there are those polygons related to buildings (maybe bad LOD or something) so only the outside view of the chopper is affected. But there are also polygons all over the screens. Don't forget to mention houses disappearing and parts of the landscape disappear. System XP Prof 32 (was installed new for ArmA 2) Phenom II X4 945 ATI HD 4850 with 512MB Cat 9.8 4 GB DDR2 800Mhz and WD 640AACS I own a legal copy of ArmA 2 so what... <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKv45U2xXeE&hl=de&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKv45U2xXeE&hl=de&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> :D meanwhile I could laugh about it a bit, but this is disturbing the gameplay at the south of chernarus... Edit: mep...patch 1.04 and no nodvd crack. I play with original DVD! So I don't think it is related to fade or so I tried default, low and normal i give it a try with high :D But my 4850 only has 512mb... Edit2: Only lowering the videomemory to low and texture detail to very low seems to help to get rid of this bug, but then arma 2 looks with its flat trees and blurry houses even worse than ArmA and Operation Flashpoint
  16. Oh it is the same issue like i got with my ATI 4850. Look here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73235&page=67 I think you are using win 7 with 64bit, right? In the ATI Thread people were experiencing less or none of those artifact instead of 32bit OSs..mmh
  17. Hi Skaircro No problem :) But you got an AM2 board. Mmh But i remember that the Phenom I was bad comparing performance/watt. I would rather say that you buy an AM2+ Board and an AM3 Cpu like the Phenom II 945 (TDP only 95W). Then you don't have to buy new RAM. For Example: My mATX MSI K9A2VM-F2 cost only 50€. And thanks to AMD that AM3 Phenoms are working on both Am2+ and Am3 boards, it held its value very good in future and the performance is the needed for ArmA2. If you sell your mainboard on ebay you will only pay 25€ in the end for a new mainboard :)
  18. telejunky

    Reflector sights?

    @Alex72 This is the thing i posted on page 2. I did not use any headtracking device this moment. But in clan training we make trainings and challenges, e.g. having to shoot down 20 targets at different times (less time for rising prestige). So i had 22 seconds but if you think you aim correct and then the bullets go anywhere, its horrible Then it would be better to have no red dot and aim with the bead sight of the M4...
  19. telejunky

    New patch 1.04

    DL Mirror by arma2base.de Have fun :) http://arma2base.de/include.php?path=download&contentid=803
  20. telejunky

    Reflector sights?

    @Maximus_G Yeah the crosshair got the same function but it does not disappear outside the scope...And mostly I am playing on server which disabled the crosshair ;)
  21. So what would you recommend? I already downloaded win 7 prof 32bit and 64bit via msdnaa of my university. Should i install 64 because there are no driver issues anymore? But i feel sorry that none official answered if this is ati related or just a bug of the engine :(
  22. @anessen and Skaircro Your graphicscards are very old and low to performance. I remember my X1950Pro was on the same level but even for ArmA 1 it was not enough to play in full detail. First try to upgrade to a new graphics card. I am using a HD 4850 which costs only 70€. So there are cards which does not cost much and are capable of Arma 2 :)
  23. telejunky

    Reflector sights?

    Yep they say that they simply can't do it because it is an engine limitation and it seems that BIS don't know a work around. But this stiff dot combined with fidgety animation makes it impossible to aim. Playing a training with my clan, first i had aimed correctly but i did not hit the target until i remembered that there is no realistic sight. :(
  24. The Phenom II Series is really great at other games, but in ArmA 2 it is not enough power for the singleplayer. I play the first mission on utes and get only ~28fps with my phenom II X4 945 3Ghz and my HD 4850. I even lowered the graphicssettings but it stayed at 28fps. Maybe you try to overclock your cpu? Running your Athlon II at 3.7 Ghz would be great for ArmA 2, but this would be overkill for this cpu... But regarding the issue with a better gfxcard and lower fps... does the new card only have only 512MB of video ram and the latter 1gb?
  25. I am using Win XP 32bit...interesting