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About st3a1th

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal


  • Interests
    Arma 2
  • Occupation
    Assistant Manager
  1. Hello hope this helps This is what I got from support ticket:-However I fixed by uninstalling my 32bit operating system and installing 64 ​please try clean reinstallation of Arma 3: 1. Uninstall the game. 2. Make a backup of Arma 3 folder in Documents. 3. Delete both Arma 3 folders in Documents and Steam: \Users\*YOUR USERNAME*\Documents\Arma 3 \Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 4. Reboot your PC. 5. Run Steam as Admin, download the game. 6. Try to run Arma 3 (without mods). This should fix your issue.
  2. st3a1th

    Memory could not be written Crash

    This is what I got from support ticket:-However I fixed by uninstalling my 32bit operating system and installing 64 ​please try clean reinstallation of Arma 3: 1. Uninstall the game. 2. Make a backup of Arma 3 folder in Documents. 3. Delete both Arma 3 folders in Documents and Steam: \Users\*YOUR USERNAME*\Documents\Arma 3 \Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3 4. Reboot your PC. 5. Run Steam as Admin, download the game. 6. Try to run Arma 3 (without mods). This should fix your issue.
  3. I've not heard of that one
  4. Sounds like you've done the same as I then, I also done a memory test to check my memory and that's all working. :( I'm now going to try the dev build if that don't work I will try and install it without eden
  5. Hello I have same issue any luck fixing it yet ?
  6. st3a1th

    Memory could not be written Crash

    hello I have same issue any luck fixing it ?
  7. No mods and I have verified the integrity yes.
  8. Hello I keep getting a sudden drop in FPS, memory can not be written message and the game crashes. The Instruction at xxxxxxxxxx be forced memory at xxxxxxxxxxxx memory could not be written. I also get onf of those message to say I missing a file while playing the campaign. Though I have reinstalled and verified all files I have steam version AMD Phenom II x4 965 3.4g Processor 4gb Ram 32bit operating system GeForce GTX 960 4gb graphic card 500gb SDD Hard drive Windows 8.1 I have done a memory test and memory is ok, I have also do a scan disk etc and all is fine Thanks
  9. When a plan crashes on runway or ground you get a graphic effect of mud and rocks is their a script to remove this
  10. Hello I am trying to Multiple add actions to set a task to complete. So far in the unit I have removeAllWeapons this; this disableai "MOVE"; this disableAI "ANIM"; this switchmove "CtsDoktor_Doktor_idleni1"; this setpos [getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1,3.6]; restrain2 = this addaction ["SECURE HOSTAGE","wolfpack2.sqf"]; I have 4 units named team1, team2, team3, team4 in the .sqf i have the following script _man = _this select 0; _man removeaction restrain2; _man removeaction restrain3; _man removeaction restrain4; _man removeaction restrain5; _man switchmove "ActsPercMstpSnonWunaDnon_sceneNikitinDisloyalty_Miles"; _man enableai "MOVE"; _man enableai "ANIM"; task9 = true; publicvariable "task9"; hint "Wolfpack Team Free"; MAG_tskObj9 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; I want to make it so all 4 add actions have to be activated before the task succeeds. Anyone know how to do this ?
  11. Anyone know what command to put it to delete a vehice and crew when they are in a trigger area ?
  12. Anyone know of a script that will count kills for each side and display a kill counter for each side
  13. I am trying to attach a empty vehicle to this trigger in a waypoint script so when it is present it will switch. I have named the vehicle in game to veh1 and now trying to associate it with the trigger. Below is the code I am currently using anyone have any ideals ? _trg0 = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getmarkerpos"trig1"]; _trg0 setTriggerActivation ["Vehicle", "PRESENT", true] _trg0 setTriggerArea[50, 50, 0, false]; _trg0 triggerAttachVehicle "_veh1"; _trg0 setTriggerType "SWITCH"; _trg0 synchronizeTrigger [_waypoint1];